Chapter 32 (1/2)
The gist of Odelette Delphine's offer was just as Seol suspected: she wanted him to join her team.
Judging from her description, he thought that the composition of the team itself seemed to be well thought out.
Hao Win was the Warrior of the group, Leorda and Tong Chai were the Archers, Delphine was the Sorcerer, and the last person Seol wasn't familiar with, acted as the Priest.
Considering that missions rated ‘Hard' and ‘Very Hard' had the cap of six partic.i.p.ants max, it was as if they had deliberately left the final spot for Seol.
If things remained the same as before, Seol wouldn't even hesitate to say yes. Not only did this team feature two people Kim Hahn-Nah mentioned he should get friendly with, Seol himself was sensing that the time had come to find reliable comrades as well.
However, the situation was different now. Seol had to ama.s.s 82,000 points as quickly as possible.
‘I'd be able to earn that much points even if I join this team, but….' (Seol)
Obviously, he didn't want to sacrifice himself unconditionally. He wanted to fix Yun Seo-Rah's arm; he wanted to get himself some proper equipment; he also wanted to buy more Elixirs from the VIP store, too.
In other words, he wanted to have his cake and eat it. Others might call him a greedy fool, but he did not want to give up on any one of his desires.
In the end… he had to decide.
”I'm truly sorry, but…. At the moment, it's difficult for the time being.” (Seol)
There was a way for him to achieve the things he wanted. If Seol monopolised the remaining ‘Hard' missions, he'd be able to earn more than enough points to cover the cost of the Ceremony, and still have some change. With that, he'd get equipment and recruit people to form a team. People might slag him off for this, but this was the best scenario Seol could think of.
Maybe she didn't expect him to refuse her, Delphine looked crestfallen.
”Hmm….” (Hao Win)
Hao Win seemed as if he was not ready to accept Seol's answer just yet.
”I am well aware of how extraordinary you are. I acknowledge your skills, but the difficulty of the ‘Very Hard' missions are nothing to laugh about. You alone will not be enough.” (Hao Win)
”Yes, I know.” (Seol)
”You say you know, yet…. Ahh, is it because you do not like the composition of this team? Or were you planning to form your own?” (Hao Win)
”I haven't thought of forming a team yet. And, to be frank, I quite like the look of this team as well. I wouldn't mind doing missions with you, actually.” (Seol)
”Then, why the refusal?” (Hao Win)
Hao Win gazed at Seol with a questioning pair of eyes. His expression showed how confused he was, and he continued to study Seol for a bit longer, before tilting his head.
”Now that I've taken a proper look, I see that you haven't bought any equipment, beside your spear. I'd imagine you were able to earn a ma.s.sive amount of points by now…. Did you invest them all into your abilities?” (Hao Win)
”No.” (Seol)
Seol shook his head right away. He never planned to buy abilities from the stores, but did want to buy good equipment for himself. The situation got turned on its head before that could happen, though.
”I am even more confused, then. One more thing - if I didn't see incorrectly a moment ago, you were planning to do another Hard mission, were you not?” (Hao Win)
The question was sharp and on point. Just like his stare was.
”You have exhausted one mission completely, but as for the others, you only did them six times each before moving on.” (Hao Win)
”……….” (Seol)
”You could have finished them all, but left them behind in consideration of other survivors. At least, that's what I thought until now.” (Hao Win)
”Mister Win!” (Odelette Delphine)
Delphine glared at Hao Win. Judging from the tone of his voice, she thought that he was trying to pick a fight with Seol.
”Sounds like you are saying that this young man's at fault. If you did indeed mean that, I can not agree.” (Tong Chai)
Tong Chai stood up for Delphine.
”I'm not certainly trying to go against the decisions already taken. But, honestly speaking, I never really understood us also planning to perform each Hard mission six times and move on to the next one. The Neutral Zone is a place of compet.i.tion. Should it not be, ‘first come, first served' when it comes to missions?” (Tong Chai)
”I'm not saying it's his fault. Simply put, I'm having a hard time understanding him.” (Hao Win)
Delphine stared at Hao Win who was waving his hand around in a show of frustration.
The first person to suggest Seol's inclusion to the team might be her, but the one who vigorously championed for it was none other Hao Win.
Her team was indeed the best in the Neutral Zone on paper. However, they still had their share of issues. In short, they lacked offensive power.
