Part 10 (1/2)
Subjects for the pencil of a clever graphic satirist were not wanting sixty years ago. France in those days set the fas.h.i.+on both in male and female attire, and the strangest eccentricities had marked the emanc.i.p.ation of that country from the thraldom of the Terror. There were the _incroyables_, a set of young dandies who affected royalist sympathies, and paraded the streets of Paris when young Napoleon was yet a general in the service of the Directory. They wore short-waisted coats with tails of preposterous length, c.o.c.ked hats of ponderous dimensions, green cravats, powdered hair plaited and turned up with a comb, while on each side of the face hung down two long curls called dogs' ears (_oreilles de chien_). These charming fellows carried twisted sticks of enormous size, as weapons of offence and defence, and spoke in a peculiarly affected manner.[51] Some fourteen or fifteen years later on, when we had driven Joseph Bonaparte and his brother's legions out of Spain, the fas.h.i.+ons had not improved. The biographer of Victor Hugo gives us the picture of one Gile, a Parisian dandy of that period, whose coat of olive brown was cut in the shape of a fish's tail, and dotted all over with metal b.u.t.tons even to the shoulders. Young men who went to moderate lengths in fas.h.i.+on were content to wear the waists of their coats in the middle of their backs, but the waist of this Gile intruded on the nape of his neck. His hat was stuck on the right side of his head, bringing into prominent notice on the left a thick tuft of hair frizzed out with curling irons. His trousers were ornamented with stripes which looked like bars of gold lace; they were pinched in at the knees and wide at the bottom, giving his feet the appearance of elephant's hoofs. Our own costume had been strange enough, in all conscience; but when Napoleon's continental system had been broken up after Leipzig, and a free market had been once more opened out between this country and foreign nations, fas.h.i.+ons more strange and eccentric, if possible, found their way into England. Thackeray, when writing his ”Vanity Fair,” the scenes of which are laid prior and subsequent to the battle of Waterloo, was fain to confess that he had intended to depict his characters in their proper costumes; ”but when he remembered the appearance of people in those days, he had not the heart to disfigure his heroes and heroines by costumes so hideous,” and thenceforth he habited these men and women of 1815 in the costume of the men and women of 1848. George Cruikshank's ”Monstrosities” are familiar to all acquainted with his works; and his brother Robert and his contemporaries were equally fond of ridiculing the preposterous fas.h.i.+ons of their time.
We find in the year 1818 a pictorial satire by Robert, which shows us a pair of _Dandies at Tea_, habited in the short-waisted, long-tailed coats, tight breeches, terrific stocks, s.h.i.+rt collars, and top boots of the period. ”My dear fellow, Mr. Sim,” one of them, asks, ”is your tea agreeable?” to which the other answers, ”Charming, my dear Lollena; where do you buy it?” They are seated in an attic, which, like that of the cobbler, serves ”for parlour and bedroom and all,” and the was.h.i.+ng of the tenant hangs suspended on a line above the heads of the interesting pair. We find another the same year, ent.i.tled, _Dandies having a Treat_, wherein we are shown a couple of eccentricities in a confectioner's shop; one of them, who eyes himself with much complacency in the gla.s.s, has his back to us, and is habited, _a la Gile_, in a very tight coat, whose tail commences just below its collar and narrows to a very fine point when it reaches its extremity; short wide trousers terminate at the knees, at which points they are met by a pair of Wellington boots. He entreats his equally strangely dressed companion to pay no attention to the uncomplimentary remarks of certain rude people who stand at the door and seem strongly inclined to subject them to the discipline of the pump. The pretty girl in attendance expresses to herself a hope that ”the creatures will leave the shop,” as she fears the exasperated people will do some mischief. Another caricature of the same year shows us _A Dandy Shoemaker in a Fright, or the Effects of Tight-lacing_. In stooping to measure a lady's foot, the fellow's stays have given way, and he evidently fears he shall tumble to pieces. In another subject, Robert shows us a couple of _dandies diving_ into a countryman's pockets, in the neighbourhood of St. James's Palace; others are ent.i.tled respectively, _A Dandy put to his Last Chemisette, or Preparing for a Bond Street Lounge_; _A Dandy c.o.c.k in Stays_; and _The Hen-pecked Dandy_. Besides those already mentioned, I find four or five other coa.r.s.e caricatures of Robert's, published by Fores in 1818.
