Part 19 (1/2)
At every step they peered fearfully around them for what they dreaded to see--the mangled body of some slain sheep. But they saw none. And they followed the trail.
In a quarter mile they came to its end.
All four flashlights played simultaneously upon a tiny hillock that rose from the meadow at the forest edge. The hillock was usually green. Now it was white.
Around its short slopes was huddled a flock of sheep, as close-ringed as though by a fence. At the hillock's summit sat Lad. He was sitting there in a queer att.i.tude, one of his snowy forepaws pinning something to the ground--something that could not be clearly distinguished through the huddle but which, evidently, was no sheep.
The Wall Street Farmer broke the tense silence with a gobbled exclamation.
”Whisht!” half reverently interrupted the shepherd, who had been circling the hillock on census duty. ”There's na a sheep gone, nor--so far's I can see--a sheep hurted. The fu' twenty is there.”
The Master's flashlight found a gap through which its rays could reach the hillock crest. The light revealed, under Lad's gently pinioning forepaw, the crouching and badly scared Melisande--the $1100 Prussian sheep dog.
McGullicuddy, with a grunt, was off on another and longer tour of inspection. Presently he came back. He was breathing hard.
Even before McGillicuddy made his report the Master had guessed at the main points of the mystery's solution.
Melisande, weary of captivity, had gnawed through her leash. Seeking sport, she had gone to the paddock. There she had easily worried loose the crazy gate latch. Just as she was wriggling through, Lad appeared from the veranda.
He had tried to drive back the would-be killer from her prey. Lad was a veteran of several battles. But, apart from her s.e.x, Melisande was no opponent for him. And he had treated her accordingly. Melisande had snapped at him, cutting him deeply in the underjaw. During the scrimmage the panic-urged sheep had bolted out of the paddock and had scattered.
Remember, please, that Lad, ten hours earlier, had never in his life seen a sheep. But remember, too, that a million of his ancestors had won their right to a livelihood by their almost supernatural skill at herding flocks. Let this explain what actually happened--the throwback of a great collie's instinct.
Driving the scared and subdued Melisande before him--and ever hampered by her unwelcome presence--Lad proceeded to round up the scattered sheep. He was in the midst of the process when the Master called him. Merely galloping back for an instant, and finding the summons was not repeated, he returned to his atavistic task.
In less than five minutes the twenty scampering runaways were ”ringed”
on the hillock. And, still keeping the Prussian sheep dog out of mischief, Lad established himself in the ring's center.
Further than that, and the keeping of the ring intact, his primal instincts did not serve him. Having rounded up his flock Lad had not the remotest idea what to do with them. So he merely held them there until the noisily gabbling humans should decide to take the matter out of his care.
McGillicuddy examined every sheep separately and found not a scratch or a stain on any of them. Then he told in effect what has here been set down as to Lad's exploit.
As he finished his recital McGillicuddy looked shamefacedly around him as though gathering courage for an irksome task. A sickly yellow dawn was crawling over the eastern mountains, throwing a ghostly glow on the shepherd's dour and craggy visage. Drawing a long breath of resolve he advanced upon Lad. Dropping on one knee, his eyes on a level with the unconcernedly observant collie's, McGillicuddy intoned:
”Laddie, ye're a braw, braw dog. Ou, a canny dog! A sonsie dog, Laddie! I hae na met yer match this side o' Kirkcaldy Brae. Gin ye'll tak' an auld fule's apology for wrangin' ye, an' an auld fule's hand in gude fellows.h.i.+p, 'twill pleasure me, Laddie. Winna ye let bygones be bygones, an' shake?”
Yes, the speech was ridiculous, but no one felt like laughing, not even the Wall Street Farmer. The shepherd was gravely sincere and he knew that Lad would understand his burring words.
And Lad did understand. Solemnly he sat up. Solemnly he laid one white forepaw in the gnarled palm the kneeling shepherd outstretched to him. His eyes glinted in wise friendliness as they met the admiring gaze of the old man. Two born shepherds were face to face. Deep was calling unto deep.
Presently McGillicuddy broke the spell by rising abruptly to his feet. Gruffly he turned to the Master.
”There's na wit, sir,” he growled, ”in speirin' will ye sell him. But--but I compliment ye on him, nanetheless.”
”That's right; McGillicuddy's right!” boomed the Wall Street Farmer, catching but part of his shepherd's mumbled words. ”Good idea! He is a fine dog. I see that now. I was prejudiced. I freely admit it. A remarkable dog. What'll you take for him? Or--better yet, how would you like to swap, even, for Melisande?”
The Master's mouth again flew ajar, and many sizzling words jostled each other in his throat. Before any of these could shame his hospitality by escaping, the Mistress hurriedly interposed:
”Dear, we left all the house doors wide open. Would you mind hurrying back ahead of us and seeing that everything is safe? And--will you take Lad with you?”