Chapter 378: One Simple Punch (1/2)

Chapter 378: One Simple Punch

Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_

Lie Jian wanted to give Wang Ben more pressure, since he was concerned that the latter would eventually be able to overcome the fire poison. As the belligerent punch almost reached Wang Ben, Lie Jian folded the energy like folding a piece of cloth, and completely changed its property.

”Palm of the Fire Cloud!”

Lie Jian was well versed in many techniques in addition to the tactics of the Blaze Thanks to his solid foundation that he built using the Tactics of the Blaze, Lie Jian was able to master any tactics that he later practiced.

Wang Ben took a deep breath and shouted as he punched back at his opponent. It was common knowledge that the softer energy inside the Fire Cloud Fist was the bane for overbearing forces such as that of Fist of the Racing Tiger.

Although Fist of the Racing tiger was a powerful tactics, Wang Ben had yet to know how to use it to counter soft energies.

After a few rounds of attacks, Lie Jian seemed to have gained the upper hand just like everyone expected. A few moments later, Wang Ben was hit squarely in the chest.

Wang Ben stumbled back as blood spilled out of his mouth; he swallowed the rest of it down, along with the pain.

Finally, Wang Ben had tasted the power of the Magnificent Five.

Standing in front of him, Lie Jian looked haughty as ever; his power was undisputed.

Meanwhile on the Earth…

Wang Ben's mother was worried about the safety of her child. Although she knew that as a soldier's mother, she should have expected this, she found it difficult to watch her son being beaten up in front of her. What made her angrier was that her husband was not even watching their son's fight with her. His excuse: too busy.

Looking at the conceit on Lie Jian's face, Wang Ben smiled as he freed all the GN forced that he had used to keep the fire poison in check. As the GN power surged inside his system, so did the fire poison. Pain shot through Wang Ben's body. However, he contorted his face and managed to bear the pain inside with his iron will.

Lie Jian was impressed by Wang Ben's perseverance; he didn't attack right away. Instead, he waited patiently for his opponent to drop to the ground as the fire poison slowly went out of control.

Wang Ben had overlooked the power of the fire poison. In a few moments, the poison had reached Wang Ben's sea of consciousness, and was wreaking havoc inside.

The pain aside, Wang Ben felt his body starting to spasm; he was gradually losing control of his muscles.

Students from the Ayrlarng were unnerved by the development. Although Wang Ben had betrayed them once, they had been friends after-all.

”What the hell are you doing? Don't get defeated by that Lie-Lame-Jian! F*ck him! I have been playing fire ever since I was a kid!”

A loud voice rang among the quiet students from Ayrlarng; it was Karl. No one knew when he had sneaked into the arena, but his unsavory comments had drawn many dirty looks from the Martian audiences.

”F*ck it! Finish this douchebag! I forgive you!”

Karl shouted at the top of his lungs while waving his fists in the air. Lie Jian threw a sidelong glance towards the noise, but didn't bother to find out who the heckler was.

”Do you know him, this low-life garbage?” Lie Jian asked.

”What kind of garbage are you?” Wang Ben said as he struggled to pick himself up off the ground.

”Ah-ha, you can still talk? How impressive! Are you going to surrender or you want me to make it easier for you?”

”We are not done yet!”

By then, Wang Ben had gained full control of his body, and the spasm had disappeared; even the fire poison seemed to have faded away.