Chapter 32 (1/2)

Chapter 32: A Magician's Natural Enemy

「So anyways, let me experiment Media」

「So that's why you came to my tent ……」

We were visiting the scorched ruins of Media's mansion, right now she is living in a tent.

If we're here then even if some strange magic is accidentally released it would still be fine, for example if something were to happen people would just say『Ah, the sage is developing some strange magic again』

「Well, I did say you can come ask me anything you wanted to know and since you did also help me get some money for repairs, I suppose it can't be helped. But like I said many times before please contact me in advance」

「Ah, sorry my bad, I will contact you properly next time」

「Umu, then it's fine」

It would be helpful if we could get to the topic as quick as possible.

「What magic is it this time?」

「This one spell called《Curse》」

When I said that Media widened her eyes in surprise.

「Again……you learned something rather troublesome……」

「So you know about it!? As expected of the sage Media-san!」

「You don't have to force yourself to praise me. I didn't say I was familiar with it, I just know some minor details」

Hm, what's with that response?

It's unusual and rather ambiguous

「Curse would be a dark magic and I know they're generally said to be a malicious existence.  Since dark magic places a heavy burden on the body, normal humans wouldn't use it. But that's about all I know」

Oh, after hearing her explanation it's starting to feel a bit scary.

「Well, since demons have practically unlimited stamina they tend to use it a lot」

Because they are immortal, they can disregard factors like stamina and burden.

When I think about it this way demons are quite underhanded.

「So, what are the effects of dark magic?」

「Dark magic is a type of magic that saps the opponent's physical strength and energy. Well, you will understand once you try it」

So with that, for now I decided to try using it against a target made from tree branches.

I had the grimoire opened in one hand that way I wouldn't misp.r.o.nounce the name written there, I then shouted.


I unleashed the magic and in an instant a black light penetrated the target.

It certainly is a rather dark display.

「……The effect……what?」

It didn't feel like I had sapped anything.

This doesn't feel like it should be fired recklessly.

「Well, dark magic will not work unless you use it against a human or animal」

「Please tell me earlier……」

So there are those kinds of magic.

This is the first time I have heard of it.

「Sorry my bad, I wanted to see it first. I was wondering whether it was the spell I thought it was」

「So, how was the result?」

「Umu, it's the dark magic I thought it was, the scope of it's range and pattern of the magic formation, along with how it weakens the user. It's definitely one of the spells the demons use」

I see, the demons are indeed quite scary now that I think about it.

「Well then, it's time for a real test run. I can resist it so please go ahead and use it on me」

「Eh……i-is that really okay?

「Judging from the previous light it seems it's not too dangerous yet」

She can tell how dangerous it is by just looking at it?

「Umu, the soul will s.h.i.+ne according to how powerful the magic is. If the magic is able to reach the level of killing someone it would be considered quite powerful enough …… but that curse is nowhere near that level」

It's convenient, to be able to see the soul.

So it can even be used for such a thing.

「Well, it's fine. I will shoot because you said it's okay, you won't regret it?」

「I will provide you with a few days worth of food if I regret it」

「If so that's a small price to pay. Well then――《Curse》!」

In an instant a black light hits Media.