Robert Cruikshank was ”a man about town” in those days, and the ”dandies” whom he and his fellow caricaturists satirized and ridiculed were the sham ”Corinthians” of his time. Apart from the idea of caricature they must have been queer fellows--these men with the large, squat broad-brimmed hats, huge cravats and collars, cauliflower frills, tight coats, short bell-shaped trousers, and well-spurred Wellington boots! In one of the satires of the time (which I take to be Robert's) we see five of them preparing for conquest in a hairdresser's shop; and the ”make up” comprises, in addition to the tremendous neckties, cauliflower frills, and top-boots of the period, false calves and stays, a pair of which the Frenchman hairdresser is lacing for one of his customers. Another of the party, who has completed the upper part of his toilet, is so hampered with the voluminous folds and stiffening of his cravat that he cannot wriggle into his unmentionables. The caricaturists take us into the garrets of these fellows, abodes of squalor and wretchedness, and show us that beneath their exterior magnificence there is nothing, or next to nothing. In a pair of rough anonymous satires--_The Dandy Dressing at Home_ and _The Dandy Dressed Abroad_--the former shows us how the completed figure is built up. The absence of a s.h.i.+rt is concealed by an amply frilled ”d.i.c.key,” the dirty feet protrude from the well-nigh footless stockings, the bare arms are clothed at the extremities only by the cuffs, while a pair of huge seals dangling from a ribbon guard form pendants to a latch-key instead of a gold watch. The fellow's was.h.i.+ng bill, which lies on the dressing-table before him, comprises four items--all of them collars. On the ground, side by side with the Wellington boots, which he himself has just been cleaning, lie the open pages of ”The Beau's Stratagem.” In a sketch by the always coa.r.s.e satirist Williams, two of these fellows have been decoyed into an infamous house and drugged, and the indignation of the bully and his female a.s.sistants is intense when they find that their watches are not even pinchbeck, but only pincus.h.i.+ons.
The ”Corinthian Kates” who figure in the satirical sketches of this period are members of the _demi monde_. An excellent undated sketch, signed ”J. L. M. fect.,” ent.i.tled, _A Dandyess_, is divided into two compartments. The first scene shows us the completed figure (a most absurd one), and the second (which is laid in the lady's garret) how the magnificent result has been attained. We find her engaged in ironing her chemisette; over the fire are suspended her stockings; on a stool near her stand her bottles of cosmetic and a pot of rouge; on the floor her ”artificial hump”; while her preposterous bonnet and other articles of costume hang from different articles of the scanty furniture.
Robert Cruikshank continues his attacks upon the fops in 1819. In that year we meet with _A Dandy Sick_; _Dandies on their Hobbies_, and _Female Lancers, or a Scene in St. James's Street_, chiefly remarkable on account of the costume of the two men who figure therein. Besides these we meet with a sort of pictorial allegory, ent.i.tled, _The Mysterious Fair One, or the Royal Introduction to the Circa.s.sian Beauty_, in which a foreign fair one is supposed to be introduced to the Regent's harem. The veil being removed discovers to him the well-known features of his neglected wife, from whom he recoils in abhorrence. The bulky figure of the Regent who, under the influence of copious port wine libations and general good living, had grown preposterously fat, is admirably preserved by both the Cruikshanks. The head and wig, tapering to an apex, remind one somewhat of the French _poire_ caricatures which disturbed the serenity of Louis Philippe, and preceded the revolutionary period of 1848.
Other caricatures by Robert of this year (1819) are labelled respectively, _The Political Champion turned Resurrection Man_, having reference to Cobbett and ”Orator Hunt”; _The Master of the Ordnance Exercising his Hobby_; _A Steward at Sea in a Vain Tempest, or Gaining the Point of Matrimony in Spite of Squalls_; _A New Chancery Suit Removed to the Scotch Bar_; _The Ladies' Accelerator_ (two women on hobbies); _Collegians at their Exercises, or Brazen Nose Hobbies_; _A New Irish Jaunting Car_; and a satire ent.i.tled _Landing at Dover and Overhauling the Baggage_, which would appear to refer to some incivilities on the part of the custom house authorities to the Persian amba.s.sador and his suite. The subject was probably only etched by the artist from the design of another, and is so grossly treated that in spite of the admirable workmans.h.i.+p we cannot further describe it.
