Part 8 (1/2)


The formal announcement of the engagement of Laura Nesbit and Thomas Van Dorn came when Mrs. Nesbit began tearing out the old floors on the second story of the Nesbit home and replacing them with hardwood floors.

Having the carpenters handy she added a round tower with which to impress the Schenectady Van Dorns with the importance of the Maryland Satterthwaites. In this architectural outburst the town read the news of the engagement. The town was so moved by the news that Mrs. Hilda Herd.i.c.ker was able to sell to the young women of her millinery suzerainty sixty-three hats, which had been ordered ”especially for Laura Nesbit,” at prices ranging from $2.00 to $57. Each hat was carefully, indeed furtively, brought from under the counter, or from the back room of the shop or from a box on a high shelf and secretly exhibited and sold with injunctions that the Nesbits must not be told what Mrs. Herd.i.c.ker had done. One of these hats was in reach of Violet Mauling's humble twenty dollars! Poor Violet was having a sad time in those days. No candy, no soda water, no ice cream, no flowers; no buggy rides, however clandestine, nor fervid glances--nothing but hard work was her unhappy lot and an occasional clash with Mr. Brotherton. Thus the morning after the newly elected Mayor had heard the formal announcement of the engagement, he hurried to the offices of Calvin & Van Dorn to congratulate his friend:

”h.e.l.lo, Maudie,” said Mr. Brotherton. ”Oh, it isn't Maudie--well then, Trilby, tell Mr. Van Dorn the handsome gentleman has came.”

Hearing Brotherton's noise Van Dorn appeared, to summon his guest to the private office.

”Well, you lucky old dog!” was Mr. Brotherton's greeting. ”Well, say--this is his honor, the Mayor, come up to collect your dog tax!

Well, say!” As he walked into the office all the secret society pins and charms and signets--the Shriners' charm, the Odd Fellows' links, the Woodmen's ax, the Elks' tooth, the Masons' square and compa.s.s, the Knights Templars' arms, were glistening upon his wrinkled front like a mosaic of jewels!

Mr. Brotherton shook his friend's hand, repeating over and over, ”Well, say--” After the congratulatory ceremony was finished Mr. Brotherton cried, ”You old scoundrel--I'd rather have your luck than a license to steal in a mint!” Then with an eye to business, he suggested: ”I'll just about open a box of ten centers down at my home of the letters and arts for you when the boys drop around!” He backed out of the room still shaking Mr. Van Dorn's hand, and still roaring, ”Well, say!” In the outer office he waved a gracious hand at Miss Mauling and cried, ”Three sugars, please, Sadie--that will do for cream!” and went laughing his seismic laugh down the stairs.

That evening the cigar box stood on the counter in Brotherton's store.

It was wreathed in smilax like a votive offering and on a card back of the box Mr. Brotherton had written these pious words:

”In loving memory of the late Tom Van Dorn, Recently engaged.

For here, kind friends, we all must lie; Turn, Sinner, turn before ye die!

_Take_ one.”

Seeing the box in the cloister and the brotherhood a.s.sembled upon the walnut bench Dr. Nesbit, who came in on a political errand, sniffed, and turned to Amos Adams. ”Well, Amos,” piped the Doctor, ”how's Lincoln this evening?”

The editor looked up amiably at the pudgy, white-clad figure of the Doctor, and replied casually though earnestly, ”Well, Doc Jim, I couldn't seem to get Lincoln to-day. But I did have a nice chat with Beecher last night and he said: 'Your friend, Dr. Nesbit, I observe, is a low church Congregationalist.' And when I asked what he meant Beecher replied, 'High church Congregationalists believe in New England; low church Congregationalists believe in G.o.d!' Sounds like him--I could just see him twitching his lips and twinkling his eyes when it came!” Captain Morton looked suspiciously over his steel-bowed to say testily:

”'Y gory, Amos--that thing will get you yet--what say?” he asked, turning for confirmation to the Doctor.

Amos Adams smiled gently at the Captain, but addressed the Doctor eagerly, as one more capable of understanding matters occult: ”And I'll tell you another thing--Mr. Left is coming regularly now.”

”Mr. Left?” sniffed the Captain.

”Yes,” explained the editor carefully, ”I was telling the Doctor last week that if I go into a dark room and blindfold myself and put a pencil in my left hand, a control who calls himself Mr. Left comes and writes messages from the Other Side.”

”Any more sense to 'em than your crazy planchette?” scoffed Captain Morton.

The editor closed his eyes in triumph. ”Read our editorial this week on President Cleveland and the Money Power?” he asked. The Captain nodded.

”Mr. Left got it without the scratch of a 't' or the dot of an 'i' from Samuel J. Tilden.” He opened his eyes to catch the astonishment of the listeners.

”Humph!” snorted the Doctor in his high, thin voice, ”Old Tilden seems to have got terribly chummy with Karl Marx in the last two years.”

”Well, I didn't write it, and Mary says it's not even like my handwrite.

And that reminds me, Doctor, I got to get her prescription filled again.

That tonic you give her seems to be kind of wearing off. The baby you know--” he stopped a moment vaguely. ”Someway she doesn't seem strong.”

Only the Doctor caught Grant's troubled look.

The Doctor snapped his watch, and looked at Brotherton. The Doctor was not the man to loaf long of an autumn evening before any election, and he turned to Amos and said: ”All right, Amos--we'll fix up something for Mary a little later. Now, George--get out that Fourth Ward voters' list and let's get to work!”

The group turned to the opening door and saw Henry Fenn, resplendent in a high silk hat and a conspicuously Sunday best suit, which advertised his condition, standing in the open door. ”Good evening, gentlemen,” he said slowly.