Chapter 20 (1/2)

Seol found the blonde maid that guided him during the Area 1 Tutorial on the stage. It wasn't only her, though - a total of nine maids all wearing the identical outfit stood there, their hands neatly folded and resting in front of their stomachs.

And a lone figure was sitting in the middle of them all. This figure, a female, wasn't kitted out in a French maid outfit like the rest, which naturally drew everyone's attention towards her. It was unknown whether the lighting was to blame, but the smooth waterfall of hair cascading from her slightly lowered head seemed to have taken on a sanguine hue.

A thick coat hung loosely from her shoulders; her eyes were closed and her arms crossed in front of her chest, as if she was in a state of deep contemplation.

A short while later, all nine maids began clapping their hands in unison.

- Congratulations~ and celebrations~.

- When I tell everyone that you're in love with me~. (TL note at the end)

….They were even breaking into songs, too.

”What are they doing now?”

Someone from the back asked, sounding somewhat flabbergasted. Other people's reactions weren't all that different, either. They were all dumbfounded at this unexpected 'celebration' featuring a singing routine.

Eventually, though - the song came to its natural end. The eyes of the woman sitting in the middle half-opened. She slightly jutted her chin out, and as if she was appraising high-end luxury goods in a store, her eyes slowly swept across those sitting in the audience seats.

The inside of the theatre remained deathly silent. The reactions of those meeting her gaze were similar to one another - either they got nervous and lowered their heads, or sneakily averted their gazes. The sounds of saliva being swallowed could be heard here and there as well.

Her heated gaze that reminded one of a predator surveying its potential prey, caused subtle fear to rise up in the hearts of those meeting it.

Her crossed legs slowly unfurled. And when she elegantly stood up from her chair and walked leisurely towards the front, Seol got rather surprised by how tall she was - she was tall enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with a tall man.

The woman suddenly halted her steps and directed her gaze towards Seol's general direction. Or, to be more specific, towards where the survivors from Area 2 were seated. There, the girl who shared wordless greetings with Seol, was raising her hand up in the air.

”Are you also a Tutorial guide?”

She can still ask a question even under such an atmosphere?, thought Seol. He couldn't help but be impressed, and at the same time, slightly worried. Even he was feeling a certain unexplainable sense of danger from this woman. If he were to put it in words, she reminded him of a wild, untamed beast.

The tall woman didn't reply, simply standing there in utter silence and staring back. While her gaze never wavered, she reached inside the thick coat and fished out a cigarette. The light from flame catching on to the end of her smoke illuminated the darkness just enough for the scar extending from her eye down to her cheek to be highlighted in all of its glory.

If the girl possessed a good sense to pick up on the awkward atmosphere, she'd have lowered her hand already. However, maybe she was either exceedingly brave or simply daring - she threw another question out, instead.

”Or…. What should I call you? Who are you?”

The tall woman's head tilted slightly towards her back. A maid standing two spots to the left of Seol's blonde maid stepped forward.

”Area 2, Odelette Delphine.”

Upon hearing that name, the half-closed eyes of the tall woman opened up fully, and she s.h.i.+fted her gaze back to the girl, Odelette Delphine. Her red lips slowly parted and the thin blue smoke eased out.

”….Just call me Cinzia.”

The girl lowered her hand then.

”What are they talking about until now?” (s.h.i.+n Sahng-Ah)

”That tall lady said that her name is Cinzia. And the person who asked the question must be named Odelette Delphine from Area 2.” (Yi Surl-Ah)

s.h.i.+n Sahng-Ah grumbled softly in a low voice, and Yi Surl-Ah proceeded to whisper back.

”Cinzia? Oth.e.l.lo Delphine? What kind of names are those?!” (s.h.i.+n Sahng-Ah)

”I think Cinzia is an Italian name. And, uhm, it's not Oth.e.l.lo, but Odelette….” (Yi Surl-Ah)

Yi Surl-Ah smiled awkwardly and tried to explain. However….

[The synchronisation will now commence.]

Suddenly, a sharp and grating pain a.s.saulted the brains of everyone sitting in the audience section without warning. Seol was in the midst of concentrating on Yi Surl-Ah's explanations and was caught off-guard. A heavy frown formed on his face as the pain attacked him relentlessly. Whimpers and moans came from pretty much everywhere as people began grasping their own heads.

