Chapter 87: Wonderful Weekend (1/2)

Chapter 87: Wonderful Weekend

Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Tehrn

Despite the forced smile on Cameron's face, he could hardly conceal the confusion on his mind. He clenched his fist as he pondered on what had just happened.

While everyone was still awestruck, the reading on the screen kept on ticking up until it had reached 4000, where it eventually stabilized at.

Everyone looked to Cameron for an answer to this bizarre development, but they saw only Cameron's blank smile. Cameron himself needed some time to take in the dramatic turn of event.

The DREAM employees worked with extra enthusiasm, feeling elated for being part of an unfolding extraordinary event. They worked around the clock to come up with the analysis video, and once it was released to the public, it ignited the fighting spirit of all the other fighters.

The uncanny footwork of Wang Tong met with the graceful dance of the butterfly, a sight to behold! Solitary Snow, an ordinary citizen who had not been mind opened, had done miracles for mastering the butterfly dance. However, Einherjar Wannabe's performance still outshone his opponent.

On the screen, Einherjar Wannabe danced gracefully amidst bouts of furious barrages. His body never once revealed his next move as he seemingly drifted from one place to another, like a parchment paper in the wind. Belligerent strikes whistled by his body, missing by only less than an inch; these were the attack of superb power that could only be countered by evading techniques of equal prowess.

Wang Tong's eyes had been closed ever since the start of the battle, yet he was able to snatch the arrow of Solitary Snow's final coup de grace. From that moment on, the Butterfly Dash seemed to have changed its tempo. The details of the changes could only be examined in a slow-speed recording. Instead of the straightforward Butterfly Dash, Wang Tong also leveraged the lightning speed to quell the initial impact of Solitary Snow's coup de grace. As soon the arrow was firmly grasped in both of his hands, Wang Tong spun around and attacked without any hesitation.

Solitary Snow didn't even think that such a move was possible and therefore was caught off guard. Truth be told, should Solitary Snow be a TPA fighter, he would never have let his guard down in the heat of battle, regardless of how forlorn their countermeasure could have been.

The most popular technical analysis was the official version released by DREAM. In addition, there were also two fan-made versions that had gained a significant popularity: one was attributed to Skyscraper from the Bernabeu Academy on Earth; the other, to a student from the Starry Sky Academy who called himself ”Lightning Fingers” on the PA system.

These two video analysis became popular mainly due to the unique perspectives the two had adopted. Skyscraper had focused on the footwork of Einherjar Wannabe, stating that the mysterious fighter did not use the Butterfly Dash at all, instead, he had been using something eerily similar to the moves of one type of Zerg called the Nestor. The Nestor Zerg was a notorious combat Zerg that looked much like a tank with sixteen skinny and hairy legs sticking out of it. Despite its strange and bulky figure, it was surprisingly swift and agile thanks to its many legs.

Having been equipped with only two legs, Einherjar Wannabe was able to mimic the movement of the Nestor Zerg. The solution seemed intuitive: Einherjar Wannabe sped up the speed of his two legs to compensate for the lack in number. However, it should have strained his body beyond the normal limit which a human could endure. Skyscraper, therefore, deduced his most important conclusion: The tactics used by Einherjar Wannabe, whatever it was, must have focused on conditioning his limbs. Otherwise, none of these moves would have been possible.