Part 2 (1/2)
It was getting dark. There were shadows along the ground. Blue shadows.
In the graying skies one star shone brilliantly. Beyond the mist-slurred summit of a hill the full moon grew yellow.
In front of him was the slope of wind-moved corn field, and in the center of it the dim, military figure standing waist deep in the corn.
His eyes fixed themselves to it.
He whispered the words very low.
Still--standing there--still. The same wooden att.i.tude of it. His same, cunning watching of it.
There was a wind. He knew it was going over his face. He could feel the cool of the wind across his moistened lips.
He took a deep breath.
Down there in the s.h.i.+vering corn field, standing in the dark, blue shadows, the dim figure had quivered.
An arm moved--swaying to and fro. The other arm began--swaying--swaying.
A tremor ran through it. Once it pivoted. The head shook slowly from side to side. The arms rose and fell--and rose again. The head came up and down and rocked a bit to either side.
”I'm here--” he muttered involuntarily. ”Here.”
The arms were tossing and stretching.
He thought the head faced in his direction.
The wind had died out.
The arms went down and came up and reached.
The woman seated herself on the step at his side.
”Look!” He mumbled. ”Look!”
He pointed his hand at the dim figure s.h.i.+fting restlessly in the quiet, shadow-saturated corn field.
Her eyes followed after his.
”Well--” His voice was hoa.r.s.e. ”It's moving, ain't it? You can see it moving for yourself, can't you? You ain't able to say you don't see it, are you?”
”The--wind--” She stammered.
”Where's the wind?”