v1c2 (1/2)

Hiami no Miko Uetake Sumio 50570K 2022-07-19

Hey! I’ve revived! Here is Hiami no Miko (姫神の巫女) Part I, Chapter 2!

hello everybody! I’ Chapter 2 I know, I know; it’s been over a year since I did Chapter 1 It’s also been a year of es forundergraduate studies but I won’t bore you with any of those details I want to continue with this project again especially since I don’t really get to practiceclasses any to find a way back to japan next year Hopefully my plans work out!

Anyway, I’ll just post the translated text here now Also, if you’re reading this, feel free to leave a co this but I’d like to interact more with the crowd, mmkay? Enjoy! :)

Disclais to Uetake Su to Kaishaku, and can be accessed here I’ for lish-speaking audience No profit whatsoever is being h ads or any suchany

Chikane and Himeko were born on a small, distant island off of the Sea of japan known as Totsuka Island

It is said that there is a legend that has never left this island

A God is enshrined at center of the island in Mt Biwa- a colossal cursed God called the Orochi (Ookami) is sealed away there

When this cursed God awakens, its anger is said to shake the mountain, split the sea and s the island whole

In order to pacify this dreaded God, the “Ceremony to Appease the Spirit of the Dead” is carried out

Airls are then born on the sa the particular juncture, have the proof of this somewhere on their bodies

These ‘divine girls’ chosen by the Orochi have one simple mission:

Totheir 15th birthday

Subsequently, the divine girl who is the winner offers the life of the one as defeated to the Orochi on her 16th birthday in order to serve as pacification of the turbulent God

The na ‘Soul Offered to Heaven’)

The chosen ones by the Orochi this time are Himeko of the Hinomiya family and Chikane of the Kouzuki family

Both households put forth all their effort and carried out top-secret, special training for the girls

Power beyond mere human comprehension of the Orochi had been dispersed within the bodies of the ‘divine girls’ and, thus, the more they trained, the more their powers increased

If the girl of their own household is victorious, the nized by the senior kin a fae

In the grand training hall of the Kouzuki family, Chikane prominently elevated her skills

Frorowth as a top-notch warrior as she had both speed in her swing and sharpness in her blade

In her irl’ with her skilled arm

But on the day of their 15th birthday, an incident occurred

The divine girl from the Hinomiya family, Himeko, suddenly disappeared from the island without a trace

There are only two things prohibited that pertain to the battle

1 Revealing the secret of the legend to those who are not native to the island

Carelessly involving outsiders and causing a huge scandal is also tied closely with this

2 Killing the other ‘divine girl’ anytime before the 16th birthday

So, naturally, inadvertently executing an attack, using deceptiveout other such schemes are common

Rather, the turning point of the bout during the “Ceremony to Appease the Spirit of the Dead” can depend on how e is inflicted upon the other over the course of one year

“I won’t allow it” With those words, Chikane also rushed off the island in pursuit of her

She transferred schools repeatedly as a high school student in her search for Hiot a lead into a certain school in Tokyo where she was hiding

In high spirits, Chikane traveled through Tokyo during the night

This had been her target as long as she could remember

To cut her skin, to shed her blood, to engrave pain and learned techniques onto that body,

To i spirit and icy cool-headedness into her heart and mind,

On nights the ure appeared repeatedly,

Behind her eyelids, those techniques came to mind

Like yearning for her, as if she made her blood boil and ached for her, she ca but her

The opponent she was fated to have thousands of encounters with and many battles yet to unfold consumed her mind

At last…at last they’d be able to meet

At the prospect of their long-awaited in to throb

Not good-

Chikane poured all her strength into the hand that drew her long sword

The sturdiness and coldness of the steel served to cool off Chikane’s mind

I can’t becoth but it can also lead to openings for attack,

Chikane warned herself

I aht sky

My radiance is serene and lacks any passion or ardor

That is who I am

This is the mantra she repeated to herself tens of thousands of times

Finally, we cohttime Tokyo

Chikane had caught sight of Himeko

It was a strange spectacle

There were three figures on the rooftop

A girl with pigtails was looking down at the fallen Hith hair that wore glasses

The pigtailed girl sneered as she flashed her sword

The girl with glasses shook her head in bewilderirl for her carelessness

Himeko’s uniform was tattered about, her underwear and white skin visible

Thatdyed red

That’s―the blood of Hiirl of the Hinomiya family

Before she could think, before she could even remember, Chikane had been after her

Without n, she drew nearer to the two like a ind

The distance re to certain death and victory was ten steps, five steps…


At last, both girls turned their heads

Kicking off the ground, she leapt back into the night sky

At the salasses waved her hand and silver light successively came forth

The weapon the glasses girl was throwing are said to be similar to darts that were once used by shi+nobi

They are quite difficult to throw but, even if the blade is not fixed upon a target, it can inflict daht of them

Further some ten or so darts upwards, to theas she threw them

With this, even if one dart is avoided, she could end up being struck by others

Worst of all, the pigtailed girl was changing her stance in order to buy more time…that was her objective

It was as perfectly coordinated as an intake of breath It see beside each other as a pair

An average wielder, no, they would give even a skilled opponent a run for their money

However, Chikane is a “divine girl”

Chikane further increased her speed and was closing in on the pigtailed girl

The pigtailed girl’s hand thrummed as she struck

It was a quick and sharp blow that burned the air

However, Chikane easily dodged it

There is no way that this nimble body that dances like feathers in the wind can be struck

Now that their arrangeirl by the wrist and drew her closer

She used her as a shi+eld against the onco dart

The pigtailed girl’s screaht

Chikane landed and casually let go of the pigtailed girl’s wrist

The pigtailed girl lost consciousness and feebly turound

The darts had struck her body at several places and, even if none had been fatal blows, the recipient would soon not bear to stand

Standing severalready to use more darts

She experienced a candid thirst for blood as she kept breathing

Was it shock and dread at the face of their overwheler for her fallen comrade?