Part 28 (1/2)


Men have always been fascinated by word-lore. The Greeks and Romans played with etymology in a somewhat metaphysical fas.h.i.+on, a famous example of which is the derivation of _lucus a non lucendo_. Medieval writers delight in giving amazing information as to the origin of the words they use. Their method, which may be called learned folk-etymology, consists in attempting to resolve an unfamiliar word into elements which give a possible interpretation of its meaning. Thus Philippe de Thaun, who wrote a kind of verse encyclopedia at the beginning of the 12th century, derives the French names of the days of the week as follows: _lundi_, day of light (_lumiere_), _mardi_, day of toil or martyrdom (_martyre_), _mercredi_, day of market (_marche_), _jeudi_, day of joy (_joie_), _vendredi_, day of truth (_verite_), _samedi_, day of sowing (_s.e.m.e.nce_). Here we perhaps have, not so much complete ignorance, as the desire to be edifying, which is characteristic of the medieval etymologists.

Playful or punning etymology also appears very early. Wace, whose _Roman de Rou_ dates from about the middle of the 12th century, gives the correct origin of the word _Norman_--

”Justez (_put_) ensemble _north_ et _man_ Et ensemble dites _northman_.”

But he also records the libellous theory that _Normendie_ comes from _north mendie_ (begs). We cannot always say whether an early etymology is serious or not, but many theories which were undoubtedly meant for jokes have been quite innocently accepted by comparatively modern writers.[142]

The philologists of the Renaissance period were often very learned men, but they had no knowledge of the phonetic laws by which sound change is governed. Nor were they aware of the existence of Vulgar Latin, which is, to a much greater extent than cla.s.sical Latin, the parent of the Romance languages. Sometimes a philologist had a pet theory which the facts were made to fit. h.e.l.lenists like Henri Estienne believed in the Greek origin of the French language, and Perion even derived _maison_ from the Gk. ????? (?????, a house) by the simple method of prefixing an _m_. At other periods there have been Celtomaniacs, _i.e._, scholars who insisted on the Celtic origin of French.

The first English etymological dictionary which aims at something like completeness is the _Guide into the Tongues_ of John Minsheu, published in 1617. This attempts to deal not only with English, but with ten other languages. It contains a great deal of learning, much valuable information for the student of Tudor literature, and some amazing etymologies. ”To _purloine_,[143] or get privily away,” is, says Minsheu, ”a metaphor from those that picke the fat of the _loines_.”

_Parmaceti_, a corruption of _spermaceti_--

”And telling me, the sovereign'st thing on earth Was _parmaceti_ for an inward bruise.”

(1 _Henry IV._, i. 3.)

he derives from Parma, which has given its name to _parmesan_ cheese. On the word _c.o.c.kney_[144] he waxes anecdotic, always a fatal thing in an etymologist--

”_c.o.c.kney_, or _c.o.c.kny_, applied only to one borne within the sound of Bow-bell, that is, within the City of London, which tearme came first out of this tale: That a cittizens sonne riding with his father out of London into the country, and being a novice and meerely ignorant how corne or cattell increased, asked, when he heard a horse _neigh_, what the horse did; his father answered, the horse doth _neigh_; riding farther he heard a _c.o.c.ke_ crow, and said, doth the neigh_ too?”


Moliere often makes fun of the etymologists of his time and has rather unfairly caricatured, as Vadius in _Les Femmes savantes_, the great scholar Gilles Menage, whose _Dictionnaire etymologique_, published in 1650, was long a standard work. Moliere's mockery and the fantastic nature of some of Menage's etymologies have combined to make him a b.u.t.t for the ignorant, but it may be doubted whether any modern scholar, using the same implements, could have done better work. For Menage the one source of the Romance languages was cla.s.sical Latin, and every word had to be traced to a Latin word of suitable form or sense. Thus Fr.

_haricot_[145] is connected by him with Lat. _faba_, a bean, _via_ the conjectural ”forms” _*fabarius_, _*fabaricus_, _*fabaricotus_, _*faricotus_, _*haricotus_, a method to which no problem is insoluble.[146] He suggests that Fr. _geindre_, or _gindre_,[147]

baker's man, comes from Lat. _gener_, son-in-law, because the baker's man always marries the baker's daughter; but this practice, common though it may be, is not of sufficiently unfailing regularity to const.i.tute a philological law. Perhaps his greatest achievement was the derivation of Span. _alfana_,[148] a mare, from Lat. _equus_, a horse, which inspired a well-known epigram--

”_Alfana_ vient d'_equus_, sans doute, Mais il faut avouer aussi Qu'en venant de la jusqu'ici Il a bien change sur la route.”

