c5 (1/2)
Cast-off Table - Version: Roulette[edit]
Cast-off Tablethe coames
Before I knew it, half the matches had been completedI didn't even have the ti this
Wearing a childish style of underwear that suited her childish body, (it was patterned with card suits)Aria
Wearing black, silken underwear that sensuously covered her body, which orthy of a Gravure modelshi+rayuki
Wearing underwear of golden satin bordered with frillsRiko Looks like she just has to make her underwear comically weird as well
Wearing white, cotton underwear that felt devoid of personalityReki She was sitting with her knees up, her ar them to herself
The four losers had already stripped
On the other hand, the four survivors were
Having removed her skirt and left her blouse on for so by that point)Fuu her fundoshi+ for all to see Number of clothes left: one
Conversely, having started with her blouseJeanne All that was left was her skirt and its ribbon Number of clothes left: two
Having lost nothing but her socksHiraga She stood there in her uniform, but barefoot Number of clothes left: three
And having survived till this point losing nothing but a jacketMe Number of clothes left: four
(Clear your hts, and even the fires of hell will be pleasantly cold)
I was left unable to even take a deep breath in that rooirls I just repeated a mantra in my mind, ”Calm down, calm down”
And for the second time, I warned myself
I was currently in a state that would not be aroused by women: Hysteria Wiseman Mode
But, this wouldn't hold for more than 12 minutes
And apparently, it wasn't a state that could hold under the breaking point
The wisea fool
In terht, so to speak
Standing in the et turned on!”In the recesses of my heart, I felt the Hysteria blood flow on the brink of pulsating
If this traffic light turns red and the fool inside ly
I have to endure this no matter what
(Calm downI've learned this from my brother before When you wish to calm your heart, count prime numbers Prime numbers are lonely numbers that cannot be wholly divided by numbers besides itself and one They lend e to face reality1, 2, 3, 5, 7)
I started to count, when I suddenly reain that I was on the very, very edge, I spoke out
”What's the next ga!”
I turned les, to face Riko
But Riko shook her head left and right
”Before we decide the next game! It says here in the rulebooka supplementary rule from the 5th match onwards, ”Loser Participation!” I will now explain this rule!”
She opened the self-authored Cast-off Table rulebook
LoserParticipation? What did you say? I don't have time for this!
”What the hell is that? I' to allow it if it's a loser revival round First of all, Cast-off Table is a competition held to determine an excellent Butei Each person has only one life I refuse to call people who ignore this and expect to co excellent Butei! And that's how it should be!”
I was quick to raise an objection
”Whyare you getting so worked up, Kinji?”
Aria shi+ed away from me
C-crap I accidentally got too heated about it
Aria's already suspicious whether or notout of place Soles are broken
”Ah, umahe about?”
Drawing attention away froently
”Since only half of us have survived, the people that've lost don't have anything to do, and it's kinda pitiful, isn't it? It'd be real sad if only the survivors are fighting so heatedly while the bystanders get fed up So the losers are going to participate in each gas up”
Whatever she's talking about, it see to take a while, but