Chapter 46 (1/2)
Experiencing something for the first time would always be a special moment.
How should Seol Ji-Hu go about explaining this sensation of traveling to Paradise? Just like sinking into the depths of the ocean, it felt like his entire body had become heavy and sluggish.
Seol Ji-Hu quietly closed his eyes. And shortly afterwards, he felt his body emerging out into the open air. When he opened his eyes, the transfer gate from the temple was behind him, still emitting that mysterious light.
”You're finally here.” (Kim Hahn-Nah)
He also saw Kim Hahn-Nah waiting for him.
And so, he had returned to the Lost Paradise. This would be his second time entering this world.
Seol Ji-Hu presented his slip to the counter and received a key in return. He quickly made his way to the storage to retrieve his gear. He confirmed that the gold ‘8' changed to silver, returned the key, and exited from the temple.
Kim Hahn-Nah was waiting for him by the entrance, and when she saw him, she opened her mouth to speak.
”Did you check everything?” (Kim Hahn-Nah)
”Well, in that case….” (Kim Hahn-Nah)
Fuwoo…. She suddenly let out a long sigh and formed a deeply wistful expression.
”But, it's not too late, you know?” (Kim Hahn-Nah)
He was about to ask her what she was talking about, but then, she silently signaled him with her eyes. It was only for a brief moment, but he didn't miss her eyes drifting to her right.
”Mm. Well, honestly, I just want to enjoy myself and relax for a little while longer.” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”In that case, there's not much I can do, I guess. But, please do give me a call when you change your mind, okay? Sinyoung's doors will always remain open for you.” (Kim Hahn-Nah)
Kim Hahn-Nah presented him with an ivory-coloured bag. It contained supplies that she had prepared for him under her own name.
It was far inferior compared to what Sinyoung was offering, but then again, it was still better than nothing. Also, it was a bit much for a level 1 like himself to receive them, too. So, Seol Ji-Hu gratefully accepted the supplies.
”Will it be fine if I don't accompany you?” (Kim Hahn-Nah)
”No, it'll be fine. I know you're really busy, anyways.” (Seo Ji-Hu)
”Then, how about only until the South gate?” (Kim Hahn-Nah)
”I said, I'm fine.” (Seol Ji-Hu)
A woman persistently sticking to the clearly irritated man - of course, they were putting on an act for others to see. When she was in the Paradise, Kim Hahn-Nah had to be seen as loyal to Sinyoung.
‘Seriously. I have to do some weird things, don't I?' (Seol Ji-Hu)
They shared short farewells and went their separate ways. They had already discussed about everything he needed to know back on Earth, and also, he was aware of how busy Kim Hahn-Nah was, too.
He wasn't a little kid anymore, so he didn't want to waste her valuable time with unimportant stuff.
‘So, this is Scheherazade….' (Seol Ji-Hu)
The uniform rows of earth-coloured stone buildings, clean and well-maintained avenues, and finally, throngs of people going about their daily lives wherever he looked; as befitting the capital of a kingdom, this place was overflowing with vitality. He found it hard to believe that there was a war going on somewhere just from the mood of this place.
Also, many fantastical structures such as castles, towers, and military barracks that couldn't be seen on modern Earth caught his curious gaze.
What would the shops sell here? What about the blacksmiths? There were other temples around here, too. He was so, so curious about many things.
If it were up to him, then he'd spend at least a day or so to sightsee what this city had to offer, but Seol Ji-Hu first had to resolve this urgent problem called ”leave this place as soon as possible.”
Scheherazade was the most prosperous city within the territory controlled by humans, and indeed, Sinyoung's headquarters was also located here. In other words, this city was their backyard.
Seol Ji-Hu couldn't help but feel a bit aggrieved by the fact that he had to leave this perfectly-fine city behind and go somewhere else, as if he was being chased away. But, what could he do? Sinyoung was obsessively observing every move he made. If he didn't want to become their puppet, then he had to go to a place where their influence didn't reach.