For the time being, the team's tactic was to have Hao Win stand in front as the vanguard, while the two Archers kept the enemy movements in check. And, Delphine would sweep them away with her magic from the back. With this tactic, they were exposed to comparatively low risk per mission, although the time it took to clear one was little long.
However, new ‘clear conditions' were added to ‘Very Hard' missions. Simply staying on their backfoot and pa.s.sively defending all the time would not work anymore. New conditions, such as ‘ambush' and ‘occupation', were added to each mission, forcing one to take the initiative and attack.
So, Hao Win argued that they would not be able to complete these missions with the tactic they have been employing until now. He pa.s.sionately argued that they needed this youth's attack power.
So, why was this Hao Win questioning the youth like this?
”If you're a lone wolf type, I will respect that. However, I don't think you're one. You must've gathered a sizeable points tally by now, yet besides the spear, you haven't invested them on anything. It's like, you're only trying to h.o.a.rd them and nothing else.” (Hao Win)
Certainly, from the third person's perspective, Seol's story did sound rather odd when someone pointed out the strange bits like Hao Win had.
Seol let off a soft sigh.
”Just as you said it, I had quite a few Survival Points.” (Seol)
”Had…. A past tense?” (Hao Win)
”I spent most of it in the VIP store. Of course, I left some behind to buy new equipment for myself. Well, I was planning to buy, but then, my situation changed.” (Seol)
”How so…. Something happened?” (Hao Win)
Hao Win's att.i.tude had softened ever so slightly.
”There's a situation, and I need to earn a lot of points as quickly as possible.” (Seol)
Although this wasn't a story he should go around advertising, Seol felt that he owed these people an explanation. So, he told them about Yun Seo-Rah's right arm, as well as Maria's Ceremony that required a large amount of Survival Points.
He hadn't had anyone to share his troubling thoughts with for a while, so when this opportunity presented itself, he ended up pouring out most of what was in his heart.
After listening to Seol's situation, everyone blinked non-stop and stared at him. Especially Hao Win, who looked totally dazed as if someone punched him in the face out of the blue.
”You had that kind of situation….” (Odelette Delphine)
Delphine sounded very sympathetic.
”Mm. I understand your situation. But, is there a reason for you to help that person out in the first place?” (Tong Chai)
Tong Chai asked Seol, sounding slightly confused.
”Unless she was your family member, a sibling, perhaps. But, to spend 82,000 points for someone from the same Area…. That seems a bit too drastic, don't you agree?” (Tong Chai)
Seol scratched his head, unable to answer right away.
He had various reasons. Besides Kim Hahn-Nah requesting him, it was also a chance to test out the Golden Commandment as well. Of course, he also wanted to help her out, too…. In any case, there was no need to tell these people absolutely everything.
”I received her help during the Tutorial, and…. It's hard to say why. I just can't stop thinking about it.” (Seol)
”You can't?” (Tong Chai)
”Yes. It is a bit of shame, too….” (Seol)
Seol muttered out as if he was complaining about something.
”Only if I knew what was going on a little bit sooner, things wouldn't have gotten this worse….” (Seol)
After hearing Seol's whisper, Hao Win's body shuddered ever so slightly. He drew his chin inward and quietly studied Seol for a while. It was as if he was looking at the youth in a new light.
”Who is this person you're trying to help?” (Hao Win)
Hao Win asked him. Compared to before, his voice and softened quite considerably.
”Her name is Miss Yun Seo-Rah….” (Seol)
”Yun Seo-Rah…. Definitely a girl, then?” (Hao Win)
”Yes.” (Seol)
”I see. That was why….” (Hao Win)
Hao Win let off a short groan and finally lowered his legs from the table.
”Oh, by the way, I don't think I've heard your name yet.” (Hao Win)
”Seol…. My name's Seol.”
Hao Win sat up properly and gazed at the darkened complexion of the youth.
”I apologise for my earlier behaviour. Looks like I spoke too prematurely. I thought you didn't really a.s.sociate yourself with anyone…. I had no idea you had that kind of circ.u.mstances. Truly.” (Hao Win)
”No, it's alright. Don't mind it.” (Seol)
”Will you accept my apology?” (Hao Win)
Hao Win suddenly offered his hand. Seol reached out and shook it after being slightly bewildered by this gesture. Hao Win quietly nodded his head, and then, spoke up again.
”I understand.” (Hao Win)
”…Pardon?” (Seol)
”Only if you knew sooner…. The words of lingering attachment. I know how you feel, since I've experienced something similar myself.” (Hao Win)
Hao Win sounded rather lonely, then.