These examples show that respect for Menage need not prevent his work from being a source of innocent merriment. But the above epigram loses some of its point for modern philologists, to whom equations that look equally fantastic, _e.g._ Eng. _wheel_ and Gk. ??????,[149] are matters of elementary knowledge. On the other hand, a close resemblance between words of languages that are not nearly related is proof presumptive, and almost positive, that the words are quite unconnected. The resemblance between Eng. _nut_ and Ger. _Nuss_ is the resemblance of first cousins, but the resemblance of both to Lat. _nux_ is accidental. Even in the case of languages that are near akin, it is not safe to jump to conclusions. The Greek cousin of Lat. _deus_ is not ?e??, G.o.d, but ?e??, Jupiter.


An etymology that has anything to do with a person or an anecdote is to be regarded with suspicion. For both we want contemporary evidence, and, in the case of an anecdote, we never, to the best of my knowledge, get it. In Chapter III. are a number of instances of words formed according to authentic evidence from names of persons. But the old-fas.h.i.+oned etymologist will not be denied his little story. Thus, in explanation of _spencer_ (p. 40), I find in a manual of popular information of the last century,[150] that--

”His Lords.h.i.+p, when Lord-lieutenant of Ireland, being out a-hunting, had, in the act of leaping a fence, the misfortune to have one of the skirts of his coat torn off; upon which his lords.h.i.+p tore off the other, observing, that to have but one left was like a pig with one ear! Some inventive genius took the hint, and having made some of these half-coats, out of compliment to his lords.h.i.+p, gave them the significant cognomen of _Spencer_!”

This is what Pooh-Bah calls ”corroborative detail intended to give artistic verisimilitude to a bald and unconvincing narrative.” From the same authority we learn that--

”_Hurly-burly_[151] is said to owe its origin to Hurleigh and Burleigh, two neighbouring families, that filled the country around them with contest and violence.”

and that--

”The word _boh!_ used to frighten children, was the name of Boh, a great general, the son of Odin, whose very appellation struck immediate panic in his enemies.”[152]

The history of _chouse_ exemplifies the same tendency. There is no doubt that it comes from a Turkish word meaning interpreter, spelt _chaus_ in Hakluyt and _chiaus_ by Ben Jonson. The borrowing is parallel to that of _cozen_ (p. 110), interpreters having a reputation little superior to that of horse-dealers. But a century and a half after the introduction of the word we come across a circ.u.mstantial story of a Turkish _chiaus_ who swindled some London merchants of a large sum in 1609, the year before Jonson used the word in the _Alchemist_. ”Corroborative detail”

again. The story may be true, but there is not an atom of evidence for it, and Skinner, who suggests the correct derivation in his _Etymologicon_ (1671), does not mention it. Until contemporary evidence is adduced, the story must be regarded as one of those fables which have been invented in dozens by early etymologists, and which are perpetuated in popular works of reference. It is an article of faith in Yorks.h.i.+re that the coa.r.s.e material called _mungo_ owes its name to the inventor of the machine used in its fabrication, who, when it stuck at a first trial, exclaimed with resolution, ”It _mun go_.”

Many stories have been composed _apres coup_ to explain the American _hoodlum_ and the Australian _larrikin_, which are both older than our _hooligan_ (see p. 12). The origin of _hoodlum_ is quite obscure. The story believed in Australia with regard to _larrikin_ is that an Irish policeman, giving evidence of the arrest of a rough, explained that the accused was _a-larrikin'_ (larking) in the street, and this was misunderstood by a reporter. But there appears to be not the slightest foundation for this story. The word is perhaps a diminutive of the common Irish name _Larry_, also immortalised in the stirring ballad--

”The night before _Larry_ was stretched.”

As I write, there is a correspondence going on in the Nottingham papers as to the origin of the nickname _Bendigo_, borne by a local bruiser and evangelist. According to one account, he was one of triplets, whom a jocular friend of the family nicknamed Shadrach, Meschach, and _Abed-Nego_, the last of which was the future celebrity. It is at any rate certain that his first challenge (_Bell's Life_, 1835) was signed ”Abed-Nego of Nottingham.” The rival theory is that, when he was playing in the streets and his father appeared in the offing, his companions used to warn him by crying ”_Bendy go!_” This theory disregards the a.s.sertion of the ”oldest inhabitant” that the great man was never called _Bendy_, and the fact, familiar to any observer of the local dialect, that, even if he had been so called, the form of warning would have been, ”Look aht, Bendy, yer daddy's a-coomen.”