He walked while looking around and eventually arrived at the South gate.
There was a huge open stone gate, and next to it, stables and horse-pulled carriages….
‘…Can you even call those carriages?!'
Seol Ji-Hu blinked his eyes in dumbfoundedness.
Unless one had no money, it was this world's common knowledge to utilise the services of carriages when moving from one city to another. But well, he couldn't help but panic a bit after spotting rows upon rows of worn out, rickety wooden carts parked there, instead of the covered coach he rode in when he left the Neutral Zone.
Out of all these, carriages with flaps on either sides to block out some of the elements looked a bit better than the most. Seol Ji-Hu stood there, wondering what he should do next, before cautiously walking over to a man lying on a stack of hay while chewing on a gra.s.s stalk near one such ‘carriage'.
”h.e.l.lo, there.” (Seol Ji-Hu)
The man was staring at the heavens with a bored expression, but as soon as a shadow loomed over him, raised his upper body right away. He was a local, with bronze-coloured skin, a mustache, and somewhat dishevelled hair.
The number of the Paradise's original residents had decreased considerably ever since the war broke out, but still, there were quite a few that had survived. With the exception of those who directly partic.i.p.ated in the military affairs, most of the residents who had lost their homes carried on living while getting involved in the Earthling's activities, such as farming or operating various shops, etc, etc.
For instance, this man here - after evacuating to Scheherazade, he switched his job to a wagoneer to make his ends meet.
”You an Earthling?”
”Pardon? Ah, yes, I am.” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”Where do you want to go?”
”To the city of Haramark, if possible.” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”Haramark, you say?”
The previously-disinterested expression of the man crumpled in an instant.
”No good, then. I only go as far as to Zahrah.”
”Uhm…. Why?” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”Because, it's uncertain, that's why. You don't often hear the news of an attack taking place on the road to Zahrah, but to Haramark….”
The man slowly shook his head and his large hair, and then….
”Anyways, you say you want to go to Haramark, huh?”
”That's correct.” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”In that case, wait for a bit. Oi~ii! Maktan!”
As soon as this guy raised his hand and shouted out, a bald man sitting a bit of distance away from them turned his head around. And Seol Ji-Hu began despairing in his heart right away. Because, the bald guy was the driver of a wooden wagon that looked like it was designed to ferry goods.
”Why are you calling me? I'm about to set off.” (Maktan)
”You have a spot left?”
”There will always be a spot left.” (Maktan)
”Very good. This fella here, he wishes to go to Haramark.”
The man named Maktan showed some irritation as he walked closer, before he started studying Seol Ji-Hu.
”You must be an Earthling.” (Maktan)
”Of course he is. Can't you see that? You really need to ask?”
”Shut your piehole, man. I heard you ask the same question earlier on, okay?” (Maktan)
Maktan's tone was curt, causing the man with the unkempt hair to chuckle out in embarra.s.sment.
”I'll calculate your fee separately, okay? 30 copper coins to Zahrah, but if it's to Haramark, then 300 copper coins up front.” (Maktan)
The price jumped by ten times in a single breath. Of course, Seol Ji-Hu immediately realised that price included the compensation for the danger to Maktan's life, as well.
Maktan continued to study the Earthling youth in front of him before adding a few more words.
”Hmm…. But, if you're willing to work as a mercenary, then I'll halve your fee to Haramark.” (Maktan)
”A mercenary, is it?” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”To guard the wagon, man. As a guard. I know many safe paths to that city, but two, three times out of ten, I always end up getting attacked, you see!” (Maktan)
Seol Ji-Hu understood then. He nodded his head and loosened the mouth of his bag. If there was an attack, he'd not be able to stand still and watch, anyways. In that case, might as well make it cheaper for himself.
Currency of this world was also included among the list of things Kim Hahn-Nah was supporting him with. When he opened the money purse, a handful of coins emitting silver l.u.s.ter revealed themselves.