Thankfully, the a.s.sault didn't last for long.

[The synchronisation has been completed.]

As soon as that announcement was made, the pain washed away as if it was all a lie. Now suddenly freed from the brain-melting pain, the crowd fell into a state of chaotic confusion.

”I guess the synchronisation was delayed somewhat. Oh well, I'm sure you can all understand me now.” (Cinzia)

The tall woman who introduced herself as Cinzia was looking on as if she found this whole affair quite entertaining. She spoke so fluently that even native speakers would've been impressed. At a bare minimum, it sounded like Korean to Seol's ears.

Perhaps finding the stunned silence to her liking, the corners of Cinzia's mouth rose up.

”It sure is much more preferable to filter them out at least once, right? If they started yapping on and on like a bunch of G.o.dd*mn parrots, I'd have been really p*ssed off by now.” (Cinzia)

Her steps rang around loudly as she started walking again.

”As a show of respect for you all not raising a fuss regarding the synchronisation, let me inform you of something important before we start. I don't like beating around the bush. Also, you should have a general idea what this place is by now. So, I'll get straight to the point.” (Cinzia)

Cinzia took a couple more steps forward and spoke up in a low but powerful voice.

”This place is the sanctuary created through the combined powers of the seven deities, called the Neutral Zone.” (Cinzia)

Seol recalled Han's words after hearing that. The butler did wish for Seol to enjoy the kiss of lady luck in the Neutral Zone, didn't he?

”And in this place, all of you shall be given the chance to prove that you are capable of surviving in the Paradise. You've all received your Survival Points, right?” (Cinzia)

Seol's points tally was 21500. Han confidently declared that it was the highest in the written history.

”Long story short, you must increase your points to over 1000. That is the only way to leave this Neutral Zone. Although we've prepared various methods to increase your points tally, we are not going to mind other ways you cook up yourselves. However, you only have one month to do so.” (Cinzia)

A small commotion began rising up. After all, most of them present here heard that, as soon as they cleared the Tutorial, they would be allowed to enter the Paradise. So, this was contrary to what they were promised.

Of course, there were few here that displayed a relaxed demeanor as well - these were the people who got to hear a more in-depth explanation beforehand, so they knew what was going on already.

”If you fail to gather the points in a month's time….” (Cinzia)

”What the f*ck is the meaning of this?”

The loud voice of dissent came from Area 4. A man with imposing physique, and a beard to match, stood up from his seat. Cinzia only spared him a cursory glance, though.

”Hmph…. If you don't want to regurgitate that burrito you shoved down your face before you got here, you'd better sit your a*s back down. I really hate being asked a question in the middle of my speech.” (Cinzia)

The bearded man blinked his eyes in surprise for a few seconds, before his expression crumpled in anger.

”What the f*ck? Watch your mouth, you spaghetti b*tch!”

Cinzia threw her head back in a loud fit of laughter.

”Certainly a barbaric Mexican, ain't ya? You from the Sinaloa, right?” (Cinzia)

”How the f*ck do you know that…?”

”It's obvious. Out of those with the authority to recruit, the only one who can ma.s.s mobilise the bronze Marks are found there, after all.” (Cinzia)

Cinzia's laughter abruptly came to halt and she beckoned with her index finger. The fourth maid from the left stepped forward and handed over a piece of paper to her.

”Let's see. I'm getting curious here if your results match that mouth of yours.” (Cinzia)

Cinzia took a look at the paper, and a mocking smile formed on her lips.

”0 points? What the? Is this real?” (Cinzia)

The maid quietly nodded her head.

”It's not even the red Mark, yet to get 0 as a bronze….” (Cinzia)

Cinzia threw away the paper and coldly looked at the burly Mexican.

”I can't bother to talk to you again. Sit back down, burrito.” (Cinzia)


”Sit the f*ck down, before I find out who invited you and f*ck him up, too.” (Cinzia)

The abrupt change in the tone of her voice was so eerie and terrifying that it roused gooseb.u.mps on all who heard it. The Mexican man shrunk back in an instant and collapsed back down to his seats unsteadily.

