Part 22 (2/2)
As he stooped over him the young man's fingers caught at his s.h.i.+rt sleeve and pulled him down to listen to his whispered words.
”Pull me out of this--quickly--quickly--there's a--party--down the--mountain--dying of thirst. Is this Higgins' Camp? I--I--tried to get there for--for help.” He panted and could say no more.
The big man whistled softly. ”Thought you'd get to Higgins' Camp?
You're sixty miles out of the way--or more,--twice that, way you've come. You took the wrong trail and you've gone forty miles one way when you should have gone as far on the other. I did it myself once, and never undid it.”
The patient looked hungrily at the tin cup from which he had been taking the broth. ”Can you give me a little more?”
”Yes, drink it all. It won't hurt ye.”
”I've got to get up. They'll die.” He struggled and succeeded in lifting himself to his elbow and with the effort he spoke more strongly. ”May I have another taste of the whisky? I'm coming stronger now. I left them yesterday with all the food--only a bit--and a little water--not enough to keep them alive much longer.
Yesterday--G.o.d help them--was it yesterday--or days ago?”
The older man had a slow, meditative manner of speech as if he had long been in the way of speaking only to himself, unhurried, and at peace. ”It's no use your trying to think that out, young man, and I can't tell you. Nor you won't be able to go for them in a while. No.”
”I must. I must if I die. I don't care if I die--but they--I must go.”
He tried again to raise himself, but fell back. Great drops stood out on his forehead and into his eyes crept a look of horror. ”It's there!” he said, and pointed with his finger.
”What's there, man?”
”The eye. See! It's gone. Never mind, it's gone.” He relaxed, and his face turned gray and his eyes closed for a moment, then he said again, ”I must go to them.”
”You can't go. You're delirious, man.”
Then the stranger's lips twitched and he almost smiled. ”Because I saw it? I saw it watching me. It often is, and it's not delirium. I can go. I am quite myself.”
That half smile on the young man's face was rea.s.suring and appealing.
The big man could not resist it.
”See here, are you enough yourself to take care of yourself, if I leave you and go after them--whoever they are?”
”Yes, oh, yes.”
”Will you be prudent--stay right here, eat very sparingly? Are they back on the plain? If so, there is a long ride ahead of me, but my horse is fresh. If they are not off the trail by which you came, I can reach them.”
”I did not once leave the trail after--there was no other way I could take.”
”Would they likely stay right where you left them?”
”They couldn't move if they tried. Oh, my G.o.d--if I were only myself again!”
”Never waste words wis.h.i.+ng, young man. I'll get them. But you must give me your promise to wait here. Will you be prudent and wait?”
”Yes, yes.”