‘She said there are 100 silver coins, didn't she?' (Seol Ji-Hu)
The basic currency in circulation of the Paradise was the copper coins and then, nickel coins. 100 copper coins got you a single nickel coin.
Above that, there were the silver coins. A single silver coin was worth 1000 copper coins. Or, ten nickel coins.
And then, you got white silver coins, gold coins, and even platinum coins, but those things were matters still very far away for him right now.
When Seol Ji-Hu handed over a silver coin, Maktan's eyes became super large in an instant. While giving Seol the change of 8 nickel coins and 20 copper coins, he raised his head up and looked at the sky. The sun was about to touch the middle of the heavens.
”If I push hard, we might reach Zahrah before the end of the day.” (Maktan)
”What about from Zahrah to Haramark?” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”If everything's smooth and trouble-free during the trip, two days. If we're unlucky, be prepared to spend four nights outside.” (Maktan)
”Four days….” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”Let's get going. I was going to set off right away.” (Maktan)
Maktan lightly pushed the back of Seol Ji-Hu.
”By the way, it hasn't been that long since you got here, right?” (Maktan)
”What gave you that idea?” (Seol Ji-Hu)
”There ain't a lot of Earthlings who reply to us politely like you, you see.” (Maktan)
Maktan sheepishly scratched his philtrum for a bit, before lightly slapping Seol on the shoulder.
‘….Who'd have thought it's this bad?' (Seol Ji-Hu)
Seol Ji-Hu carefully climbed up to the back of the carriage, no, the wooden wagon. There were wooden benches on either side of the wagon, but they were only barely enough to lean his back against.
However, his heart was still pounding really fast.
‘I'm really nervous, aren't I.' (Seol Ji-Hu)
The story might have been different if he was doing this right after he left the Neutral Zone. But now that he went to Earth and came back, he found it harder to come to grips with the reality of the situation where he was using a horse-drawn wagon to travel to another city.
Should he say he was getting rather nervous?
‘It's like some kind of a lie, isn't it?' (Seol Ji-Hu)
However, it also didn't feel so bad, either. Well, at the least, he was feeling more comfortable being here, compared to when he was on Earth.
Shortly afterwards….
Along with Maktan's loud shout, Seol Ji-Hu's body tilted to the side as the wagon pulled away.
Seol slowly grasped the railing and quietly stared at the city of Scheherazade as it grew smaller in his view.
Haramark was a city located towards the South of the human's territory.
There were two reasons why Seol Ji-Hu chose this city as his destination.
Firstly, it was the only city where Sinyoung's reach didn't extend to, and secondly, Earthlings were allowed free rein in this place, which was quite unlike any other regions.
Of course, if there were good points, then there were bound to be bad ones, too.
One of them was the security of this place, which was so bad that Haramark had earned the nickname of the City of Crime.
A royal family also existed in this city, and they at least tried to enforce some sort of rules, but the truth was, they had pretty much stopped interfering with the Earthlings' affairs a long time ago. It couldn't be helped, since all those organisations who partic.i.p.ated in the rebellion had been forced to re-allocate their headquarters to this city.
The other bad point was that this city was very close to the frontlines. Sure, warfare and the Earthlings went hand in hand, but Seol Ji-Hu was only a level 1.
The reason why he was still going there, though… Well, technically speaking, the Haramark Castle was not located near the border regions.
As far as security was concerned, everywhere was pretty much the same, with the exception of Scheherazade. And because of the warfare raging on between the humans and the alliance of the extraterrestrial beings and other species, he figured that the most powerful humans wouldn't have the time to pay attention to this place and its ongoings.
Kim Hahn-Nah thought for a while regarding this matter, before agreeing to let Seol go to Haramark on the condition that he'd not travel further South.
And so, he entrusted his wellbeing to the rickety wooden cart with a heart full of expectations and hope, but around the two-hour mark, his b.u.t.t started to ache.