Part 55 (1/2)
”Is Tillie no goin' to bring in the tea? It's past the hour. I see she grows slack, wantin' me to look after her.”
”Ring for it then, Jean. I'm no for leavin' my chair to ring for it.”
So Jean pulled the cord and the tea was brought in due time, with hot scones and the unwonted addition of a bowl of roses to grace the tray.
”The posies are a greetin' to ye, Jean; I ordered them mysel'. Weel?
An' so ye ha'na' found him?”
”Oh, sister, my hairt's heavy an' sair. I canna' thole to tell ye.”
”But ye maun do't, an' the sooner ye tell't the sooner ye'll ha'e it over.”
”He was na' there. Oh, Ellen, Ellen! He'd gone to America! I'm afraid the Elder is right an' Hester has gone home to get her death blow. Why were we so precipitate in lettin' her go?”
”Jean, tell me all aboot it, an' I'll pit my mind to it and help ye think it oot. Don't ye leave oot a thing fra' the time ye left me till the noo.”
Slowly Jean poured her sister's tea and handed it to her. ”Tak' yer scones while they're hot, Ellen. I went to the place whaur he'd been leevin'. I had the direction all right, but whan I called, I found anither man in possession. The man was an Englishman, so I got on vera weel for the speakin'. It's little I could do with they Frenchmen. He was a dirty like man, an' he was daubin' away at a picture whan I opened the door an' walked in. I said to him, 'Whaur's Richard'--no, no, no. I said to him, calling Richard by the name he's been goin' by, I said, 'Whaur's Robert Kater?' He jumped up an' began figitin' aboot the room, settin' me a chair an' the like, an' I asked again, 'Is this the pentin' room o' Robert Kater?' an' he said, 'It was his room, yes.' Then he asked me was I any kin to him, an' I told him, did he think I would come walkin' into his place the like o' that if I was no kin to him? An' then he began tellin' me a string o' talk an' I could na' mak' head nor tail o't, so I asked again, 'If ye're a friend o'
his, wull ye tell me whaur he's gone?' an' then he said it straight oot, 'To Ameriky,' an' it fair broke my hairt.”
For a minute Jean sat and sipped her tea, and wiped the tears from her eyes; then she took up the thread of her story again.
”Then he seemed all at once to bethink himsel' o' something, an' he ran to his coat that was hangin' behind the door on a nail, an' he drew oot a letter fra the pocket, an' here it is.
”'Are ye Robert's Aunt Jean?' he asked, and I tell't him, an', 'Surely,' he said, 'an' I did na' think ye old enough to be his Aunt Jean.' Then he began to excuse himsel' for forgettin' to mail that letter. 'I promised him I would,' he said, 'but ye see, I have na'
been wearin' my best coat since he left, an' that's why. We gave him a banket,' he says, 'an' I wore my best coat to the banket, an' he gave me this an' told me to mail it after he was well away,' an' he says, 'I knew I ought not to put it in this coat pocket, for I'd forget it,'--an' so he ran on; but it was no so good a coat, for the lining was a' torn an' it was gray wi' dust, for I took it an' brushed it an'
mended it mysel' before I left Paris.”
Again Jean paused, and taking out her neatly folded handkerchief wiped away the falling tears, and sipped a moment at her tea in silence.
”Tak' ye a bit o' the scones, Jean. Ye'll no help matters by goin'
wi'oot eatin'. If the lad's done a shamefu' like thing, ye'll no help him by greetin'. He maun fall. Ye've done yer best I doot, although mistakenly to try to keep it fra me.”
”He was sae bonny, Ellen, and that like his mither 'twould melt the hairt oot o' ye to look on him.”
”Ha'e ye no mair to tell me? Surely it never took ye these ten days to find oot what ye ha'e tell't.”
”The man was a kind sort o' a body, an' he took me oot to eat wi' him at a cafy, an' he paid it himsel', but I'm thinkin' his purse was sair empty whan he got through wi' it. I could na' help it. Men are vera masterfu' bodies. I made it up to him though, for I bided a day or twa at the hotel, an' went to the room,--the pentin' room whaur I found him--there was whaur he stayed, for he was keepin' things as they were, he said, for the one who was to come into they things--Robert Kater had left there--ye'll find oot aboot them whan ye read the letter--an' I made it as clean as ye'r han' before I left him. He made a dour face whan he came in an' found me at it, but I'm thinkin' he came to like it after a', for I heard him whustlin' to himsel' as I went down the stair after tellin' him good-by.
”Gin ye had seen the dirt I took oot o' that room, Ellen, ye would a'
held up ye'r two han's in horror. There were crusts an' bones behind the pictures standin' against the wa' that the rats an' mice had been gnawin' there, an' there were bottles on a shelf, old an' empty an'
covered wi' cobwebs an' dust, an' the floor was so thick wi' dirt it had to be sc.r.a.pit, an' what wi' old papers an' rags I had a great basket full taken awa--let be a bundle o' s.h.i.+rts that needed mendin'.
I took the s.h.i.+rts to the hotel, an' there I mended them until they were guid enough to wear, an' sent them back. So there was as guid as the price o' the denner he gave me, an' naethin said. Noo read the letter an' ye'll see why I'm greetin'. Richard's gone to Ameriky to perjure his soul. He says it was to gie himsel' up to the law, but from the letter to Hester it's likely his courage failed him. There's naethin' to mak' o't but that--an' he sae bonny an' sweet, like his mither.”
Jean Craigmile threw her ap.r.o.n over her head and rocked herself back and forth, while Ellen set down her cup and reluctantly opened the letter--many pages, in a long business envelope. She sighed as she took them out.
”It's a waefu' thing how much trouble an' sorrow a man body brings intil the world wi' him. Noo there's Richard, trailin' sorrow after him whaurever he goes.”
”But ye mind it came from Katherine first, marryin' wi' Larry Kildene an' rinnin' awa' wi' him,” replied Jean.
”It was Larry hunt.i.t her oot whaur she had been brought for safety.”
They both sat in silence while Ellen read the letter to the very end.