Part 14 (1/2)
The flow of the tide from the cove, while it kept a clear channel through the entrance, had formed a bar off the tongue of land on the seaward side of it, which was bare at half tide, and was now just covered. Wilton was pulling for this bar, with all the strength of his crew.
Shuffles was prompt to observe the mistake of his late crony, and just as prompt to profit by it. The first cutter was gaining rapidly on the chase; but Shuffles, as she reached the border of the main channel, ordered his c.o.xswain to keep the boat's head towards the entrance of the cove.
”We shall never catch them on this tack,” said the c.o.xswain of the cutter, who knew nothing about the bar.
”I think we shall,” replied the third lieutenant, confidently.
”We are not going towards the point.”
”That's very true, and the professors' barge will not go much farther in that direction. Pull steady, my lads; don't hurry yourselves. There is plenty of time.”
The c.o.xswain thought his superior officer was taking the matter very coolly, and knowing of the intimacy which had formerly subsisted between Shuffles and Wilton, he was ready to conclude that the third lieutenant was willing to permit the escape of ”our fellows.” While he was putting this construction on the conduct of his superior, the professors' barge ”took the ground,” and stuck fast.
”They're aground, Mr. Shuffles,” said the c.o.xswain.
”There's just where I expected them to be,” answered Shuffles, quietly.
”Shall I run towards them?”
”No; keep her as she is. There isn't more than a foot of water anywhere between them and the point.”
The third cutter, being a smaller boat than the professors' barge, did not touch the bar as soon as her consort; but Monroe saw that his craft could not land her party on the point at that stage of the tide, and he ordered his crew first to lay on their oars, and then to back water.
Wilton's boat was aground at the bow, and when he had sent part of his crew aft, she was easily pushed off the bar. By this delay he had lost the chance of landing at the point, and his only alternative was to pull up to the cove; but in doing so, it would be impossible to avoid the first cutter, which had now secured a position off the mouth of the little bay.
”Stand by to lay on your oars,” said the c.o.xswain of the first cutter, as directed by the lieutenant in command. ”Oars!”
The crew ceased rowing, and laying on their oars, waited the next movement of the runaways. In the mean time the second cutter was well away from the s.h.i.+p, and Mr. Lowington, promptly comprehending the intentions of the third lieutenant, directed the officer in command to pull towards the boats on the bar, keeping well to seaward, in order to prevent them from escaping in that direction.
Wilton realized that he was cornered, and hoping that Shuffles would not be over-zealous in the discharge of his duty, directed his course towards the opening of the cove. A few strokes brought him within hailing distance of the first cutter.
”No use, Wilton,” said Shuffles, laughing. ”You may as well pull for the s.h.i.+p. It's all up with you.”
But the leader of the runaways, instead of heeding this good advice, attempted to push by astern of the first cutter.
”Stern, all! Give way!” shouted Shuffles, sharply. ”c.o.xswain, stand by with your stern line!”
It was generally understood that the third lieutenant of the Young America was a fighting character, and that he could whip any officer or seaman in the s.h.i.+p, though his prowess had not been practically demonstrated. Shuffles took the stern line himself, instead of intrusting the duty to the c.o.xswain. He intended to grapple the bow of the professors' barge, and make fast to it with the rope; but the cutter did not gather way enough in season to do this. As she backed, she fouled the oars of the barge, and Shuffles secured a firm hold of her stern.
”What are you doing, Bob Shuffles?” demanded Wilton, angry, when he saw that his late crony was fully in earnest.
The third lieutenant made no reply; but pa.s.sing his rope through a ring in the stern of the barge, he made it fast, and then pushed the cutter off from her. When the line had run out about a fathom, he secured the end he held in his hand to the after thwart of his own boat. Thus the first cutter and the barge were lashed together, stern to stern.
”Cast off that rope!” shouted Wilton to the stroke oarsman in the barge.
”Don't you touch it, my lad,” interposed Shuffles, when the boy attempted to obey the order of his leader. ”If you attempt it, you will purchase a sore head.”
[Ill.u.s.tration: THE ESCAPE FROM THE s.h.i.+P. Page 95.]
The third lieutenant had picked up a boat-hook, and stood ready to rap any of the barge's crew who might attempt to cast off the line by which the boats were fastened together. No one was disposed to cross the purposes of so formidable a person as Shuffles, and the stroke oarsman did not obey the order of Wilton. It would not be safe to do so.