Chapter 465: METAL Mechanic (1/2)
Chapter 465: METAL Mechanic
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_
”Boss, Oh... Ah... Everyone is here.” When Tan Bu and Lun Duo stormed into the meeting room, they found out that all the top fighters of the Battle Wolf were in the room with Guan Dongyang.
”What's the hurry?” After five years of fighting an uphill battle, Guan Dongyang had matured into a calm and imposing commander. As one of the top warriors on Mars, Guan Dongyang had made a name for himself thanks to his powerful Mastery.
”Boss, Duo Lun had saved a METAL mechanic out here in the wasteland, a furry-faced dude. He fixed half of our damaged METAL suits. I have tried them on myself, and they work!” Tan Bu announced excitingly.
”Really? I have never heard of such talent before.” Pen Bo said incredulously. He never liked the carelessness in Tan Bu.
”It's true! Zi Ye has seen it as well. I say, why don't we do the Blaze Company a favor and help them fix their METAL? Maybe, they won't be so disgruntled about us taking the lead position during the assault.”
Guan Dongyang exchanged a glance with the other leaders and said calmly, ”OK, I will deal with it later. You can leave now.”
Duo Lun and Tan Bu nodded and left the room. They were grateful for this opportunity of being the bearer of great news. However, Guan Dongyang was not as excited about this news as the other two had expected. A little favor such as fixing the METAL would not be enough to quell the other factions' thirst for power. In addition, he doubted that one mechanic would be able to take care of all the damaged METAL suits. Nonetheless, the news brought some comfort to him: a capable mechanic was never a bad thing.
”I have heard that Michaux has made another huge advancement in his cultivation. This time, he did it solely with soul energy.” Pen Bo announced. Although Pen Bo was older than Guang Dongyang, he was not as talented as the young warrior.
”We owe our existence to the Divine Master Sect. We should be grateful.”
”Touché! What a talented mastery warrior, that one! It would be hard pressed to find anyone more powerful than him in the recent hundred years.” Pen Bo exclaimed.
Guan Dongyang shook his head. He used to know someone who was much more powerful than Michaux. If that person was still alive, this war might not be a lost cause like it had been for the past five years.
Patroclus didn't give the human a chance. Eliminating his only worthy challenger was the first thing that Patroclus had done after the Zergs tainted him. Although the Templar's court was still struggling against Patroclus' rein on the Earth, without the heir of the Blade Warrior, their demise was only a matter of time.
Guan Dongyang shook his head and reminded himself that his priority right then was not to save the world, but to save himself and his band of warriors.
Wang Tong stared at his face in the mirror and let out self-pitying laughter. He had decided to let the beard grow and wear it as a reminder of what had happened.
”Bang Bang Bang!”
”Come in!”
Ye Zi walked into Wang Tong's room, holding a stack of folded clothes. ”These are your clothes. Come to join us in the dining room when you are ready.”
”Do I need to pay for food?”
Ye Zi covered her mouth to suppress a snicker, ”Money is useless unless you are in the House Lie's territory. Speaking of which, let me know if you are heading there. I think I can help.”
Wang Tong shook his head and said, ”Nah. Thanks anyways. But, I would like to know the situation on Mars if you have the time to indulge me. I don't know how to put it...You see, I think I have lost my memory.”
Ye Zi studied Wang Tong's slightly crumbled face and felt sorry for him. ”Of course, I can help.”
Ye Zi was born on Mars, and therefore, she had the Martian's typical candor. Even years of Mastery cultivation couldn't mask her eagerness to help. Ye Zi was also caught off guard by her urge to help the boy who she had just met a new hours ago.
Ye Zi started to introduce the situation to Wang Tong as the latter listened attentively.
In a nutshell, the condition on Mars was dire. Although the human resistance had gained control in a few cities, which was a considerable improvement, it came at the cost of the Divine Master's life. The Dark Lord was not dead, and Mars would return to chaos as soon as the Zerg Lord had gathered his strength.