Part 13 (1/2)

”Hey, Tad, supper's ready,” shouted Ned, peering over the cliff.

”All right,” came back the answer. ”I'm eating mine now. I've got corned beef and--”

”And what? It must be something pretty good.”

”It is. What would you say to canned peaches?”

”Canned peaches! Now, fellows, what do you think of that? I didn't know there were any in the pack,” mourned Ned.

”And you the cook! I don't think you're much of a cook after all.

It's lucky for us you didn't know it, I guess,” said Stacy, with a grimace.

”Lucky for Tad, you mean. Precious little of those canned peaches we'll ever see. Come, fall to. You'll make me late with my dishes,”

urged Ned.

They were hungry enough, and the spiderful of beans and bacon looked good to them.

”What, do we have to eat with a spoon--a large spoon, at that?”

”You do, unless you prefer to use your fingers, Professor. We are not allowed by you to do that, but I presume you can if you want to.

Chunky doesn't need any. We will divide the two spoons between the three of us,” said Ned, with a twinkle in Stacy's direction.

But his levity did not disturb the fat boy in the least. After having had his plate heaped with beans and bacon, Stacy calmly took from his pocket two sharp sticks that he had cut and trimmed just before supper. On one of these he speared a piece of bacon, stringing several beans on the other, and carrying both mouthward at the same time.

The boys burst out laughing.

”Well, will you look at the chopsticks!” exclaimed Ned. ”I always thought he'd make a good Chinaman.”

”Master Stacy is at least resourceful,” answered the Professor, a broad grin on his face. ”I think I shall cut me some sticks just like those.”

The boy stripped the beans from one into his mouth and extended the stick to Professor Zepplin.

”No, thank you,” laughed the scientist. ”I think I prefer to get my own.”

Chunky solemnly chased a truant bean about his plate, finally spearing and conveying it to his already well-filled mouth.



After all, the supper proved a very jolly meal, now that they were sure Tad was all right. Then, again, the beans and bacon were p.r.o.nounced excellent by each of them, and Stacy had made fully as good time with his crude chopsticks as had the others with the tablespoons.

Supper finished, all hands turned in to help wash the dishes, and in a few moments the camp was again in perfect order.

Tad was informed of Stacy's skill with chopsticks, and they could hear him laughing over it, even though they were no longer able to see him.

”Are you warm enough down there?” called Ned.