Part 27 (1/2)
She hesitated.
”Ernest, what's the sense? How can you see in this light anyway, how--”
He did not let her finish.
”Come here!”
Slowly she went toward him.
”What is it, Ernest? What?”
”A crack?” His hand still worked across it. ”In the paint--here along the arm. Or a cut, or something. How under the sun could it have happened? We've got to have it fixed somehow. Never heard of such a thing before. Old Daniel Drare'll be as sore as a crab if ever he gets wind of this. It'd be like hurting him to touch this portrait. He certainly does think the world of it! How could it have happened;--that's what I'd like to know.”
”I--I don't know what you're talking about--I--!”
”Here! Can't you see it? It's as plain as the nose on your face. Along the arm. It's a cut. Right into the canvas. You can run your finger in it. Give me your hand.”
She shrank back from him.
”No--no, Ernest.”
He stared at her intently.
”You do look seedy. You'd better go up and lie down. I've got to dress for dinner, anyway. We'll have to have this fixed.”
He started for the door.
She blocked his way.
”Will--you--let--me--go, Ernest?”
”Don't start that again.”
”All right. I won't!”
”That's a sensible girl, Jenny. Even your father had to laugh at you when you told him the way you feel. It isn't natural. It's just nerves, I guess. You could stick it out with Daniel Drare. You can stick it out with me. Look here, Daniel Drare's a great old fellow, but I'm not as crude in some things as he is; am I, Jenny?”
”You would be if you could.” Her voice was singsong. ”You haven't his strength; that's all.”
”I'm not as crude as he is.”
”You haven't his strength,” she droned.
”I've enough strength to keep you here; if that's what you mean.”
”No, it's not what I mean.” A puzzled look crept across her face. Her eyes were suddenly furtive. ”Maybe I don't know what I mean. But I don't think it's you. I don't think you count. It's him. It's Daniel Drare!
He's behind it all. I don't think I quite know what I'll do about it. I must do something! I mustn't be angry!”
He stared at her.