Part 23 (1/2)
Desh's eyes widened as a square opening in the concrete wall was revealed, hidden behind the plywood. It was about six feet on a side and formed the entrance to a tunnel leading away from the house.
Metzger pulled a small flashlight from his vest and pointed it down the pa.s.sageway. The tunnel continued for about thirty yards and then curved out of sight.
”Interesting,” said Desh. ”Were you searching specifically for an escape hatch?” he asked the major.
Metzger nodded. ”Blackmail too many powerful men and you create a few enemies. Even if Putnam convinced them the dirt he had collected would be released automatically if he was killed, he would still want to have a means to escape a frontal a.s.saulta”just in case.”
”Not all that well hidden,” noted Kira.
”Doesn't need to be on this side,” said Metzger. ”Putnam would count on his security monitors giving him a head start. I'm sure the tunnel exit is well concealed. Once Putnam emerges, he can probably collapse the tunnel behind him to prevent anyone from following.”
”Let's get out of here,” said Desh. ”Even though Putnam is convinced of the strength of his signal and receiver, I want Kira aboveground,” he said protectively. ”Why take any chances we don't have to? We can search this tunnel later.” He paused. ”Nice work, Major.”
Desh caught Kira glancing nervously at her watch as they climbed the stairs. ”I'm guessing you would have told me if you had heard three high-pitched beeps recently,” he said softly.
Kira sighed. ”He'll reset it,” she said, although with less confidence than before.
When the three of them emerged from the bas.e.m.e.nt, Griffin saw them through the gla.s.s wall of the study and motioned them over.
”I haven't found anything linking Putnam to terror or the sterilization virus,” he said when they had joined him, ”but I did find files on a number of powerful people in politics and the military.”
”Compromising ones?” guessed Kira.
”Very,” he replied. ”Hoover would be proud. Putnam has a number of taped phone calls implicating the callers for taking bribes, cheating on spouses, engaging in criminal activitya”the works.” He paused and shook his head. ”He also has a lot of these.” A video of a chubby, balding older man having s.e.x with a buxom young beauty appeared on the screen. None of them recognized the man. ”According to the file,” explained Griffin, ”Baldy is the CEO of a major corporation. Putnam has videos of a number of powerful men engaged in either h.o.m.os.e.xual activity or having s.e.x with women who aren't their wives. But I'll spare you any more samples,” he said.
”Thank you,” said Desh in sincere appreciation.
”Not exactly the kind of thing you'd want to be shown to your wife or children,” noted Metzger unnecessarily.
”Or your const.i.tuency,” added Desh.
A digital clock appeared at the bottom of Putnam's computer monitor. It read 9:45. Desh eyed Kira worriedly. She was trying to keep a stiff upper lip but he could read the tension in her face.
There was a knock at the front door!
Desh grabbed Kira's arm and rushed from the room, taking up a position on the wall flanking the front door. Metzger hurried Griffin with him into position on the other side. Both men trained their weapons at the door.
There was another knock and then the rattle of keys. Finally, the door swung slowly open.
”h.e.l.lo in there,” yelled S. Frank Putnam from the entrance. ”I'm alone and unarmed. I'm coming in,” he announced.
Putnam calmly entered and closed the door behind him. Once the door had closed, Desh rushed to the window and peered out. He raised his binoculars and scanned the vicinity, but didn't see any evidence of anyone else approaching.
”Congratulations on escaping from the safe house and discovering my ident.i.ty,” said Putnam sincerely. ”One of these days you'll have to tell me how you did it,” he added.
”What are you doing here?” growled Kira disdainfully.
”Making sure you don't violate my property any further, my dear. My men will be arriving here in about ten minutes,” he said, ”but I thought I'd say h.e.l.lo and give you a chance to surrender first.”
”Why?” asked Desh suspiciously.
”I don't want to risk any injury to Dr. Miller, of course.”
”Other than your implanted bomb that's set to go off in twelve minutes, you mean,” said Desh.
”Twelve minutes is plenty of time for me to reset it; which I fully intend to do. I just wanted to tell you personally that you'll soon be greatly outnumbered, and urge you to surrender when my men arrive.”
Desh spoke into the microphone of his walkie-talkie. ”Colonel, possible incoming hostiles converging on our position. Do you have a visual?”
There was no answer.
”Colonel, come in.” He paused and lifted the tiny microphone to his mouth. ”Come in,” he said anxiously. ”Say again, possible incoming hostiles.”
”What's the matter, Desh?” taunted Putnam. ”No answer?”
”What did you do!” demanded Kira in alarm.
”You think my men wouldn't spot a f.u.c.king RV?” said Putnam contemptuously. ”That thing's a monstrosity.”
”What did you do!” persisted Kira.
”As it turns out, absolutely nothing, my dear. Your friend the colonel did it to himself.”
”Did what to himself?” snapped Desh.
”When my people boarded the RV, your colonel friend was hiding in the bedroom. Thought he'd be cute and wear electronic earplugs and goggles and toss out a stun grenade. He figured he would recover his sight and hearing before we did.” Putnam shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt. ”He didn't count on the vibration knocking him off his feet. His head slammed into the corner of an end table. Killed him instantly.” He paused, milking the moment. ”It wasn't pretty.”
The four intruders traded horrified glances. Even Kira and Griffin, who hadn't known the colonel very well, looked ill at the loss of such a good man.
Putnam made a show of looking at his watch. ”You have five minutes to come out with your hands raised,” he said. ”After that my men will come in after you.” The corners of his mouth turned up in a cruel smile. ”But I really have to go now, my dear. If I'm late resetting that little device in your head, I might end up with brain splatter on my drapes.” He raised his eyebrows. ”Can't have that, can we?”
Kira raised her gun and pointed it at Putnam. ”Don't take another step!” she growled.
”Or what?” he said scornfully. ”You're going to shoot me?” He shook his head and laughed. ”You're going to give yourself five minutes to live? You're going to kill the only chance you have to keep the lid on Pandora's box? I don't think so.”
A bullet exploded from Kira's gun and tore through Putnam's chest, slamming him back against the door. ”Think again,” she whispered, her face a mask of rage. She walked toward him and emptied the entire magazine into his body.
”Kira, what are you doing!” screamed Desh.
”He had to die,” she spat hatefully.
Kira Miller turned away from the body and gathered herself. ”David, take Putnam's escape tunnel and get out of here. Using my treatment the three of you can stop Putnam's plot. I know you can. But with the leverage he had over me, I was hurting our chances. Beat this b.a.s.t.a.r.d and then carry out your vision. You're a good man. I have confidence in you.”
Desh said nothing, but reached out to hold her. She melted into his arms and several tears escaped from her eyes and ran down her cheeks.
”David,” she whispered, still in his arms, ”I'm going to give you the GPS coordinates to my flash drive. If for some reason you aren't able to stop the virus, I'm counting on you to give the secret of longevity to the world.”