Part 13 (1/2)
”Noe'll be all right,” said Bobby, with i oars, pulled by four husky lint in the sunshi+ne, while a fifth ailit Island or lend us oars for the skiff!”
”Yes, and it's great luck for us that they saw us,” remarked Jimmy ”I don't believe we ever could haveI want is so hungrier every minute”
But the boat was upon them already, and they were soon to have a plenty to eat, and the adventure after all had a but a little inconvenience It was all in a day's work, and already they had forgotten the disotten it they had at least put it behind them as an experience of small importance
”Look sharp now, lads!” shouted theand falling upon the swell, approached each other
”Look sharp! Now, heave her, b'y!”
And Jimmy, in the bow of the skiff, with coiled painter ready, tossed it to one of the side, and in a moment Ji behind
”Why, it's Skipper Ed's partner an' Abel Zachariah's lad! My eyes! My eyes now! And whatever brings you driftin' around the sea at this time of the mornin', and with nary an oar?” exclailes of the Newfoundland fishi+ng schooner _Good and Sure_, who for as long as the lads could reht each sue down north, or on his hoe south, in the shelter of the island upon which Skipper Ed had always fished, or behind Itigailit Island And so it happened that Captain Higgles recognized Bobby and Jinized hi ice off a berg yesterday, when she shi+fted and turned us over and we lost our oars”
”Yesterday, was it? And so you young scallawags ha' been cruisin' about since yesterday, eh, with nary an oar Now listen t' that, b'ys!
Cruisin' around with nary an oar! My eyes! Oh, h it were a great joke, and the four seahed with him
”And neither of you'd be eatin' a biscuit, an' drinkin' ao' tea, now, if you had un!” he continued ”I'll be bound both o' you young daredevils'd turn up your nose at ao' tea and a biscuit, now
Wouldn't ye?”
”No, sir,” said Jiood to eat”
”I could eat the oarlocks this les exclaied in another burst of hearty guffaws
”Well, b'ys,” said the captain, ”I kno you feels, an' I knohere you'll get th' tea and th' biscuit An' th' cook aboard th' _Good an'
Sure_'ll show you”
”Thank you,” said Bobby
'”Twere lucky I sees you,” continued the captain ”There's a sick lad with a rash aboard, an' it's a wonderful troublesome rash, and makes he sick I were just turnin' in t' see Skipper Ed, thinkin' he ht knohat t' do for the little lad t' relieve he, e sights you”
”What, sir!” exclaimed Jimmy, ”are we as far south as that?”
”Aye,” said the captain, ”we're just t' th' s'uth'ard o' Skipper Ed's fishi+n' place An' weren't you cooes adrift?”
”No, sir,” explained Jiailit Island with Abel Zachariah this year, and ent adrift frooes, then!” said the captain ”Another hour's sail, but tihts you, an' lucky for th' sick lad, an' lucky for me--lucky all around My eyes! 'Tis like t' be a lucky day”
And so it came about that Bobby and Ji an accuood hardtack and tea, while the schooner laid her course for Itigailit Island
An hour later, as the captain had predicted, the _Good and Sure_ ca place, and al Skipper Ed and Abel pulled alongside in a boat and were expressing their relief upon the safe return of the two lads, whose sudden and unexplained disappearance had puzzled the scallawags driftin' around th' sea, and bearin' no course whatever,” explained Captain Higgles, ”an' I picks un up as salvage But I don't want un My eyes! I don't want un I don't want any such two scallawags as they about the _Good an' Sure_ They'd be causin'