64 Nothing Papa Cosmetic Surgeon could not correc (1/2)

Showtime Thoko 37290K 2022-07-22

The dull sound of the gong sounded loudly in the cathedral.

The fine hairs in Laila's ear vibrated, an unpleasant tickling.

She straightened her shoulders and stepped through the low door into the cathedral.

The air stank of hot wax from the burning candles.

On the altar lay a figure covered entirely with a blood-red cloth.

The cloth was littered with intricate 6s—Symbolia.

Laila saw the cloth rise and fall evenly.

Tamara breathed, she was alive.

Lola and Atibor flanked the altar and looked at her.

Laila glanced over the assembled Symbolia disciples.

Only a few members had been allowed to attend the ceremony.

She suspected that those present were either particularly wealthy or had a strategic position in the community.

There were about 10 men and women.

Including the doctor who gave Laila the pregnancy test.

There were black and red Symbolia cloths all over the room.

They hung in long lanes from the ceiling.

With luck, Laila could light her with one of the numerous candles and make the men and women flee.

Then all she had to do was turn off Atibor, Lola and her child's father.

Laila's eyes searched the interior of the cathedral for him.

He was nowhere to be seen.

His huge figure Laila would have noticed even without the ram mask.

Atibor and Lola grabbed the cloth and drew it from the altar.

Tamara lay naked on the black stone.

Her pale skin shimmered from the dark background.

Tamara's hair was wet on her forehead.

There was sheer horror in her big, brown eyes.

Her breathing was fast, as if she had a tremendous body effort behind her.

Lola and Atibor carried bowls of smoking liquid to the semi-circle men and women.

They started the ritual.

Laila took the opportunity.

Everyone stared eagerly at Lola and Atibor and the bowls in their hands, nobody paid any attention to her.

She quickly stepped to Tamara and leaned over her.

Tamara's shocked look turned into naked panic.

Loudly, she began to shriek.

Everyone looked over at them.

Laila swore and pressed her hand to Tamara's mouth.

She had completely forgotten what a frightening sight she had to offer, with her horns and predator's eyes.

Quietly, she hissed at Tamara. ”Nothing will happen to you, you are under my protection.”

Tamara did not know if she understood, the girl was unconscious.

Laila withdrew her hand from Tamara's lips.

Atibor and Lola kept their faces above the smouldering liquid of the shell.

With a glazed look, Lola nodded to Laila.

Laila's lips tightened and he slashed three inches into the soft skin of Tamara's left breast.

”Draw her over the heart” Lola had instructed her.

Small drops of blood spilled out from the superficial cuts.

Nothing Papa Cosmetic Surgeon could not correct, if necessary.

A moan wafted through the cathedral, and the Symbolia disciples fell over each other greedily.

Laila looked at the ecstatic activity.

A favourable moment.

Laila stepped aside and held the corner of a black cloth against the flame of a candle.

There was a crackle as the white-yellow flame licked the dark fabric.

She quickly stepped back to the altar.

Fascinated, she watched as the flames grew bigger and bigger.

Within seconds, acrid smoke poured through the small cathedral.

Laila's eyes and lungs burned.

The first women began to cough.

Panic quickly spread when the flames were discovered.

The men and women broke away from each other and ran towards the exit.

Lola and Atibor looked at Laila.

Lola's face was masked like a mask.

”YOU” screamed with fervent hatred and rushed to her.

Atibor looked hurriedly between her and the flames.

Laila glided smoothly past the altar and moved preposterously toward Lola.

Let's see if Brutus's hard training paid off.

Lola ran toward them with clawed fingers.

Her red hair was standing upright.

Laila tightened the handles of the sickle daggers.

The curved blades lay close to her forearms.

She dived under Lola's claw grip and pulled the crossed blades over her stomach.

Astonished, Lola looked at the gaping wounds.

Her mouth had formed into a surprised 'Oh'.

Lola's blood moistened Laila's body and dripped lazily from the sparkling blades.

”Miserable slut” screamed Laila and turned her shoulder inside.

This time she alternately sank the curved blades in Lola's flesh.

Laila took a step back and examined her work.

Brutus would be proud of her.