Chapter 10: Please Donst Miss Me (1/2)
Chapter 10: Please Don't Miss Me
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Tehrn
Time sure flies, it had been a year since Wang Tong first landed on Norton. His skin had become swarthy, his shoulders grown broader, and his chest firmer. Norton was no longer a strange and unfamiliar planet; instead, it had become his home.
He had made many new enemies on his new home planet, and all of them were Zergs, all kinds of Zergs. He had killed almost every single kind of Zerg, but he didn’t even know the proper names for most of them; instead, he called them the big bug, the small bug, the colorful bug and the flying bug. Their names didn’t matter to Wang Tong; they had all become dead bugs after all. Wang Tong had also discovered an incredible usage of these bugs; they served as excellent sources of food.
One year ago, even the thought of eating these disgusting bugs would have made Wang Tong cringe, but under extreme circumstances, Wang Tong had to eat them or else he would starve to death. These bugs' external shells were extremely hard and were not suitable for eating, but their innards were soft and juicy. With the aid of the Nutrient Transformer and a little bit more imagination, Wang Tong enjoyed a well-balanced diet consisting of vegetables and meat. He was not sure if there were side effects to eating the Zerg’s meat, although he had been pretty healthy since he started eating them.
Wang Tong had thought about the day he would finally leave the planet, he had even begun to sort his inventories and had gotten ready for packing. The situation on the front line was unclear to him. He had since heard fewer explosions in the sky which meant either the Zergs or the Confederation were retreating. He also noticed lately that the number of Zergs had been dwindling, perhaps it was time for another adventure outside, he never liked the feeling of sitting by and waiting.
This day he sat atop a ruined building and was studying the blue sky above. He noticed that clouds hung in the sky that looked just like a hamburger. Wang Tong liked hamburgers; especially the ones that came with bacon. He salivated at the cloud, and almost forgot that he was on Norton.
Suddenly a soft whir broke his daydream and wondered: “Am I hearing things? I must be hallucinating.”
He then saw a small investigation ship gliding across the sky in the distance and exclaimed: “Gods! I wasn't hallucinating after all! It is indeed a Confederation ship.”
Wang Tong sprung to his feet and climbed up to the top of the makeshift flagpole which hung a crude Confederation flag. He made these landmarks all across the base, hoping that one day they would attract the attention of rescuers.
Wang Tong stood on top of the pole, flagging the ship down with a piece of tattered shirt. Unsure if the ship had noticed him, he became anxious, he screamed at the top of his lungs ”S...O...S..., S...OS!”
He wondered if he should use his underwear instead since it was a brighter color.
It seemed his effort was in vain, the spaceship glided further away. Wang Tong felt so depressed that he almost fell off the flagpole but, to his surprise, the shuttle turned 180 degrees in the air and headed towards him. It hovered above his head for a while and then descended slowly.
The roller coaster development made Wang Tong felt like that he needed a moment to contemplate what had just happened.
When he had finally grasped the reality, he almost fell into a trance. He had been living here by himself for an entire year. He was surrounded by bugs without a single human to be seen, Wang Tong for a time had felt that he perhaps would eventually turn into a bug as well.
The spacecraft whirred and landed steadily beside Wang Tong. As soon as the ship's landing pad was released, Wang Tong advanced in, tears of excitement trailed down his cheeks, ”Thank gods, you are finally here!”
Two soldiers, one male, and the other female walked out of the spacecraft onto the landing pad. They both looked very young, the man was about twenty-five or so, and the girl looked even younger. A handsome military artier further concealed her age. Both of their faces held an expression of astonishment because they weren’t expecting to find any survivors let alone such a young boy.
”Hi there, I am Lieutenant Rios, and this is second lieutenant Zhang Jing, we are from the—”
Wang Tong cut him short with a forced hug, ”Thank you, thank you! Thank gods, I thought I would have to spend the rest of my life with the bugs.”