Chapter 37 (1/2)
Chapter 37: Replenis.h.i.+ng Magic Like Usual
Since I was finished experimenting with the new skill, I decided to enter my usual daily routine.
「Now then, Media let me replenish today as well」
「Umu, pay me the fee later」
Ever since I learned Curse, I had been replenis.h.i.+ng my magic from Media.
The amount gained from her barrier magic could be paid back with money so she was perfect for replenishment.
She also has resistance against the magic so she's the best option.
「Well then, I will start the absorption, 《Curse》」
「Alright come, 《Barrier: Resist》」
Media erected a thin transparent wall and the black light of curse pa.s.sed through her before returning back to me.
And when I opened my grimoire.
「Alright, fire has increased by one」
「Yes, just like usual and nothing more」
Each use of ”Curse” replenished one round.
I have been replenis.h.i.+ng my magic like this every single day.
Since I was doing this several times a day, it became possible to use fire stably.
Although the number of Media's barrier magic decreases, I pay her back with money so there wasn't a problem.
……With elemental magic we would be able to earn up to a certain degree.
So as long as I could keep increasing the magic I was fine with some expenses.
Also even if there was a problem with this replenishment method it would be the physical strength of the elderly Media.
「I will go again, are you alright?」
「Mhm! There is no problem, hurry up already」
Perhaps she thought it was interesting to see dark magic as she was still cheerful.
While expressing my grat.i.tude in my mind, I unleashed another curse upon her.
「……By the way, I wonder how many times can Kouta-kun's curse replenish the number of other magic?」
Media suddenly murmured.
「How many times you say……?」
「Umu, everyday you use it to replenish ”fire” five or six times, but I thought it might be more efficient to increase the amount we replenish」