54 you look forbidden (1/1)

Showtime Thoko 27120K 2022-07-22

The link appeared in the chat window. Sam looked around uneasily. Benedict had set the camera so that enough background could be seen to give the viewer the impression of prosperity. She looked down at herself. Crap, a Gray sweatpants and a white tank top were hardly the right lift to meet Mephisto. Again she typed ”moment”. The keyboard flew to the side and Sam hurried to her bedroom. Hastily she began to undress.

She opened the laundry chest and chose a blood-red underwear combination. A lace-trimmed thong with matching bra, which brought her full breasts advantage advantage. From the cupboard she tore the white, slightly transparent dressing gown. On the way to the living room, she closed the coat with her belt and checked the fit of her neckline. Open, but not too much. She stood in front of the screen. ”Exciting” was there. Sam frowned, how could you sit sexy on a couch? With the keyboard on his lap - that was probably bad. She turned the screen toward the cream-coloured leather chair, the huge windows beyond showing only the starless night.

She sat down on the chair and swung both legs over the back. Sam draped the dressing gown so that her long legs looked good. She put the keyboard on her thighs. Before she clicked on the link, she checked her stance again. In the long run, she would get a stiff neck, but it would work. She activated the link. No reaction from Mephisto. Sam typed ”Satisfied?” She waited. The man looked amused as his lips moved. ”Great view” ”You're welcome?” ”Beautiful window” ”What?” ”Big window” Shit, apparently Sam had adjusted the angle of the top-mounted camera when turning the screen. The thing was pretty sensitive. She stepped in front of the screen and pushed the round case down a little. Suddenly a voice sounded from the built-in speaker.

”Wait, that's right.” Sam looked at the camera's position and then at her neckline. She grinned and retreated to the chair. ”Lecher” ”Lust is good” ”Typical man” ”I'm not a typical man” Sam continued to strive for a friendly expression and thought, ”I believe you to the word”. With difficulty she tapped ”What are you then?” ”Do not you have a headset?” ”But” ”Put it on and activate the software, I'll tell you how to do it.”

Sam followed his precise instructions and relieved the keyboard. ”Better?” Mephisto wanted to know. ”Much better, I'm a lousy secretary.” ”But a very attractive one.” ”Thank you” ”Matching name” Yes, he's the best way to express my two sides. ” ”You have the face and the hair of an angel, but the body of a devil.” In mock horror Sam looked at her feet. ”I do not have a horse's foot.” The man laughed. A full, deep noise.

”What's your real name, devil angel?” ”Belinda, my friends call me Linda.” ”Do you like danger, Linda?” ”I love everything that makes my nerves vibrate.” ”So Linda, what are you doing tomorrow night?” ”I'm sitting in front of my screen and boring myself to death.” ”Does not sound very vibrant.” ”Maybe if I switch to vibration alert?” The man smiled. ”Maybe I have a good alternative program on offer.”

”I am listening.” Sam sat up attentively. ”Do you know the local 'Zur Weihe'” ”No” ”I'll send you the directions.” 11 pm, be punctual. ” ”What's up?” ”Let's see if I make your nerves vibrate.” ”What should I wear?” The man on the screen looked thoughtfully into the camera. ”The place is small and mostly overcrowded, it's hot there, do not dress too warm, see you.” The words still echoed in Sam's ear when the left half of her screen was already black. Stunned, she stared at the chat window. ”I am happy” stood there. Then came the hint that Mephisto had logged off. Sam took the ring binder to help and activated the firewall before turning off the PC. Tomorrow she would proudly present her success to Benedict and Anita.

In Sam's bedroom there was a hell of a mess. Clothes were scattered everywhere. There was no open space on the floor and the bed was strewn with trousers, blouses, shirts and linen. Sam turned to examine the large mirror, which was over two feet tall and surrounded by a massive gold-blue frame. She wore her hair open, just light makeup, and had her eyes expressively accented with dark hues. Her outfit consisted of an ensemble in the finest black suede. The top was tied in the neck and back. The little cloth hardly covered Sam's breasts, the back was free.

The top ended about a hand wide over the waistband of tight pants, which was held together from hip to ankle on both sides with two crossed ribbons. Between the tapes was Sam's bare skin. Sam wore high-heeled suede boots with a platinum heel. A sexy outfit that only a wealthy woman could afford. The only jewellery Sam wore was a pentagram of platinum with rare black diamond fragments embedded in its corners.

The pendant was held by a black leather strap, which snuggled close to Sam's neck. Anita must have spent a fortune on these things. Sam still was not sure she really understood the size of her cash resources. Sam had looked horrified at the price tag of the black silk string and declared Anita mad. This had only shrugged and had burst into laughter when Sam completely dismayed ”It's for the ass.” whispered.

Sam stalked unsteadily down the stairs on her stiletto. She did not feel well on the things. She stepped through the door onto the terrace and looked doubtfully behind her. She expected to punch holes in the ground wherever she went. Anita and Benedict flanked the door. Benedict looked at Sam and said lamely, ”You look forbidden.” Anita jumped ecstatically on the spot and waved Sam with a key. Fantastic .. Fantastic .. Here, our gloomy Cinderella needs a decent driving pedestal. ” She looked at the gravel driveway.

In the soft glow of the exterior lighting stood a dark red Porsche Boxter Cabriolet with a cream-coloured interior. Sam looked back and forth between Anita and the car with her mouth open. Anita threw her the key and flew into Sam's arms. She squeezed her hard. ”I'll be back as soon as I can, you have a $ 250,000 account that you can freely dispose of, and if you need more, you'll need to let Benedict know by phone, and he'll arrange everything else.” Sam returned Anita's hug. ”I thank you.”

”You'll find everything in the glove box, so we've added a double bottom so we do not accidentally throw a look at it, there's a tiny button at the top, push it, and the bottom of the glove box slides to the side.” Anita sighed. ”Bring Tamara back and finish the bastard, oh yeah, please drive carefully, if you do not mind, this is a rental car.” Sam looked at Anita. ”Showtime”