Chapter 477: The Secrets Of Mastery (1/2)
Chapter 477: The Secrets Of Mastery
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_
”Yeah, I am interested.” Wang Tong cracked a smile.
”Is that confidence I just sensed in you? Hehe. Yes, the Divine Master Sect provides such training, and most low-level mastery casters graduate from their school. Although the mastery might seem easy at the beginning, it is tough to level up once you have learned the basics, much more difficult than METAL combat at least. To tell you a secret…” Ye Zi covered her mouth and spoke under her breath. ”Even Guan Dongyang was considered low-level mastery compared to Michaux. Luckily, you can combine mastery casters' powers to achieve more significant damage. ”
Wang Tong nodded and asked, ”Which type of mastery is the most wildly used nowadays?”
Ye Zi knew right away that Wang Tong was not an ordinary mechanic, or perhaps not a mechanic at all. She answered carefully, ”The fire element, because it can deliver the greatest damage.”
”Hehe, don't fool me. If I were Michaux, I would focus on the ice element.” Wang Tong refuted.
At this point, Ye Zi could no longer hold on to her calm appearance. Her master had told her that there was an elite group within the Sect who focused solely on ice element. She had accidentally overheard the Divine Master himself state his suspicion that the red glob had an icy core inside.
But all those were strictly top secrets, and even Guan Dongyang's mastery had used fire element. How did Furface come to such a conclusion?
A question rang loud and clear in Ye Zi's mind, 'Who is he?'
He called himself Wang Tong, a name that Ye Zi had never heard of; it had to be fake. Ye Zi studied Wang Tong from head to toe, and other than pity, she couldn't feel anything else.
Ye Zi gathered herself and cracked a smile, ”I'm... too busy lately. We should practice Mastery together once I have some time. ”
Wang Tong smiled and then nodded, his eyes still fixated on Guan Dongyang. Guan Dongyang was about to finish his inspirational speech that had lit up everyone's spirit.
There was something in the younger generation of warriors that the older generation such as Marcos had lacked. That very something was everywhere around the camp; it was in their altruistic ideology, their passion for achieving greatness, and the ever-burning desire to save humanity. To these young warriors, the personal gain was not the top priority. It was the common good that they cared about the most.
The tournament was scheduled in three days, but Guan Dongyang didn't let the challenge get the better of him, and he carried out the daily routine around the camp as usual. One such routine was drilling with the Mastery casters. Group mastery required coordination, and therefore, practice and constant drilling were necessary. The benefit of training in a group was profound to an individual's cultivation, since it made it much easier for each caster to tap into the natural energy around them. The Mastery was a relatively new field, and therefore, the cultivators could often encounter pleasant surprises during experiments from time to time. The same could not be said about METAL combat, since the techniques were very well established.
As soon as Guan Dongyang discovered the surprising benefit of group cultivation, he had ordered his mastery casters to practice together every day. After each day's group practice, Guan Dongyang also took a few minutes to offer his precious advice. During that time, not only did the mastery casters gather around him, but the METAL fighters would also listen attentively to see if there was anything useful for them.
Mixing mastery and METAL combat was what Guan Dongyang had always encouraged. Mastery could help METAL warriors advance in their cultivation, and mastery casters could also benefit from the robust physique on the battlefield.
Even Ye Zi attended the session and took notes from time to time. Although she had received training from the Divine Masters, she found that she could learn a great deal from Guan Dongyang's unique and battle-hardened mastery style.
Wang Tong nodded as he listened to Guan Dongyang's class. Guan Dongyang had divided mastery techniques into different difficulty levels, and encouraged the new students to start from the easier ones. This division was considered to be an ingenious creation by almost everyone, but Wang Tong had immediately noticed more than a dozen defects in the theory. In Guan Dongyang's system, the highest level of mastery consisted only of two offensive moves: fireball and fire drake. Both were the most rudimentary forms of mastery in Wang Tong's opinion.
If it were five years ago, Wang Tong would have shouted out his thoughts without considering the consequences. But, the new Wang Tong was no longer the brash teenager, and he had started to appreciate the value of taking things slowly.
One merit that Wang Tong found in the Battle Wolf's mastery casters was their solid foundation and strict discipline.
After Guan Dongyang finished his class, some of his students kept their silence and summarized the class in their minds, and some were discussing about what they had learned with their friends.