Chapter 382: Gloves Are Off (1/2)

Chapter 382: Gloves Are Off

Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_

Lie Jian stared at Wang Tong for a second and conceded that he was a bit too late to join the harem game. Therefore, he found a random excuse and left Li Ruoer's room.

The two girls laughed out loud as soon as Lie Jian walked away. Wang Tong wiped away the sweat from his forehead and marveled at the two girls' courage to refuse Lie Jian.

”Don't fret! You are Xiaoru's precious babe. I won't snatch you away from her.”

”Whatever! If you want him, I can offer you half of him.”

”I'm afraid someone is not going to protest that. Haha! Hey Wang Tong, don't just stand there and do nothing. Do you mind peeling an orange for me? Haha!”

The laughter of the two girls erupted from the room. Although Wang Tong had no idea what was on LI Ruoer's mind, he was certain that she no longer meant any harm to him.

Meanwhile, the fight of the fifth section was about to start.

It was a fight between Michaux Odin and Ye Kai from the Templar's Court. Ye Kai's Gentleman's sword skill had impressed everyone when he used it for the first time, and therefore, everyone anticipated an excellent performance from him. As for the young master of the Divine Master sect, so far, no one was certain of his exact power. However, Ye Kai had prepared himself well, and had since improved his defense against soul energy attacks.

As soon as the match started, Ye Kai started the attack with abandon, wishing to finish the fight in one strike. It was obvious that he did not want to engage in a prolonged fight.

The tension on the stage kept the fellow inner court disciples on the edge of their seats. To prepare Ye Kai for the fight, they had cast a protective shield on him to help him fend off Michaux's soul energy attack.

This protective layer would give him an edge during the heat of the battle if Michaux chose to deploy his soul-energy focused tactics.

Michaux used the same tactics as before, as he crossed his hands while quietly staring at the incoming attack and then he shouted out, ”Break!”

Suddenly, Ye Kai stopped in his tracks as a gush of blood squirted out of his mouth. As if struck by an invincible force, Ye Kai's body was thrown into the air before thudding heavily back to the ground.

Silence fell into the arena.

Even the inner court disciples were shocked by the development, as they watched how ineffective the protective shield was. However powerful Ye Kai the Gentlemen was, he was finished under one second by Michaux.

Slowly, Michaux bowed to the audience as if he had just finished a routine exercise.

Although Martians were familiar with Michaux's power, many Earthlings and Ivantians had doubts in their mind regarding his real power before the fight. However, after the fight, those doubts were all gone. Ye Kai didn't even get a chance to zero in on him.

Inside Li Ruoer's room, as Wang Tong and the two girls marveled at how quickly the fight had finished, they all found it hard to grasp the technique Michaux had used. Li Ruoer could tell that Michaux had used soul energy attack, since it was similar to the attacks of the Enchantress. However, she couldn't explain why even the well prepared Templar had failed to defend against the straightforward soul energy attack, considering that the Templars were well known for their soul energy damage resistance.

Michaux Odin had entered the quarter-finals without any difficulties.

In the sixth section, the Heir of the Wind-Cloud kick, Turbolix, was about to fight against Heidi, the Kaedeian Princess. Although the Wind-Cloud kick was a renowned tactic in the confederation, Turbolix had lost the battle to Heidi. After-all, Turbolix's power was at par with Wang Ben at most.

After the fight, Heidi had also entered the quarter-final.

In the seventh section, Thunder Blade Lee Xin fought against the Dark Witch Wu Ma.