”Please, stop telling us that annoying love story of yours!! Please!” (Odelette Delphine)
”Huh? But, did you not sympathise with me when I told you the story for the first time?” (Hao Win)
”That's for once or twice, you know! If you bring it up again today, it'll be for the seventh time!!” (Odelette Delphine)
Delphine crumpled her expression and covered up her ears.
Seol alternated his gaze between the two, feeling rather pleasantly surprised. He thought their relations.h.i.+p was simply a cooperative one, but it seemed to be a lot more friendlier than expected.
Hao Win licked his lips as if he was unhappy about the missed chance and let go of Seol's hand.
”Listen, friend. How much do you need for that Ceremony?” (Hao Win)
Hao Win asked Seol out of the blue. The youth quickly calculated in his head.
”43,720 points.” (Seol)
”43,720? ….That might be doable.” (Hao Win)
What did he mean by ‘doable'?
Before Seol could ask, Hao Win clapped his hands once and drew the attention to himself.
”Let's see. I know that we've prepared various things to entice this young man into our team…. However, why don't we do it this way?” (Hao Win)
”What way?” (Odelette Delphine)
Delphine asked in curiosity, causing Hao Win to point at the noticeboard.
”First of all, we invite him into our team. Then us six will clear Hard missions.” (Hao Win)
Delphine tilted her head, but still listened. Hao Win may possess an easy-going and pleasant personality, but he was never one to speak without thinking deeply about a subject.
”Except, we hand over our share of rewards to this youth.” (Hao Win)
”What did you say?” (Tong Chai)
”Bullsh*t.” (Leorda Salvatore)
Tong Chai strongly objected. Even Leorda, who had been keeping quiet until now, spat out his opinion in a cold voice.
”If you were planning to do whatever you want, why did you even form a team in the first place?” (Tong Chai)
”What the? Didn't we agree that, in order to attempt ‘Very Hard' missions, we need this youth's ability?” (Hao Win)
”But, you changed the story, did you not?” (Tong Chai)
”Listen to me. My point is this - either we cooperate, or compete.” (Hao Win)
Hao Win then pointed at Seol.
”This friend here, Mister Seol, needs Survival Points for his personal reasons. He will do whatever it takes to earn them. Didn't you see him getting ready to attempt the Hard missions just now?” (Hao Win)
”So, what about it? We can also do those missions, no? All we have to do is recruit another skillful Warrior.” (Tong Chai)
”It's not the matter of skills. As far as the Very Hard missions are concerned, the positions of our team and this youth match up just fine, but for Hard missions, it's a different story altogether.” (Hao Win)
”I can't figure out what you're trying to say here.” (Tong Chai)
”Think about it. Think about how long we need to clear one Hard mission, and then, how long this young man needs to clear one.” (Hao Win)
Tong Chai's expression hardened visibly. Finally, he realised what Hao Win was trying to say.
Everyone here could remember it well. This youth cleared missions at a frightening speed. Not only that, all by himself, no less.
”I'll say this right now. If we fail to pull this young man in now…. How many more times will we be able to complete Hard missions, I wonder?” (Hao Win)
”At a minimum, five times? Ten times, if we're fast enough?” (Hao Win)
”Even if that's true, I feel that we wouldn't be losing out too much still.” (Tong Chai)
”Indeed, we'd be able to still earn some points that way.” (Hao Win)
”There is something you are mistaken about, Hao Win.” (Leorda Salvatore)
Leorda abruptly cut in.
”As you say, if Seol becomes our comrade, it'd be a good thing for us. However, I can not agree with your a.s.sertion that only after he joins our team, we'd be able to attempt Very Hard missions.” (Leorda Salvatore)
”That's the same story for this friend, too.” (Hao Win)
Hao Win didn't even flinch as he lightly rebuffed the argument.
”Indeed, there is no doubt that our team is the best in the Neutral Zone. However, this friend here is the top survivor in the Zone. He is unmatched. Unrivalled. You think he won't be able to form his own team? Or you think no team out there will welcome him with open arms?” (Hao Win)
If their team failed to pull Seol in, then later on, they would have to compete against him or his team. Since Seol regained his fame and prestige a few days ago through his unbelievable actions, it'd be a lie to say they weren't feeling the pressure.
