Part 21 (1/2)
Cotgrave has _flans_, ”flawnes, custards, eggepies; also, round planchets, or plates of metall.”
The largest cla.s.s of doublets is formed by those words of Latin origin which have been introduced into the language in two forms, the popular form through Anglo-Saxon or Old French, and the learned through modern French or directly from Latin. Obvious examples are _caitiff_, _captive_; _chieftain_, _captain_; _frail_, _fragile_. Lat. _discus_, a plate, quoit, gave Anglo-Sax. _disc_, whence Eng. _dish_. In Old French it became _deis_ (_dais_), Eng. _dais_, and in Ital. _desco_, ”a deske, a table, a boord, a counting boord” (Florio), whence our _desk_. We have also the learned _disc_ or _disk_, so that the one Latin word has supplied us with four vocables, differentiated in meaning, but each having the fundamental sense of a flat surface.
_Dainty_, from Old Fr. _deintie_, is a doublet of _dignity_. _Ague_ is properly an adjective equivalent to _acute_, as in Fr. _fievre aigue_.
The _paladins_ were the twelve peers of Charlemagne's _palace_, and a Count _Palatine_ is a later name for something of the same kind. One of the most famous bearers of the t.i.tle, Prince Rupert, is usually called in contemporary records the _Palsgrave_, from Ger. _Pfalzgraf_, lit.
palace count, Ger. _Pfalz_ being a very early loan from Lat. _palatium_.
_Trivet_, Lat. _tripes_, _triped-_, dates back to Anglo-Saxon, its ”rightness” being due to the fact that a three-legged stool stands firm on any surface. In the learned doublets _tripod_ and _tripos_ we have the Greek form. _Spice_, Old Fr. _espice_ (_epice_), is a doublet of _species_. The medieval merchants recognised four ”kinds” of spice, viz., saffron, cloves, cinnamon, nutmegs.
_Coffin_ is the learned doublet of _coffer_, Fr. _coffre_, from Lat.
_cophinus_. It was originally used of a basket or case of any kind, and even of a pie-crust--
”Why, thou say'st true; it is a paltry cap; A custard-_coffin_, a bauble, a silken pie.”
(_Taming of the Shrew_, iv. 3.)
Its present meaning is an attempt at avoiding the mention of the inevitable, a natural human weakness which has popularised in America the horrible word _casket_ in this sense. The Greeks, fearing death less than do the moderns, called a coffin plainly sa???f????, flesh-eater, whence indirectly Fr. _cercueil_ and Ger. _Sarg_.
The homely _mangle_, which comes to us from Dutch, is a doublet of the warlike engine called a _mangonel_--
”You may win the wall in spite both of bow and _mangonel_.”
(_Ivanhoe_, Ch. 27.)
which is Old French. The source is Greco-Lat. _manganum_, apparatus, whence Ital. _mangano_, with both meanings. The verb _mangle_, to mutilate, is unrelated.
[Page Heading: SULLEN--MONEY]
_Sullen_, earlier _soleyn_, is a popular doublet of _solemn_, in its secondary meaning of glum or morose. In the early Latin-English dictionaries _solemn_, _soleyn_, and _sullen_ are used indifferently to explain such words as _acerbus_, _agelastus_, _vultuosus_. Shakespeare speaks of ”customary suits of _solemn_ black” (_Hamlet_, i. 2), but makes Bolingbroke say--
”Come, mourn with me for that I do lament, And put on _sullen_ black incontinent.”
(_Richard II._, v. 6.)
while the ”_solemn_ curfew” (_Tempest_, v. 1) is described by Milton as ”swinging slow with _sullen_ roar” (_Penseroso_, l. 76). The meaning of _antic_, a doublet of _antique_, has changed considerably, but the process is easy to follow. From meaning simply ancient it acquired the sense of quaint or odd, and was applied to grotesque[102] work in art or to a fantastic disguise. Then it came to mean buffoon, in which sense Shakespeare applies it to grim death--
”For within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a king, Keeps death his court; and there the _antic_ sits, Scoffing his state, and grinning at his pomp.”
(_Richard II._, iii. 2.)
and lastly the meaning was transferred to the capers of the buffoon.
From Old High Ger. _faltan_ (_falten_), to fold, and _stuol_ (_Stuhl_), chair, we get Fr. _fauteuil_. Medieval Latin constructed the compound _faldestolium_, whence our ecclesiastical _faldstool_, a litany desk.
_Revel_ is from Old Fr. _reveler_, Lat. _rebellare_, so that it is a doublet of _rebel_. Holyoak's _Latin Dictionary_ (1612) has _revells or routs_, ”concursus populi illegitimus.” Its sense development, from a riotous concourse to a festive gathering, has perhaps been affected by Fr. _reveiller_, to wake, whence _reveillon_, a Christmas Eve supper, or ”wake.” Cf. Ital. _vegghia_, ”a watch, a wake, a _revelling a nights_”
The very important word _money_ has acquired its meaning by one of those accidents which are so common in word-history. The Roman _mint_ was attached to the temple of Juno _Moneta_, _i.e._, the admonisher, from _monere_, and this name was transferred to the building. The Romans introduced _moneta_, in the course of their conquests, into French (_monnaie_), German (_Munze_), and English (_mint_). The French and German words still have three meanings, viz., mint, coin, change. We have borrowed the French word and given it the general sense represented in French by _argent_, lit. silver. The Ger. _Geld_, money, has no connection with _gold_, but is cognate with Eng. _yield_, as in ”the _yield_ of an investment,” of which we preserve the old form in _wergild_, payment for having killed a man (Anglo-Sax. _wer_). To return to _moneta_, we have a third form of the word in _moidore_--
”And fair rose-n.o.bles and broad _moidores_ The waiter pulls out of their pockets by scores.”
(INGOLDSBY, _The Hand of Glory_.)