Part 10 (1/2)
Sputtering and panting, Lad made for sh.o.r.e. Presently he reached the ice-ledge that lay between him and the bank. He reached it just as the Master, squirming along, face downward and at full length, began to work his way out over the swaying sh.o.r.e-ice toward him.
Twice the big dog raised himself almost to the top of the ledge. Once the ice broke under his weight, dousing him. The second time he got his fore-quarters well over the top of the ledge, and he was struggling upward with all his tired body when the Master's hand gripped his soaked ruff.
With this new help, Lad made a final struggle--a struggle that laid him gasping but safe on the slushy surface of the thicker ice. Backward over the few yards that still separated them from land he and the Master crawled to the bank.
Lad was staggering as he started forward to greet the Mistress, and his eyes were still dim and bloodshot from his fearful ordeal. Midway in his progress toward the Mistress another dog barred his path--a dog that fell upon him in an ecstasy of delighted welcome.
Lad cleared his water-logged nostrils for a growl of protest. He had surely done quite enough for Wolf this day, without the puppy's trying to rob him now of the Mistress' caress. He was tired, and he was dizzy; and he wanted such petting and comfort and praise as only the wors.h.i.+pped Mistress could give.
Impatience at the puppy's interference cleared the haze a little from Lad's brain and eyes. He halted in his shaky walk and stared, dumfounded. This dog which greeted him so rapturously was not Wolf. It was--why, it was--Lady! Oh, it was _Lady!_
”We've just brought her back to you, old friend,” the Master was telling him. ”We went over for her in the car this morning. She's all well again, and----”
But Lad did not hear. All he realized--all he wanted to realize--was that his mate was ecstatically nipping one of his ears to make him romp with her.
It was a sharp nip; and it hurt like the very mischief.
Lad loved to have it hurt.
Lad had never been in a city or in a crowd. To him the universe was bounded by the soft green mountains that hemmed in the valley and the lake. The Place stood on the lake's edge, its meadows running back to the forest. There were few houses nearer than the mile-distant village. It was an ideal home for such a dog as Lad, even as Lad was an ideal dog for such a home.
A guest started all the trouble--a guest who spent a week-end at The Place and who loved dogs far better than he understood them. He made much of Lad, being loud-voiced in his admiration of the stately collie. Lad endured the caresses when he could not politely elude them.
”Say!” announced the guest just before he departed, ”If I had a dog like Lad, I'd 'show' him--at the big show at Madison Square, you know. It's booked for next month. Why not take a chance and exhibit him there? Think what it would mean to you people to have a Westminster blue ribbon the big dog had won! Why, you'd be as proud as Punch!”
It was a careless speech and well meant. No harm might have come from it, had not the Master the next day chanced upon an advance notice of the dog-show in his morning paper. He read the press-agent's quarter-column proclamation. Then he remembered what the guest had said. The Mistress was called into consultation. And it was she, as ever, who cast the deciding vote.
”Lad is twice as beautiful as any collie we ever saw at the Show,” she declared, ”and not one of them is half as wise or good or _human_ as he is. And--a blue ribbon is the greatest honor a dog can have, I suppose. It would be something to remember.”
After which, the Master wrote a letter to a friend who kept a show kennel of Airedales. He received this answer:
”I don't pretend to know anything, professionally, about collies--Airedales being my specialty. But Lad is a beauty, as I remember him, and his pedigree shows a bunch of old-time champions. I'd risk it, if I were you. If you are in doubt and don't want to plunge, why not just enter him for the Novice cla.s.s?
That is a cla.s.s for dogs that have never before been shown. It will cost you five dollars to enter him for a single cla.s.s, like that. And in the Novice, he won't be up against any champions or other dogs that have already won prizes. That will make it easier. It isn't a grueling compet.i.tion like the 'Open' or even the 'Limit.' If he wins as a Novice, you can enter him, another time, in something more important. I'm inclosing an application-blank for you to fill out and send with your entrance-fee, to the secretary. You'll find his address at the bottom of the blank. I'm showing four of my Airedales there--so we'll be neighbors.”
Thus encouraged, the Master filled in the blank and sent it with a check. And in due time word was returned to him that ”Sunnybank Lad”
was formally entered for the Novice cla.s.s, at the Westminster Kennel Club's annual show at Madison Square Garden.
By this time both the Mistress and the Master were infected with the most virulent type of the Show Germ. They talked of little else than the forthcoming Event. They read all the dog-show literature they could lay hands on.
As for Lad, he was mercifully ignorant of what was in store for him.
The Mistress had an inkling of his fated ordeal when she read the Kennel Club rule that no dog could be taken from the Garden, except at stated times, from the moment the show should begin, at ten A.M. Wednesday morning, until the hour of its close, at ten o'clock night. For twelve hours a day--for four consecutive days--every entrant must be there. By paying a forfeit fee, dog owners might take their pets to some nearby hotel or stable, for the remainder of the night and early morning--a permission which, for obvious reasons, would not affect most dogs.
”But Lad's never been away from home a night in his life!” exclaimed the Mistress in dismay. ”He'll be horribly lonely there, all that while--especially at night.”