Part 27 (1/2)
Question. Were you there until the place was taken?
Answer. Yes, sir.
Question. What happened after that?
Answer. About the time the rebels got over the fort there was just a cloud of them, our men in the fort running out. About 500 secesh cavalry, as well as I could see, came up and turned in to shooting them down just as fast as they could. I heard a great deal of screaming and praying for mercy. The negroes took a scare from that and ran down the hill and into the river, but they kept shooting them. I was not more than 400 yards off, on the gunboat. I don't suppose one of them got more than 30 yards into the river before they were shot. The bullets rained as thick in the water as you ever saw a hailstorm.
Question. Were those men armed who were shot?
Answer. No, sir; they threw down their arms.
Question. How many were shot?
Answer. I don't know how many. They lay thick there the next morning, beside those they had buried.
Question. You came back there the next morning?
Answer. Yes, sir.
Question. What do you know about their burying men who were not dead?
Answer. I don't know anything myself, only what I heard.
Question. Did you go up there where they had buried them?
Answer. No, sir.
Question. What did you hear about it?
Answer. I heard one of them say that he saw where a negro was buried, and saw a large ma.s.s of foam and dirt where somebody had been breathing through the earth. He brushed it off and saw a negro there still breathing. I saw one or two who looked as if they had been buried when they came on board. I heard one ask them if they had been buried, and they said ”Very near it.” I don't think they were wounded. One of them had been in the dirt. I don't know whether he played dead and was buried or not.
Question. Do you know anything of their killing the men in the hospital?
Answer. Not of my own seeing. Mr. Akerstrom was in his office down under the hill after the flag of truce was in, and made some signs for us to come to him. Since that time I have been told that they wounded him and then nailed him to a door and burned him up, but I didn't see that myself.
Question. When did you hear about this nailing to a building and burning him up?
Answer. Since we came up here.
Question. Were you on board the gunboat the next day when some of the rebel officers came on board?
Answer. I was on board the Platte Valley.
Question. Did they come with a flag of truce?
Answer. A flag of truce was hoisted, and when we got in to the sh.o.r.e some of the rebel officers came on board the Platte Valley.