Besides these we have the now well-known _Going to Hobby Fair_ (the only caricature of Robert which would seem to be known to those who have troubled themselves about him), and a far better one of contemporary date, ent.i.tled, _Cruising on Land, or Going to Hobby Horse Fair_.
Among the caricatures on the popular side in connection with the queen's trial in 1820, we find one by Robert, ent.i.tled, _The Secret Insult, or Bribery and Corruption Rejected_, which has reference to the overtures which, as we have seen in the previous chapter, were made to her by the ministers in the hope of avoiding, if possible, a public exposure; and here Lord Liverpool is represented in the act of offering to Her Majesty a purse. ”Abandon,” he says, ”your claim to the throne, change your name and the livery, and retire to some distant part of the earth, where you may never be seen or heard of any more; and if 50,000 per annum will not satisfy you--what will?” To which the queen (who a.s.sumes an appearance of virtuous indignation) replies, ”Nothing but a crown.”
Brougham turns his back, saying, ”I turn my back on such dirty work as this,” the fact being, as we have seen, that he had really entered into negotiations with the ministers on the queen's behalf, which she afterwards angrily repudiated. The devil pats him on the back. ”Well done, Broom,” he says; ”you have done your business well.” By the side of the queen stands a figure, possibly meant for Alderman Wood, carrying ”a s.h.i.+eld for the innocent,” and ”a sword for the guilty”; behind her in the distance is a s.h.i.+p, bearing the t.i.tle of ”The Wooden Walls of Old England.”
In our last chapter we mentioned the estimation in which the witnesses against Caroline of Brunswick were held by her sympathizers and the general public, and Robert's political views naturally inclined him to take the popular side. Those who saw them before they were housed in Cotton Garden, describe them as swarthy, dirty looking fellows, in scanty ragged jackets and greasy leathern caps; at the bar of the House, however, they looked as respectable as fine clothes and soap and water could make them. To this a caricature of Robert's, ent.i.tled, _Preparing the Witnesses--a View in Cotton Garden_, refers. Three dirty foreigners are being washed, with no satisfactory result, in a bath labelled, ”Waters of Oblivion,” ”Non Mi Ricordo,” and ”Ministerial Was.h.i.+ng Tub.”
One of the operators (probably the Attorney-General, Sir Robert Gifford) remarks that ”he never had such a dirty job in his life”; seated around are a number of equally dirty foreigners awaiting their turn. On the same theme and in the same year we find _The Milan Commission_ (a very rough affair); _The Master Cook and his Black Scullion composing a Royal Hash_; and a satire on the alderman, who, in spite of his Carolinian and popular sympathies, figures therein under the familiar t.i.tle of ”Mother Wood.”
The following year gives us _All My Eye_ (a skit upon Hone's ”Eulogium on the Radical Press”), representing a large eye, within the pupil of which we see a printing press, whereon rests a portrait of Queen Caroline; and also an admirable work, divided into two compartments, bearing respectively the t.i.tles of _The Morning after Marriage_, and upon Albemarle--not upon Littleton_.
A somewhat ludicrous affair of honour took place in 1822. In consequence of some words used by the Duke of Bedford in reference to the Duke of Buckingham at the Bedfords.h.i.+re county meeting, a hostile meeting took place in Kensington Gardens between the two n.o.blemen on the 2nd of May.
