Part 10 (1/2)

She spoke to him first.

”Yes”; he said.

”You live up there?” She pointed a bare browned arm up toward the sun bleached chalk cliffs. ”By yourself?”


”You ain't got a boat?”


”They say you don't ever fish. Why don't you, Mister?”

”I--I ain't the one to fish.”

”Want to help me with these here nets?”

”I--I can't do--that.”

”It ain't hard, Mister.”


”Come on in; I'll show you how.”

He opened the gate and went into the yard and then he stood there just looking down at her.

”I wouldn't touch--no--net--”

Her brows drew together in a puzzled frown.

”You mean you don't like fis.h.i.+ng?”

Somehow he did not want her to know.


”Oh;” she said, not understanding.

They were silent a moment.

”You sell baskets?” She asked him.

”D'you want one?”

”Mebbe. Got a medium-sized one?”

”Got a lot.”


”I'd like mighty well to--to give you one, little girl.”