Chapter 311: Reckless (1/2)
Chapter 311: Reckless
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_
”Go now. I will be waiting for you on the final stage.”
Karl gritted his teeth and started back to the simulation room with a newfound determination.
”Hehe, looks like your grandson is going to lose this round. The Kaedeian is way out of his league.”
A throng of people crowded at the entrance to his grandmother's shop. Ever since the tournament started, this store had become the most frequented stop in the neighborhood.
”My grandson will win. He is a genius, just like his father!” Although the old lady could not grasp what was happening on the screen, she was convinced that her grandson would be victorious.
Her stubborn belief made the people shake their heads. The gap in the two players' power was substantial, and they felt pity for the old lady who had to suffer from her grandson's inevitable defeat.
The old lady didn't mind other's opinion. She knew that Karl would win eventually.
The third round started.
Karl had finally given up on the Art of Karl as everyone had expected. Two defeats in a row would be a costly enough lesson for Karl to relent his signature moves along with his pride eventually.
However, would Karl still be as powerful as he was without the Art of Karl?
Karl wagered that his change in the strategy ought to make others look down on him. But he didn't mind and thought that whoever laughed at him was simply too dumb to understand him.
”Karl's moves are getting more chaotic. He lined up some defense units and then started to chase the tech tree instead, and now, he is constructing a starport. I find it rather confusing. ”
”Hehe, don't be so harsh on him. Don't forget that his opponent is Lola. ”
”Touché. However, I do feel that the other three quarter-final matches were more entertaining to watch than this one. There is barely any surprise. ”
Lola didn't choose to rush her opponent. She wagered that as long as she kept accumulating forces while bidding her time for the perfect moment to strike, she should be able to win this round with ease.
Karl went for a second base. To untrained eyes, this was almost a suicidal move because it stretched his already meager defense thinner while his opponent was lurking near his base, waiting for the perfect moment to lash out.
”No way!” Flash suddenly shouted out, disbelief shining in his eyes, ”Is...Is this for real?”
Cao Yi clenched his fist. He had been practicing this new strategy with Karl for a while, but it would be the first time to be used outside of their training room.
”It looks like a knockoff version of the Kaedeian's TABT tactic.”
”This is suicidal. Lola's anti-stealth technique was about to be completed at any time now.”
While comments and snickers swelled in the arena, Karl had amassed a considerable forced and charged them out towards Lola's base. The backbone of the force was TABT stealth machine, an almost forgotten unit.
Lola would not let such a golden opportunity slip away as she had encircled Karl's force at the very middle of the map.
Needless to say that Lola had detected the TABT. However, she considered TABT the most useless units, since they could be easily detected with radar.
Karl was engrossed in his assault. Every time radar scanned an area; he would pull his forces back and move the TABT forward to cancel out the radar's detection. Then immediately, he would charge his army at the enemies, rinse and repeat. After a few rounds of going back and forth, audiences noticed something astonishing was happening: Lola's forces were almost gone.
Everyone was stunned by the turn of events: Karl had won the battle at the center of the map.
This was unbelievable! Once Karl had gained control over the entire middle section of the map, he exerted his force further into Lola's base. Without any defense, Lola's base was obliterated in mere seconds.
Karl had won a round!
Even when all odds were stacked against him, he managed to win a round back.
When Karl saw the ”gg” on the screen, he howled in delight.
Everyone wondered if he had won because of the new battle tactics that Karl had invented or was the victory just a fluke.
The victory elated the audiences in Ayrlarng and Bernabeu. The previous two defeats had been unbearable to watch.
Karl's grandmother smiled nonchalantly and then announced to everyone, ”Told you so.”