Chapter 137: Count on Me (1/2)
Chapter 137: Count on Me
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Tehrn
Count on Me
Wang Tong heaved a sigh after knowing that none of them had prepared for this kind of situation.
”Here, I have five bentos and ten bottles of water. Take them and eat a little at a time.”
Everyone regarded Wang Tong as if he was their savior.
”Gosh, do you always carry this much food while you are out?”
After Norton, Wang Tong always carried a few days of ration with him whenever he was on a long trip. However, he miscalculated and didn't bring enough this time.
Wang Tong should be able to sustain his own life in the sea for a dozen days with ease. However, he would not give up on his friends.
Every student got a bottle of water and a half box of bento. It was the cheapest lunch bento sold near the school, but by then, it had become more precious than gold.
”Captain, you are a not only a genius but handy to have around in any situation.”
With water and food, the students seemed to have found hope once again.
”Ok, everybody, please watch how much you eat. We will rest for three minutes and set out again.” Wang Tong knew that the longer they stayed here, the direr the situation would become.
To conserve their water and food was easier said than done. Only Wang Ben and Hu Yangxuan who had undergone self-discipline training were able to stop after only one sip of water. The rest students chuck the whole bottle down their throat to quench their thirst.
Wang Tong also took a sip and put his water bottle away; he knew that survival was more important than a few brief seconds of satisfaction.
After a brief respite, the students set out toward the island again. No one spoke a word; instead, they focused on conserving their energy, as well as their GN force.
They had swum for another hour, and to their dismay, the dark spec still looked the same size. It was either that they were not moving at all, or the island was moving away from them at the same speed.
Wang Tong had to stop again and let everyone to take a rest.
The thirst was more unbearable than the hunger. As Tita and Carl were about to chuck the remaining bottles of water, Wang Tong bawl out at them: ”Stop! Only two bottles are left, what are we gonna do after that?”
Everyone stopped what they were doing, and suddenly the situation seemed to have taken a more dire turn.
Carl and Tita looked at the bottle of water, took a small sip to wet their parched lips. The other students followed their example, despite how unsatisfying that was.
”Wang Tong, something’s not right. Where the hell is Paradise Island?”
”Did Principal mess up? Should we send a distress call?” Kyaero asked, hoping that they could get some assistance.
”It's no use, there's no reception here,” Zhou Sisi replied helplessly.
”Xiaoru, do you have the coordinates of the island?” Wang Tong asked. His question made everyone look at Ma Xiaoru with anticipation for good news.
Ma Xiao shook her head wearily and said, ”If I knew, I would have been there already.”
As the group's last hope had shattered, they started to believe that Samantha had messed up the coordinates. The situation was so dire and real that it didn't seem to be a test.
”Everybody listen up! We have no choice but to move forward. But first, we need to conserve our fresh water. I will keep all the water close to Ma Xiaoru. We will take a break and drink some water every half hour from now on. When we do, girls should drink the water first, and then us,” after finishing announcing his decision, Wang Tong gave his water bottle to Ma Xiaoru, and then everyone followed him. Ma Xiaoru noticed that only Wang Tong's bottle was still full while most of the bottles were already half empty.
Ma Xiaoru placed the bottles into her crystal one after another, she knew that she was in charge of the life source of the entire team.
They decided not to talk about their situation anymore as they knew that any talks would only affect the already low morale.
Five minutes later, they set out again.
The sun above baked them relentlessly with scorching heat. Around them the seawater looked alluring, tempting them with its fresh blueness.
Rumi had passed out again due to exhaustion; therefore, her friends carried her in turns. Despite her small frame and lightweight, fatigue had made the task extremely challenging.
As they slowed down, their break time started to drag out. Ma Xiaoru took out a half empty bottle and handed it over to Rumi. Everyone watched Rumi taking a sip of water and eagerly waited their turn. Rumi handed the bottle back to Ma Xiaoru who took a small sip and gave it to Zhou Sisi, who then passed around the boys. When the water bottle was finally in Wang Tong's hand, he only licked the bottle's opening and gave it back to Ma Xiaoru right away.
Suddenly, Wang Tong noticed that Rumi seemed to be hallucinating and was about to drink the sea water. Wang Tong caught her cheek right before she was able to do so.
”Don't do it!”