Chapter 355: Look Down on The Templars (1/2)

Chapter 355: Look Down on The Templars

Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_

Wang Tong and Karl's feeling was shared among the audience. They came into the arena already with prejudice against the covert Mastery sects, and Han Linu's defeat seemed to have lent credence towards their bias.

Head lowered, Han Linu walked off the stage; it was an embarrassing fight indeed. He was quickly surrounded by his fellow sect members and was bombarded with questions. The sect members were well aware of Han Linu's strength, and they had never thought that he would be trounced. One thing they were certain was that Han Linu's defeat was not because of a slip-up, but rather due to the extraordinary opponent.

The outcome of the match had taken the wind out of the Lunar Mastery's sail, as the members of the sect plodded out of the arena, faces reddened with anger and shame. Should their opponent be any famous fighter, such as Patroclus or Michaux, the defeat would be much less humiliating.

Nevertheless, a defeat was a defeat. However, there was still a silver lining for the Lunar Mastery sect, since Han Linu still had two more matches to prove himself.

Wang Tong had won the match, and that was something worth celebrating for the Ayrlarng's students.

Hu Yangxuan pulled Wang Tong aside and asked, ”How did you do it?”

”Do what?”

”Don't pretend you don't know what I am talking about. How did you break the Mastery's spell?”

Wang Tong cracked a smile and conceded that he could not beguile Hu Yangxuan, the former Templar disciple. ”It's nothing new, just a different way of controlling soul energy. My soul energy happened to be particularly effective in breaking the Mastery's spells.” Wang Tong had spoken the truth, since there weren't any sophisticated techniques used during the fight.

Hu Yangxuan nodded, and he knew Wang Tong was telling him the truth. From the battle, he could tell that Wang Tong's moves were very straightforward and lacked finesse. Plus, everyone at Ayrlarng knew that Wang Tong's soul energy was extraordinary, so Wang Tong's claim about his soul energy's effectiveness against spells was not unthinkable.

Although the web-like soul energy—an inborn attribute of a fighter— had made Han Linu an extremely powerful caster, Wang Tong, on the other hand, was even more powerful.

”Wang Tong, I'm glad you can teach these pricks a lesson about never looking down on grass-root fighters!” Hu Yangxuan announced, his filled with resentment. Ever since he had met his inner court brothers, Hu Yangxuan seemed to carry a chip on his shoulder constantly.

Hu Yangxuan's second match went smoothly, and his opponent was also a fellow court brother from the moon.

Despite the Ivantian's futile resistance, Ha Yangxuan had achieved a decisive victory. It was evident that his strength and skills were much superior to his fellow court brother. Not only had Hu Yangxuan improved his fighting skills during his boot-camp training under Ma Sa, but the excruciating sparing with Wang Tong had also significantly toughened his will.

Although Ayrlarng had lost one of three contestants, the other two fighters were already on their way towards the final playoff matches.

Bernabeu and Ayrlarng were sister schools, and therefore, they both followed each other's match results closely. So far, there were only Apache and Cao Yi who remained in the game, although Cao Yi had already lost one round.

Apache, on the other hand, had improved his skills significantly ever since he joined the military. Therefore, he had remained undefeated.

By then, almost all the players had fought at least one match, and the competition was extremely fierce. Everyone agreed that this year's tournament was the largest gathering of the world's toughest fighters, some of whom were relatively unknown before the tournament.

It was worth mentioning that fighters from the Planet Ceres and Andromeda Galaxy had also fought ferociously like everyone else. Despite the consensus that they were most likely not to be seen at the final stage, their display of strength had caught many off guard.

After another three days of fierce battles, one hundred and twenty-eight fighters had finally made it into the final playoff. These fighters represented the strongest of the young generation, as they included top fighters from all factions and planets.

Even for a significant event such as the pan-solar tournament, the strength of the players varied greatly from year to year. The last tournament, for example, had no top fighters except Li Shiming and Lie Jian, despite it being an improvement compared to the one before it. Not only had there been ten times more players than an average year, but the incredible prowess of these players was also unprecedented.

The most anticipated segment of the tournament was finally about to draw back its curtain.

From then on, every round was a playoff, and only the winner would earn the rights to fight in the next round; there were no second chances.