Part 17 (1/2)
”It was a lovely affair. Senator Rudyard sat beside me at dinner, and I found him most entertaining. He and the other two senators were impressed with Mr. McKinley's spa.”
”So they should be, from what you've told me. Did much politicking go on?”
”Not a bit.”
”That's strange, isn't it?”
Cleo was right. That was odd. Surely politics had been Morgan's reason for hosting the party, and yet he'd said not a word about the election. He'd even warned the senator off of politics early in the evening. Perhaps he hoped to win the race by charm alone. Judging from last night that might be possible.
”Want to go over your opening comments for tonight?” Cleo asked, oblivious to Gwen's thoughts.
She shook her head. ”Later. Right now I'd like some breakfast, and then I think I'll go over to All Saints. I feel the need for some solitude.”
”I can get out of your hair, if that's what you're needing.”
”Oh, Cleo.” She reached forward and took her sister's hand. ”I didn't mean you were in the way. I just want to be silent before the Lord, to settle my thoughts and hear His voice. The church seems the best place for it.”
”I reckon you're right.” Cleo slid from the bed. ”I'll scramble some eggs. Coffee's all ready for you.”
”Thank you. You've been such a help to me this week. I'm going to miss having you here every day.”
”Much as I love you, Gwennie, a week of living in town is just about all I can stomach in one stretch. You know that. Just like ranch living didn't suit you when you tried it. You like living in town and being involved with your neighbors and all. I need those wide open s.p.a.ces to make me happy.”
William Rudyard placed the doc.u.ment on Morgan's desk. ”You needn't worry about this. Clive and Jeremiah are as thoroughly impressed as I am. We'll make sure that these petty impediments are resolved within the month.”
”That soon?”
”That soon. Trust me. The county commissioners can be pressured by the state in this regard. I believe Mr. Carter will see the writing on the wall and acquiesce. I should think you'd have your commitment from the railroad in a few weeks. I know a number of men on the board of directors, and I'll be placing calls to them as soon as I return to Boise.”
”Thank you, Billy. This means a lot to me.”
”As it would to Danielle. I rather like knowing I'll have a hand in seeing her vision for this spa fulfilled in Idaho. You know how I felt about your mother.”
”Yes, I know.”
”She would be proud of all you've accomplished.”
”I hope so.”
”You can know so.” The senator paused, then added, ”And I believe she would approve of your affection for Miss Arlington, as well.”
Morgan's eyes widened.
The senator chuckled. ”It was was rather obvious last night.” rather obvious last night.”
”Was it?”
”Good heavens, man. Of course it was. At least to me.” William slapped his knee. ”And I understand why you feel that way. I think her a good match for you, my boy. Few of the fairer s.e.x are, as yet, ready to serve in public office, but I believe she is. Come to think of it, I'm mighty glad she would rather be mayor of this small town than seek an office at the state level. If she were running against me, it might be the end of my political career.”
Gwen was all the things William had said about her. She was beautiful, both inside and out. Last night, she had outshone the most brilliant of lights in the room. It had been hard for Morgan to take his eyes off of her and pay attention to what the guests seated on either side of him were saying.
She wanted to be mayor. Not because she could use her office to accomplish something for her own gain, but because she loved Bethlehem Springs and the people in it. He cared too, but not the way she did. It had been a selfish purpose that spurred him to enter the race. If elected, he would serve with honor. He knew that much about himself. But still...
The sanctuary was silent on a morning, the lighting dim with the doors closed and no candles or lamps burning. Gwen knelt at the rail before the front pew, hands folded, head bowed.
In nine hours, she would be in the bas.e.m.e.nt of another church on the opposite side of town, facing many of the voters of Bethlehem Springs, trying to convince them that she was the better candidate for mayor. Was that true? Would she be able to govern as she should? Would she make a better mayor than Morgan McKinley?
Father, fill me with Your peace. fill me with Your peace.
She wouldn't have agreed to run if she hadn't thought G.o.d had told her it was the right thing to do. She wouldn't have run if her father and sister hadn't agreed that she should.
May Your will be done, Lord. Lord.
Cleo had worked hard this past week, going from house to house and business to business, sharing what Gwen wanted to accomplish as mayor - improvements to the school, better streets and sidewalks, new equipment for the fire department. Would that information help persuade those who had reservations about a woman holding office?
Which one of us do You mean to be mayor?
Gwen didn't doubt that Morgan was a follower of Christ. She'd observed him enough, listened to him enough, to convince her that his faith was real.
But shouldn't he concentrate on the resort if he believes You brought him here to build it?
Guilt p.r.i.c.ked her spirit. That was a selfish prayer.
Help me not to be envious or resentful if he should win the election.
Gwen opened her eyes and stared at the wooden cross on the wall above the altar. Like a caress, she felt peace brush against her heart. The nervousness she had felt earlier was gone. Whatever happened tonight, she would be all right. Whatever happened in the election, she would be all right. She would trust in the will of the Lord.
Thank You, Father. Father.
She stood, stepped into the center aisle, and walked toward the back of the sanctuary. Moments later, she moved into the bright June suns.h.i.+ne. The day was already warming. She hoped it wouldn't be too hot by the time Owen arrived for his lesson.
Speaking of the boy, wasn't that him riding pell-mell toward her on a bicycle? Kitty must have come up with the money to fix the tire, but how Gwen couldn't imagine.
When Owen saw her, he skidded to a halt. ”Hey, Miss Arlington.”
She walked up to him. ”Good morning, Owen. I see both your knee and your bicycle tire are much improved.”
”The tire wasn't fixed. It's a whole new bike!”
”A new bike?”
”Mr. McKinley brought it to me this morning. He had it s.h.i.+pped up from Boise special, just for me.”
”He did?”
”Ma tried to tell him we couldn't accept it, but he talked her into it. But she says I'm gonna have to do some for him until I've paid him back.”