Part 18 (1/2)

”They're not dying anymore, stupid,” Quark said. ”They're just sick. And they aren't threatened with-” he couldn't suppress the shudder ”-loss of ear function.”

Rom's eyes got bigger. Nog put a hand on his hat. ”That won't happen, will it, uncle?”

”Yes, it will,” Quark said, ”and it'll happen to me first. Let's go.”

They walked to the door of the bar and peered through the gla.s.s design. The Promenade was empty.

”I think you should stay here, Nog,” Rom said.

”Why?” ”It might be dangerous out there.”

”No more dangerous than in here,” Nog said, tugging on the hat.

”I want him treated too,” Quark said. ”I don't want to be reinfected.”

He hit the door release and the gla.s.s doors opened. The silence was short-lived. He heard more shots and a few screams coming from far away.

”Follow me,” he whispered. He motioned them out and let the doors close and lock behind them. He kept to the wall and crouched; at this level, no one would mistake them for Carda.s.sians. Or Bajorans for that matter.

It took only a few moments to reach the infirmary. The stench was as bad as it had been before. Maybe worse. Quark let himself inside, and saw patients everywhere, mostly Carda.s.sians, leaning against the wall in a semblance of a line. At the end of it, the male hu-man a.s.sistant was attacking them all with a hypospray.

A few Carda.s.sians sat on beds, clutching limbs with phaser Dr. Narat came out of the office and his gaze met Quark's. ”I don't have time for Ferengi nonsense,” he said. ”Look,” Quark said, shoving his ear in Narat's direction. ”The infection has gotten worse. It's heading for the ear ca.n.a.l and when it gets there-”

”I don't care,” Narat said. ”You can wait. It's not life-threatening.”

”Well, that depends,” Quark said. ”If this continues, my quality of life will be dramatically lowered.”

”It's a minor problem,” Narat said. ”Go back to your bar. When things settle down, we'll worry about your ear infection.”

”Ear infection?” The hu-man female stood in the office door. She wore clothes and looked much too efficient for a female. ”Yes,” Narat said. ”I'm trying to get rid of them.” ”Let me see,” she said. She walked over to Quark, who tilted his head up so that she could examine his ear.

Her fingers were gentle on his 1obes. If he weren't in so much pain- ”Kellec,” she said. ”Come see this.”

Kellec Ton came out of the office and frowned at her. ”What?” he said. ”It's just an ear infection. I treated it before.” ”You did?” she asked. ”Yes, with some antibacterial cream.” ”How long ago was that?” ”A few days.” ”And it's come back, worse,” Quark said. ”When did this start?” the female asked.

”When the Carda.s.sians poured drinks all over me,” Rom said, a bit too eagerly. ”When was that?” the female asked.

Rom frowned. ”About the time that Carda.s.sian turned green and-”

”About the time the plague started,” Quark said. He didn't want Rom to admit they had carried a sick Carda.s.sian out of the bar. Hu-mans, Bajorans, and particularly Carda.s.sians wouldn't take well to that.

”Really'?” the female said. She bent over his ear again. ”Was it this bad when you saw it, Kellec?” ”No,” he said.

Narat joined them. ”What you're thinking is not possible,” he said. ”What are you thinking?” Quark asked.

”A third species,” the female said, not to him, but to the other doctors. ”And of course it manifests differently. And not as seriously.”

”That we know of,” Kellec said. ”This could just be the early stages.” ”Are you saying we have the plague?” Quark asked. ”Come into the office and let's find out,” the female said. She sounded remarkably cheery about the whole thing.

Rom grabbed Quark's arm. ”Brother, I don't want to die.” ”It's not high on my list either,” Quark said.

”It's better than being green for the rest of your life,” Nog said, looking around. Rom shushed him, and shoved him forward.

”We won't die, will we?” Quark asked Narat as he followed him into the crammed office.

”Oh, you'll die,” Narat said. Then he smiled. ”Someday, anyway. You just probably won't die of this.”

”Some bedside manner,” Quark mumbled, and clenched his fists so that he wouldn't scratch his extremely itchy ears.

Chapter Twenty-five

THE SOUNDS OF PHASER FIRE off in the distance echoed through the heat and choking stench of the Bajoran section. Kellec Ton had never thought he would ever hear the sounds of battle here. Clearly a few Bajorans had managed to get Carda.s.sian guns and were holding off the Carda.s.sian guards. All the Carda.s.sian guards had been driven from the Bajoran section of the station. For all he knew, the fighters might even be making headway into the Carda.s.sian section. But it wasn't a headway that was taking them anywhere except closer to their own deaths. And his too.

He had no doubt that if the final cure wasn't found quickly, the Carda.s.sians would destroy the station. And possibly even Bajor.

Yet he wasn't going to tell the fighters that. They were Bajorans, fighters against Carda.s.sian rule. As long as there was one of them left to fight, there was still hope.

Kellec moved quickly from one sick Bajoran to another, inoculating them with the temporary cure. It would get them back on their feet for at least ten hours. Then they'd be back sick again as the virus reformed and tore them apart. But at this point, ten hours was a very long time.

With luck Katherine and her people would find a final cure by then.

He checked his hypospray as he leaned over a young boy whose mother held him in her lap. She looked as flushed and sick as her son. He injected her first, then the boy. He had enough injections for a few more hours at this pace. He had brought supplies from the Carda.s.sian medical lab, and his Bajoran a.s.sistants were helping him make more serum in the Bajoran medical area. But down here the process was much slower, the equipment nowhere near as good. There was no way they could keep making enough to maintain all the Bajorans alive until a final cure was found.

Since he'd come into the Bajoran section, the fighting had expanded from isolated sections and now covered the entire area. Most of it was between his position and the Carda.s.sian medical lab. He doubted he could get through at this point; he'd face that problem when he completely ran out of serum.

Again, phaser fire echoed through the wide corridor as two Bajorans carrying another headed toward him. ”Doctor,” one of them said, ”can you help him?” For an instant Kellec didn't realize the man they were carrying wasn't sick. He was wounded. A phaser had caught him in the left shoulder.

”Stretch him out here,” Kellec said, motioning to an open place in the hallway beside the woman and her son.

They did as they were told, and quickly he inspected the wounded soldier. Phaser burn. Shock. But he would live, given a little time and care, a.s.suming the entire station lived through this.

Kellec quickly gave the wounded soldier a shot against the virus just to be sure, then glanced up at the other soldiers. ”Get him to the medical area. He's going to be fine. I'll check in on him in an hour or so.” ”Thanks,” the soldier said.

Kellec watched them carry him off. How crazy was this? He was temporarily curing his people of a deadly disease so they could keep fighting and dying. Sometimes it was hard to keep straight just why he was doing this.

The young boy took a deep shuddering breath, and then started to cry softly.

Kellec glanced at him. Both he and his mother were clearly recovering quickly, regaining the pale, hungry look of a normal Bajoran worker here on Terok Nor. More than likely, they were recovering for the second time.

He watched the mother comfort the child, then nodded. There was one of his reasons. The child. Kellec was fighting for a future for that child beyond working in an uridium-processing plant for a Carda.s.sian dog. He'd keep his people alive long enough to see the Carda.s.sians beaten, even if he had to die along with many others trying.

He moved on, injecting the temporary cure into Bajoran after Bajoran scattered along the wide hallway. And with each patient, he tried not to think about the fact that their only real hope for survival and winning this battle was Katherine and her crew.

They had to find the final cure and find it fast. But if there was anyone he trusted to do it, it was Katherine.

Chapter Twenty-six