Chapter 126: Self Motivation (1/2)
Chapter 126: Self Motivation
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Tehrn
”Joining the Army? No, I had never thought of joining the army. I like the Space Force, and it would be the best if I could become a captain of a spaceship.”
”I don't see the difference,” Zhou Sisi cracked a smile and said.
”The difference is huge! They got more money, that's for one, and it's also a lot less dangerous... oh, and they have beautiful female officers!” Wang Tong said as he counted with his fingers.
Zhou Sisi paused for a second and then burst out laughing. She found Wang Tong ridiculously funny at times.
Wang Tong felt slightly embarrassed, he scratched his head and then asked, ”You think I am a chicken-sh*t?”
”NO! You are the bravest person I have ever met. I believe that no matter where you end up at, the Army or the Space Force, you will stand out to be an excellent soldier. Ah, and of course, I would not be much less than you. After all, I am that attractive officer you were talking about,” Zhou Sisi spoke with a delightful tone, green and fetching. It was a voice that could let a man's blood boil.
”What about your dream?”
”From now on, I only want to become a good captain, so I can make sure you don't make any trouble and take care of you,” Zhou Sisi said, and she licked the cream off the ice coffee.
Wang Tong caught a glimpse of Zhou Sisi's cute little tongue and felt a wave of heat shot through his body. ”What is happening to me? Am I in love?” he thought.
”Well, I think that would depend on your ability, perhaps you will end up calling me Sifu for the rest of your life.”
”Oh, really? Catch me at the dance pool! Howbow dah?”
Wang Tong held the soft and small hand of Zhou Sisi and felt the urge of conquering the little wild beast in front of him. Unable to think, Wang Tong accepted the invitation.
A wave of cheers erupted among the onlookers as soon as Wang Tong and Zhou Sisi stepped into the dance pool again. Wang Tong's performance was more fluid than the first time, and the Zerg-like movement started to look more human.
Without knowing it, Wang Tong took the center stage as his body turned and swayed wildly, releasing all the passions a sixteen-year-old boy had.
Wang Tong's dance mesmerized the girls from the A-Class. Ever since the tournament, Wang Tong's victory had spread throughout every corner of the school. His classmates called him the ”secret weapon”, or ”the silver bullet”. The manliness that had turned him from a boy to a man had tugged at the heartstrings of many girls.
After the girls had watched his arousing dance, he was no longer just a stoic soldier that only knew how to fight, but also a man full of wild passions.
Zhou Sisi followed Wang Tong's lead, willingly.
Wang Tong then remembered that he still had a lot to do the day after; therefore, he didn't stay overnight and sneaked out with Zhou Sisi soon after the dance was over. Wang Tong felt that he had started to like dancing. Unlike fighting, dancing had no restrictions, and therefore he could pour out the emotions as he moved his body.
The two of them walked home together, holding each other's hands. Wang Tong didn't over think of this new found intimacy; it just felt right.
After Wang Tong had settled down to bed, he fell asleep quickly. In his dream, he saw his life turning more colorful from the dull, ceaseless fighting.
Saturday was the group meeting of ”S”.
So far there were only ten members in the group. However, no one had the intention of expanding the group just yet, as they all agreed that they needed to focus on running this club more efficiently.
Wang Tong was well rested after a night of good sleep and the release of stress from the evening before.
Zhou Sisi had already collected everyone's thesis and was ready to commence the meeting.
”Let's begin our meeting. There are no strict rules to follow at this table, so if you have any question, please feel free to ask. Let's start with our group leader.” Zhou Sisi gestured Wang Tong to speak.