”…I think you're all misunderstanding something here.” (Cinzia)

Cinzia continued to smoke without saying anything for while, before sweeping her gaze across the audience seats with eyes belonging to a wild beast.

”The official t.i.tle of this land is the Lost Paradise. THE Lost Paradise. Got that?” (Cinzia)

She emphasized the last part of her words. Specifically, the name.

”Did you all think that because it's called 'Paradise' that you'd get to ride in roller coasters and have a jolly good time? You all better wake up. If I were to compare this place to Earth, then the land you're about to step into is a battlefield full of gunshots and explosions happening every single day. This is a f*cking warzone, where you will be permitted to survive only after your enemies are all dead.” (Cinzia)

She flicked the b.u.t.t of the cigarette away and crossed her arms again.

”However, just because you managed to somehow escape from a weakling monster, you think you got the right to bark at me? Don't you get the meaning behind the Tutorial? Don't f*ck around. You better not fool yourselves into thinking that things you'll encounter in the Lost Paradise is around the same level as what you experienced in the Tutorial.” (Cinzia)

Only now the reality of it must've hit home - the small commotion died down almost immediately.

”That's right. If you get me, then keep your mouths shut, you useless bunch of” (Cinzia)

It was at this moment that a giggle escaped out from Seol's lips. He was seriously concentrating on Cinzia's words, but then, couldn't help himself when she blared out the bit. He realised he had made a mistake right away, and tried to cover his mouth - but, by then, he was the centre of the attention already.

”And you….” (Cinzia)

Before she could say anything, a strange glimmer could be seen in Cinzia's eyes.

”Oh, I see. Indeed, you may find all of this rather… adorable.” (Cinzia)

”But, you should try to understand, please. No matter how careful the selection process was, there will always be some dirt that manage to escape the filtering.” (Cinzia)

Seol was expecting to hear an earful, yet upon hearing her voice that seemingly asked for his understanding, he could only feel confusion.

”Oh well, even such nonsense would come to an end here, anyways.” (Cinzia)

Cinzia s.h.i.+fted her gaze back to Area 4's direction and giggled.

”You are going to go through a lot of hards.h.i.+p, that's for sure. To get to 1000 points from 0, now that ain't going to be a walk in the park, you feel me?” (Cinzia)

Several people began flinching noticeably, then.

”This is the consequence of your own actions. Who told you to get a free pa.s.s through the Tutorial, eh? No one, that's what.” (Cinzia)

Even Yi Surl-Ah's complexion wasn't so good. Her points only amounted to 46.

”Now that we're here, might as well get the awards ceremony done and dusted, too. If there's someone deserving of punishment, then there should be others deserving of rewards, too….” (Cinzia)

Fwooooo…. Cinzia let off a lengthy groan and reached into her inner coat pocket.

”From here on, those with names I call out - stand up. Area 5, Tong Chai?” (Cinzia)

A thin man wearing a white turban stood up.

”You already meet the requirements. If you want, you can enter the Paradise right away.” (Cinzia)

”I choose to remain.” (Tong Chai)

”Then, take this.” (Cinzia)

Cinzia threw something at this Tong Chai. He easily s.n.a.t.c.hed it off the air and asked her, full of curiosity.

”This is?” (Tong Chai)

”What the? A member of the death squad is asking for more info?” (Cinzia)

An unreadable smile formed on Tong Chai's face as he sat back down.

”If you're really curious, then ask your maid standing behind me later. Area 2, Salvatore, Leorda.” (Cinzia)

This time, a man with a salt-and-pepper hair cut in short, sporty style stood up.

Cinzia didn't bother to say anything and simply threw something at his way as well. The unexpectedly-youthful man caught it, bowed slightly, and sat back down on his seat.

”Area 7, Hao, Win.” (Cinzia)

One of the identically-kitted Chinese men, a man with good physique and looking somewhere around in the mid thirties, stood up this time.

”Seeing how you carry yourself, I can easily guess where you're from. So, will you be staying?” (Cinzia)

”That is a foolish question. I will be staying, of course.” (Hao Win)

The man named Hao Win smiled refres.h.i.+ngly.