Part 14 (1/2)
16 James Boyce, James Boyce, Van Diemen's Land Van Diemen's Land (Melbourne, Australia: Black, 2009), 232. (Melbourne, Australia: Black, 2009), 232.
17 Von Stieglitz, Von Stieglitz, A History of Oatlands and Jericho A History of Oatlands and Jericho, 71.
18 McGoogan, McGoogan, Lady Franklin's Revenge Lady Franklin's Revenge, 233.
19 Boyce, Boyce, Van Diemen's Land Van Diemen's Land, 157.
20 Ibid. Ibid.
21 Charles Darwin, Charles Darwin, A Naturalist's Voyage: Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle' Round the World A Naturalist's Voyage: Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle' Round the World (London: John Murray, 1889), 531. (London: John Murray, 1889), 531.
22 Ibid., 534. Ibid., 534.
23 Boyce, Boyce, Van Diemen's Land Van Diemen's Land, 158.
24 John West, John West, The History of Tasmania The History of Tasmania (London: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1971; first published in 1852), 543. (London: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1971; first published in 1852), 543.
25 Charles Wooley and Michael Tatlow, Charles Wooley and Michael Tatlow, A Walk in Old Launceston A Walk in Old Launceston (Battery Point, Tasmania: Walk Guides Australia, 2007), 26. (Battery Point, Tasmania: Walk Guides Australia, 2007), 26.
26 Boyce, Boyce, Van Diemen's Land Van Diemen's Land, 224-225.
27 Colonial Times Colonial Times (Hobart, Australia), Tuesday, 23 April 1839, 1. (Hobart, Australia), Tuesday, 23 April 1839, 1.
28 Phillip Tardif, Phillip Tardif, Notorious Strumpets and Dangerous Girls Notorious Strumpets and Dangerous Girls (North Ryde, Australia: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1990), 1476. (North Ryde, Australia: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1990), 1476.
29 Ibid. Ibid.
30 Tony Rayner, Tony Rayner, Female Factory, Female Convicts Female Factory, Female Convicts (Dover, Australia: Esperance Press, 2004), 126-127. (Dover, Australia: Esperance Press, 2004), 126-127.
31 Gay Hendriksen, Dr. Carol Liston, and Dr. Trudy Cowley, Gay Hendriksen, Dr. Carol Liston, and Dr. Trudy Cowley, Women Transported: Life in Australia's Convict Female Factories Women Transported: Life in Australia's Convict Female Factories (Parramatta, Australia: Parramatta Heritage Centre), 61-62. (Parramatta, Australia: Parramatta Heritage Centre), 61-62.
32 Tardif, Tardif, Notorious Strumpets and Dangerous Girls Notorious Strumpets and Dangerous Girls, 1477.
33 Colonial Times Colonial Times (Hobart, Australia), Friday, 25 September 1846, 4. (Hobart, Australia), Friday, 25 September 1846, 4.
34 Richmond Primary School website, Department of Education, Tasmania, Richmond Primary School website, Department of Education, Tasmania,
35 Michael Tatlow, Charles Wooley, and Peter Mercer, Michael Tatlow, Charles Wooley, and Peter Mercer, A Tour of Old Tasmania A Tour of Old Tasmania (Battery Point, Tasmania: Walk Guides Australia, 2008), 100. (Battery Point, Tasmania: Walk Guides Australia, 2008), 100.
36 Colonial Times Colonial Times (Hobart, Australia), ”Great Demonstration-Jubilee-Cessation of Transportation,” Thursday, 11 August 1853, 2. (Hobart, Australia), ”Great Demonstration-Jubilee-Cessation of Transportation,” Thursday, 11 August 1853, 2.
37 Ibid. Ibid.
38 Ibid. Ibid.
39 Colonial Times Colonial Times (Hobart, Australia), ”Great Demonstration.” (Hobart, Australia), ”Great Demonstration.”
40 Ibid. Ibid.
41 Ibid. Ibid.
42 Colonial Times Colonial Times (Hobart, Australia), ”The Jubilee,” Tuesday, 9 August 1853, 2. (Hobart, Australia), ”The Jubilee,” Tuesday, 9 August 1853, 2.
43 Colonial Times Colonial Times (Hobart, Australia), ”Abolition of Transportation-Free Inst.i.tutions-Slanderous Despatches,” Tuesday, 25 December 1849, 2. (Hobart, Australia), ”Abolition of Transportation-Free Inst.i.tutions-Slanderous Despatches,” Tuesday, 25 December 1849, 2.
44 Boyce, Boyce, Van Diemen's Land Van Diemen's Land, 236.
45 Colonial Times Colonial Times, ”Abolition of Transportation.”
46 Ibid. Ibid.
47 Peter Bolger, Peter Bolger, Hobart Town Hobart Town (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1973), 52. (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1973), 52.
48 Ibid. Ibid.
49 Ibid., 50. Ibid., 50.
50 Colonial Times Colonial Times (Hobart, Australia), ”Jubilee-10th August,”, 6 August 1853, 2. (Hobart, Australia), ”Jubilee-10th August,”, 6 August 1853, 2.
51 Rayner, Rayner, Female Factory, Female Convicts Female Factory, Female Convicts, 186.
52 L. L. Robson, L. L. Robson, The Convict Settlers of Australia The Convict Settlers of Australia (Carlton, Australia: Melbourne University Press, 1965), 10. (Carlton, Australia: Melbourne University Press, 1965), 10.
53 Ballina Chronicle Ballina Chronicle, ”Condition of the Poor,” Mayo, Ireland, Wednesday, 6 June 1849.
54 John Williams, John Williams, Ordered to the Island Ordered to the Island (Darlinghurst, Australia: Crossing Press, 1994), 14. (Darlinghurst, Australia: Crossing Press, 1994), 14.
55 Ibid., 7. Ibid., 7.
56 Susanna Corder, Susanna Corder, Life of Elizabeth Fry: Compiled from Her Journal, as Edited by Her Daughters, and from Various Other Sources Life of Elizabeth Fry: Compiled from Her Journal, as Edited by Her Daughters, and from Various Other Sources (Philadelphia: Henry Longstreth, 1853), 255. (Philadelphia: Henry Longstreth, 1853), 255.
57 Williams, Williams, Ordered to the Island Ordered to the Island, 8.
58 Trudy Mae Cowley, Trudy Mae Cowley, A Drift of Derwent Ducks A Drift of Derwent Ducks (Hobart, Australia: Research Tasmania, 2005), 105. (Hobart, Australia: Research Tasmania, 2005), 105.
59 Ibid., 247. Ibid., 247.
60 Description List: Bridget Mulligan, Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/9. Description List: Bridget Mulligan, Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/9.
61 Cowley, Cowley, A Drift of Derwent Ducks A Drift of Derwent Ducks, 99.
62 Charles Bateson, Charles Bateson, The Convict s.h.i.+ps, 1787-1868 The Convict s.h.i.+ps, 1787-1868 (North Sydney: Library of Australian History, 1985), 73. (North Sydney: Library of Australian History, 1985), 73.
63 John Moody, Surgeon Superintendent, ”Surgeon's Report John Moody, Surgeon Superintendent, ”Surgeon's Report Blackfriar Blackfriar,” ADM 101/12, Archives of Tasmania, Reel 3189.
64 Conduct Record, Bridget Mulligan, Archives of Tasmania, CON 41/1/30. Conduct Record, Bridget Mulligan, Archives of Tasmania, CON 41/1/30.