Chapter 543: Unstoppable (1/2)

Chapter 543: Unstoppable

Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_

As the battle drew out, the soldiers started to show signs of exhaustion. Although the Zergs had sustained heavy casualties, their corpses piled up at the choke point, forming an access bridge that threatened the defenders. After some time, even Vorenus and the Templar warriors started to slow down. However mighty they were, their vigor and endurance were limited. Meanwhile, the soldiers from the Battle Wolf were on the verge of collapsing. However, they didn't waver and formed a wall using their bodies to protect the casters behind them.

The casters were in no better shape. Despite the help from the Divine Light spell, the casters had overspent their energy on four hybrid elemental spells. As fatigue crept into their system, hallucinations and delusions followed suit. As the leader of the casters, Guan Dongyang's consumption of energy was the most severe of them all, and he knew that he was close to his limits.

The field medics ran around the camp behind the front line, tiredness and stress written all over their pale faces. They were the best of the best as field medics; however, treating wounds at such a magnitude was nothing like what they were used to. That being said, under the leadership of Xiao Yuyu, the sect medics had saved many lives. Without their help, at least half of the wounded warriors would have died.

If Yin Tianzong were tired, he didn't wear it on his face. Vorenus admired his state of calmness, which was the sign of a true legendary veteran. The Zergs followed their codes strictly and pursued the strongest human warrior on the battlefield as the priority target. Therefore, Yin Tianzong had fought with more Zergs than all the other warriors combined. At the center of the Zergs' attention, he soaked up most of the damage for the rest of the human warriors.

But, no matter how powerful Yin Tianzong was, Vorenus knew that they all would not last until the next dawn.

”Medics of the Divine Mastery Sect, listen to my words! This is the moment of life and death. Let us die in the name of the Divine Way and lift our soul up to join our Divine Master. It is a good day to die! FOR HONOR” Xiao Yuyu shouted at the top of her lungs and led her fellow medics to the front line. There was no point in healing the wounded if the camp was over overwhelmed.

Lun Duo, Tan Bu, and Ross were the only few who were still struggling to push the Zergs back, while the rest of their teammates were cornered, fumbling to defend themselves.

A few mastery casters rushed to the front line to save a group of soldiers from the Zerg. They threw ice spears at the Zergs one after another, but how much more energy did they still have left in them?

Following Xiao Yuyu, Ye Zi also charged into the battle. She had exhausted her soul energy on healing soldiers, but still didn't hesitate when she heard the Chief Medic's calling.

The Divine Mastery Sect had always been the protector of the humans on Mars even since its conception. It was more than their duty as sect members to fight for Mars; it was their dogma. To ignore the calling was apostasy.

'Ice Spear Blizzard!'

As soon as Xiao Yuyu arrived at the battlefield, she unleashed a level nineteen mastery spell. As a hundred or so ice spears shot out from around her, color and life drained from her face. The spell killed many Zergs, but it caused merely a ripple in the sea of darkness.

Seeing the human soldiers being overwhelmed, Yin Tianzong let out a sigh of resignation. 'This is it.' He thought, 'This is the day for me to die.'

”Warriors of the Templars…Follow me! Charge!”

Before Yin Tianzong's voice faded, the longsword in his hand split into two as the veteran wielded them in one hand each. This would be the last charge of the battle, and the last charge of his life.

The dark one had sensed the incoming attack and unleashed the Kamikaze Zergs. While Yin Tianzong was busy dodging the suicide bombs, a dark shadow landed behind him. It was the Zerg lord, Kun; he had decided that it was finally the time to show himself.

Once he had done away with this level twenty-one human soldier, the rest of the human force would not last long.

Even when his life was hanging on by a thread, Yin Tianzong didn't lose his composure and acted with a great measure of assuredness. He turned around swiftly like a panther and attacked Kun with a backhanded sweep of his blade while he was still in the air.


The attack hit home and made Kun stagger. However, as soon as Yin Tianzong landed on the ground, the Zergs swarmed at him without giving him much time to gather himself.

Sensing their leader being in grave danger, the templar warriors rushed to save him. By this time, Kun had also regained balance, charging at the Templars.

”You shall not pass… BREAK!”

A booming voice rippled across the city, every syllable containing a god-like power. The sound carried a magic that slowed everyone's movements as if the time itself had stopped to listen to his words.

Kun's bone dagger was only a few inches away from Yin Tianzong's spine, inching toward its target at a snail's pace.

A figure appeared above Kun and kicked the bone dagger to a side. Kun was a level twenty-one dark one, and therefore, he was the only one who could still move while under the influence of the time-slowing spell. Yin Tianzong, on the other hand, was slowed down by the fatigue and injuries.