Part 15 (1/2)

”The experiences of an orphan girl who in infancy is left by her father to the care of an elderly aunt residing near Paris. The accounts of the various persons who have an after influence on the story are singularly vivid. There is a subtle attraction about the book which will make it a great favorite with thoughtful girls.” Review.=

=Under False Colors=: A Story from Two Girls' Lives. By SARAH DOUDNEY. 12mo, cloth, ill.u.s.trated, price $1.00.

”Sarah Doudney has no superior as a writer of high-toned stories--pure in style, original in conception, and with skillfully wrought out plots; but we have seen nothing equal in dramatic energy to this book.”--=Christian Leader.=

=Down the Snow Stairs=; or, From Good-night to Good-morning. By ALICE CORKRAN. 12mo, cloth, ill.u.s.trated, price 75 cents.

”Among all the Christmas volumes which the year has brought to our table this one stands out =facile princeps=--a gem of the first water, bearing upon every one of its pages the signet mark of genius.. .. All is told with such simplicity and perfect naturalness that the dream appears to be a solid reality. It is indeed a Little Pilgrim's Progress.”--=Christian Leader.=

=The Tapestry Room=: A Child's Romance. By MRS. MOLESWORTH. 12mo, cloth, ill.u.s.trated, price 75 cents.

”Mrs. Molesworth is a charming painter of the nature and ways of children; and she has done good service in giving us this charming juvenile which will delight the young people.”--=Athenaeum, London.=

=Little Miss Peggy=: Only a Nursery Story. By MRS. MOLESWORTH.

12mo, cloth, ill.u.s.trated, price 75 cents.

Mrs. Molesworth's children are finished studies. A joyous earnest spirit pervades her work, and her sympathy is unbounded.

She loves them with her whole heart, while she lays bare their little minds, and expresses their foibles, their faults, their virtues, their inward struggles, their conception of duty, and their instinctive knowledge of the right and wrong of things.