Chapter 264: A Blessing in Disguise (1/2)
Chapter 264: A Blessing in Disguise
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_
”What have I done? I have done nothing! Come on... I just want to watch this show with you. Ohh...She looks so pretty, don't you think? I wonder if her body is as nice as her face?”
Li Ruoer glanced at Wang Tong and felt that he was getting angrier by the second. ‘Perfect! it's working!’ She thought to herself.
Wang Tong heaved a sigh and pleaded, ”Release her, and I will give you whatever you want.”
Li Ruoer's face beamed with satisfaction as and she said, ”All I want is to continue watching this show with you. Don't you want to as well?”
Wang Tong wanted to calm his anger but failed. He lurched towards Li Ruoer, but without any soul energy, it was like hitting a rock with an egg.
Wang Tong flew away at a slight touch of Li Ruoer's fingertip, crashing into a wall. He thought he heard his bone snapping under the pressure. Li Ruoer laughed joyfully, savoring every moment ”Be patient, Haha! Fine, fine, kowtow to me one hundred times and call me 'master' from now on. Then, I might let both of you go. ”
Wang Tong stood up slowly, and the pain seemed to make him more alert to details. He found it strange that as an heir of house Li, Li Ruoer would be so careless as to kidnap a girl while risking her family's reputation. This kind of boldness was not common among the great house.
A strange sensation shot through Wang Tong's body. He closed his eyes for a second and when he opened his eyes again, Wang Tong noticed that the image on the wall had already disappeared.
It was an illusion created by the Tactics of the Enchantress!
Wang Tong marveled at the level of effort Li Ruoer had gone through just to torture him. She could have done away with him with ease using her power.
The development had relieved Wang Tong's stress since it was clear that Li Ruoer had not gone completely insane.
But immediately, Wang Ton was perplexed by another question: how did he see through the illusion without any soul energy?
Wang Tong held back the pleasant surprise and tried to initiate the Tactics of Blade, thinking that the tactics might miraculously start working without any soul energy as well. However, he was disappointed to find out that not only his soul energy was depleted, the link between the sea of consciousness and his Dantian had also ruptured. So, the tactics wouldn't be initiated.
Wang Tong's silence burned through Li Ruoer's patience. She finally asked in an annoyed voice: ”Well, are you going to do it or not?”
Seeing Wang Tong still not answering her questions, Li Ruoer closed in and picked him up while shouting, ”Do it! Don't you care about your friend?”
”Is this all you can do? I really wish I didn't say this.”
Gazing at Li Ruoer's beautiful face, Wang Tong uttered his hatred slowly, ”F-*-C-K Y-O-U.”
The rage exploded in Li Ruoer's eyes. Sensing that Wang Tong would not fall for her trick, Li Ruoer threw Wang Tong into the air and followed with a roundhouse kick.
She suddenly remembered that Wang Tong had lost the protection of his soul energy, but it was already too late. With only the slightest hesitation, Li Ruoer continued her kick, and Wang Tong crashed back to the same wall that he had crashed into earlier.
The pain was unbearable, but as the pain propagated to his sea of consciousness, it was sucked dry like a drop of water on a parched land.
Could it be the effect of the Tactics of Enchantress? After all, general Li Feng and Zhou Zhi were couples.
Swallowing down the pain, Wang Tong struggled up and taunted his opponent, ”Too soft. Even my grandpa can do better than this.”