58 in the middle (1/2)
When Laila turned into the Hollow Valley car park, she had not been bothered by any laughter since meeting the hare.
A good sign.
Amazed, Laila saw that many vehicles had already been parked in the parking lot.
She parked in a vacant space and slowly got out of the Porsche.
The parking lot was not lit and was on the edge of a dense forest.
Laila could not make out lights far and wide.
She stepped to the rear of the Porsche and leaned against the bumper.
From her coat pocket, she pulled another pack of cigarettes and lit the glow stick.
No human, except her.
Where would the others be?
Where was Atibor?
It could not be too late.
Atibor had written 23:00 clock on the slip.
She had turned into the parking lot at 10:40 pm.
Two headlights divided the darkness and blinded Laila.
She shielded her eyes with one hand.
The car stopped in the middle of the parking lot.
The passenger door flew open and a figure got out.
The car sat back with screeching tires and glided elegantly into a parking space.
The figure approaching them was illuminated by the flashing headlights of the parked car.
She distinguished herself as a shadow outline before Laila.
The graceful passage could only belong to one woman.
The figure was only a few meters away from Laila .
Laila recognised the redhead that Atibor had passionately kissed in the bar.
As a precaution, Laila turned on nonsense and was surprised when the redhead spoke to her kindly.
” Atibor has announced you, would you please take off your coat, I need to make sure that you are absolutely clean. ”
Laila crossed his arms in disapproval of his chest. ”I beg your pardon?”
”No weapons, no bugs, ...” She shrugged. ”... we have to be careful.”
Almost apologetically, she added, ”Nobody has been invited so quickly to a secret meeting, and Atibor says the devil sent you personally.”
She looked at Laila expectantly.
Laila thought that Atibor was not so wrong with his assessment.
Reluctantly, she opened her coat and laid it on the back of the Porsche.
The redhead looked intently at Sam's naked body.
”You're beautiful, my name is Lola.”
”I am Linda.”
”Fine, Linda, I'll touch you now, if you're nice, we'll finish quickly and join the others.”
”Where are the others? Where is Atibor?”
”Later, first I have to be sure.”
Laila spread her arms and stood with legs apart.
Lola began to feel her body.
She stroked her hands over every inch of her bare skin.
They slid from her shoulders over her breasts down to her hips.
”You have a fragrant scent.”
Laila was silent.
”Turn around please.”
Laila obeyed and drew in a sharp breath as Lola's fingers grabbed her from behind her legs and slid up through her buttocks.
”Sorry, but we've seen the most unlikely things here, you're clean, let's go.”
Laila grabbed her coat.
”Leave him here.” Lola took off her coat and put it over the Porsche as well.
Laila followed Lola down a narrow path.
They were slow in the dark.
Her soles hurt.
The floor was covered with branch pieces and small stones.
Lola did not seem to mind.
Grimly Laila thought that she had probably gone this way a number of times and her soles were covered with a thick horny layer.
”Hey, how far is it?” Lola looked around for the stumbling Laila .
She gestured with her arm along the way.
”We'll be right there, is it still possible, I promise you, the effort will be worth it.”
”What's going on in front?”
Lola looked at her with a smile. ”Your consecration.”
”My what ...?”
Lola rolled her eyes annoyed. ”Your consecration, or do you not want to become a member of our community?”
”For that I should know what you are for a community.” Laila snapped.
Lola continued on her way. ”We look after each other, spend a lot of time on our farm ...”
Laila listened to a farm? Maybe the place where Tamara was imprisoned?
”Do you live there like the Amish people?”
Lola's laughter drifted through the night like a bell.
”No, we appreciate the comforts of the modern world, we meditate a lot and try to reach a higher level, so that, like our guide, we can communicate with the devil.”
”You believe in the devil? Sounds crazy.”
”By no means, all signs indicate that he will soon take his rightful place in the universe.”