Part 18 (1/2)
T. X. pointed the thing downward to the carpet and pressed the k.n.o.b cautiously. As he did so there was a sharp hiss and the floor was stained with the liquid which the instrument contained. Just one gush of fluid and no more. T. X. looked down. The bright carpet had already changed colour, and was smoking. The room was filled with a pungent and disagreeable scent. T. X. looked from the floor to the white-faced man.
”Vitriol, I believe,” he said, shaking his head admiringly. ”What a dear little fellow you are!”
The man, big as he was, was on the point of collapse and mumbled something about self-defence, and listened without a word, whilst T.
X., labouring under an emotion which was perfectly pardonable, described Kara, his ancestors and the possibilities of his future estate.
Very slowly the Greek recovered his self-possession.
”I didn't intend using it on you, I swear I didn't,” he pleaded.
”I'm surrounded by enemies, Meredith. I had to carry some means of protection. It is because my enemies know I carry this that they fight shy of me. I'll swear I had no intention of using it on you. The idea is too preposterous. I am sorry I fooled you about the safe.”
”Don't let that worry you,” said T. X. ”I am afraid I did all the fooling. No, I cannot let you have this back again,” he said, as the Greek put out his hand to take the infernal little instrument. ”I must take this back to Scotland Yard; it's quite a long time since we had anything new in this shape. Compressed air, I presume.”
Kara nodded solemnly.
”Very ingenious indeed,” said T. X. ”If I had a brain like yours,” he paused, ”I should do something with it--with a gun,” he added, as he pa.s.sed out of the room.
”My dear Mr. Meredith,
”I cannot tell you how unhappy and humiliated I feel that my little joke with you should have had such an uncomfortable ending. As you know, and as I have given you proof, I have the greatest admiration in the world for one whose work for humanity has won such universal recognition.
”I hope that we shall both forget this unhappy morning and that you will give me an opportunity of rendering to you in person, the apologies which are due to you. I feel that anything less will neither rehabilitate me in your esteem, nor secure for me the remnants of my shattered self-respect.
”I am hoping you will dine with me next week and meet a most interesting man, George Gathercole, who has just returned from Patagonia,--I only received his letter this morning-- having made most remarkable discoveries concerning that country.
”I feel sure that you are large enough minded and too much a man of the world to allow my foolish fit of temper to disturb a relations.h.i.+p which I have always hoped would be mutually pleasant. If you will allow Gathercole, who will be unconscious of the part he is playing, to act as peacemaker between yourself and myself, I shall feel that his trip, which has cost me a large sum of money, will not have been wasted.
”I am, dear Mr. Meredith,
”Yours very sincerely,
Kara folded the letter and inserted it in its envelope. He rang a bell on his table and the girl who had so filled T. X. with a sense of awe came from an adjoining room.
”You will see that this is delivered, Miss Holland.”
She inclined her head and stood waiting. Kara rose from his desk and began to pace the room.
”Do you know T. X. Meredith?” he asked suddenly.
”I have heard of him,” said the girl.
”A man with a singular mind,” said Kara; ”a man against whom my favourite weapon would fail.”