”So, the conclusion is this. 43,720 points? Let's think of it as contract signing fee. If we divide the cost among ourselves, it's what, around 8,700 per person? That much, we will be able to recoup very quickly as soon as we start doing the Very Hard missions.” (Hao Win)
What Hao Win was arguing for was to recruit Seol to their team and avoid potentially having to compete with another strong team later down the line.
”Think about it carefully. Just completing one Very Hard mission with 50,000 points nets over 8,000 points for each of us.” (Hao Win)
”Very good.” (Odelette Delphine)
Delphine spoke up with an enthusiastic voice.
”In order to earn bigger profit later, invest now, is that it? I can agree to that. I enjoy compet.i.tion, but for this once, I will instead choose to grab onto this opportunity. This fellow here, I've had my eyes on him for quite some time, you see.” (Odelette Delphine)
”So she says. What about you?” (Hao Win)
Hao Win looked at Tong Chai, and the latter man slowly closed his eyes. Leorda did the same as well. Since the team's leader had spoken, it was the same thing as the scale having tilted to one way already.
”Oh, and about the contract fee we were planning to give him.” (Hao Win)
As if he hadn't finished yet, Hao Win continued.
”With the exception of our Priest over here, let's lend 2000 points each to Seol. I'm sure you all have that much leeway?” (Hao Win)
”I thought we were finished with discussing the signing fee?” (Odelette Delphine)
Delphine hurriedly spoke up after sensing that Tong Chai was about to blow his top.
”Look, after he goes through that Ceremony or whatever, he will be left with nothing to his name, correct? Don't you think this friend needs to get some proper equipment if he were to attempt Very Hard missions with us?” (Hao Win)
”Even still….” (Odelette Delphine)
”I'm saying, we are lending him, not giving the points away. Besides, Seol will be taking the vanguard position from now on, so can't you extend your favours just a little? By equipping this friend with best armour available, the odds of our survival also increases, no?” (Hao Win)
”Really, you don't know when to quit!” (Tong Chai)
Tong Chai angrily stood up. He then glared at Seol, who was just sitting there with an innocent look on his face.
”No need to say anymore. Show us what you're capable of.” (Tong Chai)
”Excuse me?” (Seol)
”Hao Win over here is a man who will live and die by his principle. That's why he's saying all these things, but I'm different. I understand your situation, but I do not see the reason why I need to go out of my way to accommodate you.” (Tong Chai)
Seol slowly nodded his head.
Actually, even he thought Hao Win's conditions were too good to be true. If he were able to move with a team, he'd be able to avoid being blamed for hogging everything for himself, and better still, he'd be able to monopolise the rewards as well.
On top of this, they wanted to lend him points to buy equipment, too. He was planning to buy equipment sooner or later anyway, so it was difficult to see this as him owing them a debt.
”However, I do understand some parts of Hao Win's arguments. That is why, you should display your skills to us. We have heard all the rumours, but I need to see it with my own two eyes. Convince me that you are worthy of investment.” (Tong Chai)
Tong Chai pa.s.sionately stated his case.
Prove himself?
‘That's easy.' (Seol)
Seol grasped the spear and stood up from his seat. Which caused Tong Chai, who had been glaring at him until now, to flinch and back off.
”H, hold on.” (Tong Chai)
”I didn't mean that you should fight me. No, what I meant was, show me through those.” (Tong Chai)
Tong Chai pointed at the mission noticeboard.
”Oh.” (Seol)
”Keheum. I'll go and bring a mission paper. Prepare yourself in the meantime.” (Tong Chai)
Tong Chai left the lounge.
While waiting for the turban-wearing man, Seol s.h.i.+fted his gaze over to Hao Win, who had a huge smile etched on his face.
”Why?” (Seol)
”Mm?” (Hao Win)
”Why are you going out of your way to help me?” (Seol)
Hao Win played a major role in talks progressing to this point. Seol lacked the ability of eloquent speech, and so, could only marvel at Hao Win's sleek persuasion skills. But at the same time, the youth couldn't understand the reason why. After all, the Chinese man was someone he'd never even talked to prior to this day.
”Well…. I'm apologising for my initial misunderstanding….” (Hao Win)
The end of Hao Win's words trailed off, which was quite unlike him. He then shrugged his shoulders.
”I don't hate guys like you. A man who's willing to brave dangers for the woman he loves! Actually, I wish to cheer you on, you see.” (Hao Win)
Seol nearly spat out the drink he was drinking, right then.
”L, love?!” (Seol)
”Hmm? Am I wrong?” (Hao Win)
”Definitely. I'm not even going out with her.” (Seol)