Part 19 (1/2)

Vanquished. Nancy Holder 50710K 2022-07-22

”So far they've been able to outrun Estefan and his Spanish coven brothers. Skye's been performing strong spells to blot out their trail, and I've tried to help her,” Father Juan said.

”Oh, G.o.d,” Jenn said, her chest constricting from a breath she now realized she'd been holding mentally for weeks. ”What about my mom and Sade?”

”Call them and see,” Father Juan said, then relented. ”Your mother's fine, if stressed and frightened. Sade is another matter. When you speak to them, tell them to come to you.”

”Just the two of them? Alone?” Jenn asked.

”Remember, Jenn, after your father betrayed you to Aurora, your mother joined the resistance. She's been on dangerous recon missions. The news about Heather was a huge blow to her, and I think for a time she felt very helpless. But Sade has not recovered from the shock of the battle at Salamanca. And your mother has had someone to take care of. It's helped her rally.”

Jenn swallowed hard. ”So . . . no word on Heather?”

”Not through any of my contacts, nor through magick. I'm sorry.”

”And Noah?”

Father Juan shook his head. ”I've had no word from him. I'll be honest; that worries me.”

After all the team members had been contacted, they began to arrive. Jenn's mother and Sade were the first. Anxiously waiting for them in the entryway to the dank, grim chapel, where rows of candles glowed as testament to the many prayers the monks were saying for Antonio's sake, Jenn wore a black turtleneck sweater to hide the wound Antonio had inflicted on her.

”Jenn,” her mother said, wrapping her arms around her.

Jenn tried not to feel intense hurt as she felt the stiffness in her mother's embrace. It was obvious that her mom still blamed her for Heather's transformation into a vampire-when it should have been Jenn's father she blamed. As Jenn did.

”Your father was on TV again,” Jenn's mom said as Father Wadim brought her some green mint tea. He was very tall, with a stripe of gray hair wrapped around the middle of his head, like Friar Tuck of Robin Hood. He was wearing a dark brown robe with a huge cross dangling from a rope belt, and sandals. That was the habit all the monks wore inside the monastery, and Jenn had no idea how they could keep their feet from freezing.

”Welcome,” Father Wadim said to Jenn's mother and Sade. Still dressed for the severe weather, Sade stood pa.s.sively by, watching. The chants rose and fell around them, and Jenn's throat constricted. She wanted her mother to be somewhere else. To be safe. Not to know about a world where holy men prayed to make vampires good.

”Okay, sweetie, let's get you settled in,” Jenn's mother said to Sade. She brushed an errant tendril of hair away from Sade's forehead. Sade didn't so much as blink.

Jenn's mom turned to Father Wadim. ”If you could show us to our room?”

”I thought maybe you could stay with me, Mom,” Jenn said. ”And Sade, of course. It's hard to heat the monastery, so we're doubling up. When Gramma, Jamie, and Skye get here-”

”If,” her mother corrected her, and she turned her back on Jenn.

Father Juan and Gramma Esther arrived next. Jenn flew into her grandmother's arms. Jenn could tell that Esther sensed that things were not right, but Esther didn't ask, just hugged her back tightly. Wiping away a tear, Jenn turned to face Father Juan.

”I've still had no word from Noah,” Father Juan said, his eyes troubled.

She took the words like a body blow. ”There's something I have to tell you,” Jenn said. Her ears roared with the pounding sound of her pulse. She felt very cold, very frightened, very alone. ”It's about Antonio.”

His deep-set eyes softened with pity as he took one of her hands in both of his. She was so numb she couldn't feel his skin against hers.

”I already know, Jenn,” he said. ”Father Wadim met us halfway down the mountain and told me all about it. He described the cell to me. I'm going down now to talk to Antonio. He doesn't want to see me. He doesn't want to see anyone, but he must.”

She took a breath. ”Maybe I should go with you.”

Father Juan shook his head. ”You're the last person on this earth he should see.”

I used to be the first, she thought, anguished.

After Father Juan left her, she staggered into the chapel, sat in a pew, and laid her forehead on her hands as she clung to the weathered, dark wood. She cried all the tears she'd kept in for so long. Her eyes pressed against her knuckles, she cried until her stomach hurt and her head throbbed and her back ached. She was aware of people entering the chapel, leaving. Of someone stroking her hair, bending over to kiss the top of her head. She yearned for it to be Antonio, then recoiled from the thought. And then she cried some more.

When she woke, she was in a bedroom on a simple cot with a plain brown blanket pulled up to her chin. Sunlight streamed in through a window. She stared into it, thinking of vampires who might one day walk in daylight. Her throat ached, and she thought of Antonio down in his prison.

She forced herself to get up. She was still wearing her turtleneck sweater and jeans, but the bandage was in place.

In the dining room she found Father Juan talking quietly with Esther and Holgar. The incessant chanting seemed like familiar background noise. Jenn walked in, acknowledging everyone with a nod of her head as she covered a yawn.

”h.e.l.lo, Jenny,” her grandmother said as Jenn kissed her cheek.

”What's going on?” she asked, wondering if Father Juan had been the one to carry her out of the chapel.

”Did you sleep well?” Holgar asked her. So he had tucked her in.

She nodded. ”Thanks,” she said, and he flashed her a quizzical smile.

”For what?” he asked.

”We've been discussing the elixir,” Father Juan interrupted. ”The Tears of Christ are essential. I've added cinnamon and cloves to boost strength and suppress pain, and we have everything we need to make the elixir-except that I need more Transit of Venus.”

She blinked. ”More what?”

”That's exactly what I said,” Holgar said. ”Except in Danish.”

Father Juan acknowledged Holgar's little joke with another gentle smile. Gramma Esther stayed quiet, giving Father Juan her full attention.

”Jamie heard rumors that witches were stockpiling a spell-strengthening herb somewhere in England. I think it might be the Transit. It's a very rare herb, and the secret to its effectiveness is the spell you must cast as you pick it. I don't know if they'll have a chance to acquire any on their way here,” Father Juan added. ”There was none at Stonehenge.”

”Can Skye cast the spell if she does find it?” Jenn asked. ”Does she know how?”

”Si. She and I discussed it on the phone,” Father Juan replied. ”She believes that the Transit, or a close cousin, may also be found deep in these mountains.”

”These mountains? Here? No way,” Jenn blurted, excited.