Part 23 (1/2)

Romeo, Romeo Robin Kaye 61700K 2022-07-22


”What do you feel like?” ”Anything but puttanesca” puttanesca”

Nick raised an eyebrow at that but thought it best not to ask any more questions.

She gave him a squeeze and a slow, thorough kiss before sliding off his lap. ”I'm going to take a hot shower. I'm still cold to the bone, and I want to wash off the icky feeling of Johnny's sweaty hand. G.o.d, he's such a pig. I might have to burn this skirt.”

”You sure you don't want me to pay him a visit? I'll teach him to keep his hands to himself.”

She patted his cheek. ”That's a sweet offer. Cro-Magnon, but sweet.”

Nick wrapped his arm around her waist as she slid back on his lap. He held her hips as he moved beneath her and whispered in her ear. ”I know how much you like it when I play 'caveman.'”

He nipped her earlobe, and she groaned. ”Oh, yeah. Let me get a shower; you get your club. I'll meet you in the cave in a half hour.”

”Take your time. I have to hunt for food first.”

”It's a date.”

Chapter Fourteen.

In the three months she and Nick had been together, they'd fallen into a comfortable routine. Nick took Dave to work with him most days, and he cooked dinner most nights. Rosalie almost always helped Nick with the dishes. Sometimes, if Nick worked late, they'd go to DiNicola's for a bite. And today Rosalie was, as usual, running late for her Monday morning staff meeting. Shoot.

”Nick, I can't find my black bra. Do you know where it is? It was right here the last time I looked.”

The bras that were always hung to dry on a hanger on the shower curtain rod had suddenly disappeared.

Nick stuck his head in the bathroom and smiled that smile. Every time he did that, she ended up late for work. Of course, she walked around all day with a smile on her face. Still, her constant tardiness wasn't setting a good example for the staff.

She should have known better than to walk around with nothing on except her stockings and thong. She was beginning to think she subconsciously planned for him to find her in compromising positions. They both enjoyed the outcome, but why couldn't he ever catch her when she was running early? Probably because they didn't get out of bed until she was already running late. d.a.m.n it.

Nick turned the corner and leered. Rosalie crossed her arms over her chest. ”Don't look at me in that tone of face. I'm late. Where is my black bra?”

Nick leaned against the doorjamb and smirked. ”Do you want the thin one that shows your nipples or that s.h.i.+ny one that accentuates your cleavage?”

Rosalie uncrossed her arms, looked down, and saw that the thin one might cause undue attention. ”The s.h.i.+ny one.”

”They're both put away where they belong.”

”What are you talking about?” Rosalie took the hanger off the rod and held it out to him. ”This is where they belong.”

”No, sweetheart, that's where you hang them to dry. Then you're supposed to put them away in something called a drawer.”

”Why? They were fine hanging right here, and I always knew where they were. See? Now I have to look in two places.”

”You know, it's a good thing you're so cute when you say things like that. If you weren't, you'd drive me crazy.”

”Don't even go there. You're the one who has me wondering if I'm on the fast track to Bellevue. You're always putting stuff where I can't find it. I spend my life looking for things I swear I'd put down a second ago.”

She walked past Nick into the bedroom and started searching for the drawer he'd designated as the bra drawer.

”Come on, don't tell me you miss coming home to a place that looks as if it has been tossed.”

”Okay, I won't.”

Rosalie slammed a drawer that contained Nick's boxer shorts. Nick opened the one next to it and pulled out her black satiny bra that matched her thong... well, except for the little red bow on the back. The one he was tracing with his fingers. She slapped his hand away. ”Stop it, Nick. I have a staff meeting, and it'll look really bad if I'm late... again.”

”It's not my fault you can't resist my body.”

”Don't you have a car to fix or something?”

He wrapped his arms around Rosalie and kissed her shoulder, watching the reflection in the mirror of his dark hands moving over her much lighter stomach.

”Okay, get dressed, and I'll drive you to the express train. Hurry, Dave's already got his leash and is waiting by the door.”

”You're bringing Dave?”

”Yeah, of course. Don't worry; I'll make him ride in the back until I drop you off.”

”You're all heart.” Rosalie slipped a silk sh.e.l.l over her bra and stepped into her skirt. She caught his eye in the mirror as he helped her into her suit jacket.

She stepped into the shoes she'd spent twenty minutes searching for. She still hadn't gotten into the habit of looking in the closet. Who would have thought to look for her shoes where they belonged? Nick waited by the front door, holding her coat. Her briefcase and purse sat on the table beside the door for her to grab on the way out. Odd, since she'd thrown them on the couch Friday.

Nick took Dave's leash out of his mouth and snapped it to his collar. ”Get used to it, buddy. No matter how great they are, women always leave a guy cooling his jets by the door.”

”Men.” Rosalie walked out, leaving Nick to lock up, and waited for him by the car, tapping her foot the whole time. He opened her door. Rosalie moved to get in, but Dave snuck past her and jumped in the front seat.

”Dave, get in back until we drop your mom off. Go on, move it.”

Dave whined, moved between the seats, and lay down in back. Nick handed her in before taking the driver's seat.

He started the car and pulled into traffic. ”What do you want to do for dinner tonight?”

”I have a late meeting with my boss to give him a status report on Premier Motors. I don't know how long that will take. I'll call you on the way out of the office, okay?”

”Sure. If you want, take the express, and I'll meet you back here. Let me know.”

He pulled up to the curb by the station. They kissed each other good-bye, and Rosalie got out. Dave jumped in the front seat. They were getting better at the whole ”'Bye, honey, see you tonight” kissing thing. She waved as Nick reached around Dave and buckled the seat belt. The lunatic.

Rosalie pressed the intercom b.u.t.ton, waited for the beep, and spoke. ”Gina?” ”You rang?”

”Is the computer tech still working in your office?”

”No. He works normal hours. It's after closing time. He's long gone.”

Rosalie had been so preoccupied when she'd returned from her meeting downtown that she'd walked past Gina's desk with a mumbled greeting and hadn't noticed.