The seconds were Lord Lynedock and Sir Watkin Williams Wynn. Both parties fired together at a distance of twelve paces, but without effect; when the Duke of Buckingham, observing that the Duke of Bedford fired into the air, advanced to his grace, and remarking that for that reason the affair could go no farther, said: ”My Lord Duke, you are the last man I wish to quarrel with; but you must be aware that a public man's life is not worth preserving unless with honour.” The Duke of Bedford replied, that ”upon his honour he meant no personal offence to the Duke of Buckingham, nor to impute to him any bad or corrupt motive whatever”; and here this somewhat absurd event terminated. Robert commemorates it in a caricature, ent.i.tled, _A Shot from Buckingham to Bedford_, which cannot be said to be complimentary to either of the princ.i.p.als, one of the walls bearing the inscription in very large letters of ”Rubbish may be shot here.” Another admirable caricature of the year is ent.i.tled, _The Treadmill, or Stage-struck Heroes, Blacklegs, and Cadgers stepping it to the tune of Mill, Mill O!_ a sort of general satire; card-sharpers, decayed ”Corinthians,” and other vagabonds, are undergoing a course of hard labour upon the wheel, which was then a comparatively new invention,[52] their movements being accelerated by a gaoler armed with a heavy whip, who bears some resemblance to, and is probably intended for, the artist himself. A third excellent pictorial satire of the same year bears the t.i.tle of _Pope Mistaken_.
The year 1823 is remarkable for the interposition of the French Bourbon king into Spanish politics. The Spanish military, under the influence of Riego and other officers, and encouraged by the discontent of the middle, had revolted in 1820 against the despotism of Ferdinand, and succeeded in establis.h.i.+ng a const.i.tution, which, in spite of its imperfections, was preferable to the absolute and irresponsible government of the Spanish monarchy. This state of things was peculiarly distasteful to Louis XVIII., on account of the evil example it afforded to his subjects; and, fortified by the sympathy of the ”Holy Alliance”
(which may be shortly described as a sort of trades union of sovereigns to resist all political changes not originating with themselves), he determined to put it down. In his speech to the chambers on the 28th of January, he announced that, ”the infatuation with which the representations made at Madrid had been rejected, left little hope of preserving peace. I have ordered,” he said, ”the recall of my minister; one hundred thousand Frenchmen, commanded by a prince of my family [the Duc d'Angouleme]--by him whom my heart delights to call my son--are ready to march, invoking the G.o.d of St. Louis, for the sake of preserving the throne of Spain to a descendant of Henry the Fourth, of saving that fine kingdom from its ruin, and of reconciling it with Europe.” The real cause of interposition, however, is indicated a few sentences afterwards: ”_Let Ferdinand the Seventh be free to give to his people inst.i.tutions which they cannot hold but from him_, and which, by securing their tranquillity, would dissipate the just inquietudes of France, [and] hostilities shall cease from that moment.”
We have neither time, s.p.a.ce, nor inclination to relate the events of this invasion; suffice it to say that, owing to the cowardice of the Spaniards, it was a complete ”walk over” for the French, who, in five months after they had crossed the Bida.s.soa, had penetrated to Cadiz, dispersed the Cortes, and restored the despotism of Ferdinand.
[Ill.u.s.tration: R. CRUIKSHANK _fecit_. A. G.--_Published May, 1823._
_Face p. 99._]
The contemplated crusade had aroused a certain amount of sympathy in favour of Spain in England, but it did not go farther than the giving of a splendid entertainment to the Spanish and Portuguese amba.s.sadors at the London Tavern on the 7th of March, under the presidents.h.i.+p of Lord William Bentinck. The truth was that John Bull had not forgotten the ungrateful and cowardly conduct of the Spaniards when we drove the French out of their country in Napoleon's time; added to which England was saddled with a heavy national debt, which made us still less inclined to intermeddle with the affairs of our neighbours. Robert Cruikshank produced a caricature in reference to our position, called, _John Bull Flouris.h.i.+ng in an Att.i.tude of Strict Neutrality_, wherein he shows us Spain in the act of imploring his a.s.sistance, which, however, poor John is in no position to render, seeing that he wants help himself, being placed in the stocks and heavily burdened with the weight of ”last war's taxes.” In the distance appears fat Louis, mounted on a cannon, driven by the Pope, Russia, Austria, and Prussia, in allusion, of course, to the ”Holy Alliance” (the three latter powers had recalled their amba.s.sadors from Madrid on the 5th of January), while the devil condescends to lend his a.s.sistance by pus.h.i.+ng on behind. This caricature is probably the best that Robert ever designed. Another satire on the same subject bears the t.i.tle of _King Gourmand XVIII. and Prince Posterior in a Fright_.