Part 50 (1/2)
Humgudgeon here interfered, taking upon himself the freedom of a co-adjutor. ”Verily,” he said, ”if what the damsel is called to speak upon hath aught unseemly, I crave your Excellency's permission to withdraw, not desiring that my nightly meditations may be disturbed with tales of such a nature.”
”Nay, your honour,” said Phoebe, ”I scorn the old man's words, in the way of seemliness or unseemliness either. Master Louis did but s.n.a.t.c.h a kiss, that is the truth of it, if it must be told.”
Here Humgudgeon groaned deeply, while his Excellency avoided laughing with some difficulty. ”Thou hast given excellent tokens, Phoebe,” he said; ”and if they be true, as I think they seem to be, thou shalt not lack thy reward.-And here comes our spy from the stables.”
”There are not the least signs,” said the trooper, ”that horses have been in the stables for a month-there is no litter in the stalls, no hay in the racks, the corn-bins are empty, and the mangers are full of cobwebs.”
”Ay, ay,” said the old knight, ”I have seen when I kept twenty good horses in these stalls, with many a groom and stable-boy to attend them.”
”In the meanwhile,” said Cromwell, ”their present state tells little for the truth of your own story, that there were horses to-day, on which this Kerneguy and your son fled from justice.”
”I did not say that the horses were kept there,” said the knight. ”I have horses and stables elsewhere.”
”Fie, fie, for shame, for shame!” said the General; ”can a white-bearded man, I ask it once more, be a false witness?”
”Faith, sir,” said Sir Henry Lee, ”it is a thriving trade, and I wonder not that you who live on it are so severe in prosecuting interlopers. But it is the times, and those who rule the times, that make grey-beards deceivers.”
”Thou art facetious friend, as well as daring in thy malignity,” said Cromwell; ”but credit me, I will cry quittance with you ere I am done.
Whereunto lead these doors?”
”To bedrooms,” answered the knight.
”Bedrooms! only to bedrooms?” said the Republican General, in a voice which indicated such was the internal occupation of his thoughts, that he had not fully understood the answer.
”Lord, sir,” said the knight, ”why should you make it so strange? I say these doors lead to bedrooms-to places where honest men sleep, and rogues lie awake.”
”You are running up a farther account, Sir Henry,” said the General; ”but we will balance it once and for all.”
During the whole of the scene, Cromwell, whatever might be the internal uncertainty of his mind, maintained the most strict temperance in language and manner, just as if he had no farther interest in what was pa.s.sing, than as a military man employed in discharging the duty enjoined him by his superiors. But the restraint upon his pa.s.sion was but
”The torrent's smoothness ere it dash below.”
[Footnote: But mortal pleasure, what art thou in truth?
The torrent's smoothness ere it dash, below.
CAMPBELL'S Gertrude of Wyoming.]
The course of his resolution was hurried on even more forcibly, because no violence of expression attended or announced its current. He threw himself into a chair, with a countenance that indicated no indecision of mind, but a determination which awaited only the signal for action. Meanwhile the knight, as if resolved in nothing to forego the privileges of his rank and place, sat himself down in turn, and putting on his hat, which lay on a table, regarded the General with a calm look of fearless indifference. The soldiers stood around, some holding the torches, which illuminated the apartment with a lurid and sombre glare of light, the others resting upon their weapons. Phoebe, with her hands folded, her eyes turned upwards till the pupils were scarce visible, and every shade of colour banished from her ruddy cheek, stood like one in immediate apprehension of the sentence of death being p.r.o.nounced, and instant execution commanded.
Heavy steps were at last heard, and Pearson and some of the soldiers returned. This seemed to be what Cromwell waited for. He started up, and asked hastily, ”Any news, Pearson? any prisoners-any malignants slain in thy defence?”
”None, so please your Excellency,” said the officer.
”And are thy sentinels all carefully placed, as Tomkins' scroll gave direction, and with fitting orders?”
”With the most deliberate care,” said Pearson.
”Art thou very sure,” said Cromwell, pulling him a little to one side, ”that this is all well and duly cared for? Bethink thee, that when we engage ourselves in the private communications, all will be lost should the party we look for have the means of dodging us by an escape into the more open rooms, and from thence perhaps into the forest.”
”My Lord-General,” answered Pearson, ”if placing the guards on the places pointed out in this scroll be sufficient, with the strictest orders to stop, and, if necessary, to stab or shoot, whoever crosses their post, such orders are given to men who will not fail to execute them. If more is necessary, your Excellency has only to speak.”