Part 4 (2/2)
”Yes, dear, anything you like, but hurry. Breakfast is almost ready;”
then to Martha, ”Leave the sweeping, deary, and run down to the spring for the cream.” To her father, Mary explained: ”The little girls are a great help. Betty manages to do for the boys without irritating them.
Now we'll eat while the cakes are hot. Come, Bertrand.”
It was a grave mission and a sorrowful one, that early morning ride to say good-by to those youthful volunteers. The breakfast conversation turned on the subject with subdued intensity. Mary Ballard did not explain herself,--she was too busy serving,--but denounced the war in broad terms as ”unnecessary and iniquitous,” thus eliciting from her husband his usual exclamation, when an aphorism of more than ordinary daring burst from her lips: ”Mary! why, Mary! I'm astonished!”
”Every one regards it from a different point of view,” said his wife, ”and this is my point.” It was conclusive.
Grandfather Clide turned sideways, leaned one elbow on the table in a meditative way he had, and spoke slowly. Betty gazed up at him in wide-eyed attention, while Mary poured the coffee and Martha helped her mother by pa.s.sing the cakes. Bobby sat close to his comfortable grandmother, who seemed to be giving him all her attention, but who heard everything, and was ready to drop a quiet word of significance when applicable.
”If we bring the question down to its primal cause,” said grandfather, ”if we bring it down to its primal cause, Mary is right; for the cause being iniquitous, of course, the war is the same.”
”What is 'primal cause,' grandfather?” asked Betty.
”The thing that began it all,” said grandfather, regarding her quizzically.
”I don't agree with your conclusion,” said Bertrand, pausing to put sirup on Jamie's cakes, after repeated demands therefor. ”If the cause be evil, it follows that to annihilate the cause--wipe it out of existence--must be righteous.”
”In G.o.d's good time,” said grandmother Clide, quietly.
”G.o.d's good time, in my opinion, seems to be when we are forced to a thing.” Grandfather lifted one s.h.a.ggy eyebrow in her direction.
”At any rate, and whatever happens,” said Bertrand, ”the Union must be preserved, a nation, whole and undivided. My father left England for love of its magnificent ideals of government by the people. Here is to be the vast open ground where all nations may come and realize their highest possibilities, and consequently this nation must be held together and developed as a whole in all its resources, and not cut up into small, ineffective, quarrelsome factions. To allow that would mean the ruin of a colossal scheme for universal progress.”
Mary brought her husband's coffee and put it beside his plate, as he was too absorbed to take it, and as she did so placed her hand on his shoulder with gentle pressure and their eyes met for an instant. Then grandfather Clide took up the thread.
”Speaking of your father makes me think of my father, your old grandfather Clide, Mary. He fought with his father in the Revolutionary War when he was a lad no more than Peter Junior's age--or less. He lived through it and came to be a judge of the supreme court of New York, and helped to frame the const.i.tution of that State, too. I used to hear him say, when I was a mere boy,--and he would bring his fist down on the table with an emphasis that made the dishes rattle, for all he averred that he never used gesticulation to aid his oratory,--he used to say,--I remember his words, as if it were but yesterday,--'Slavery is a crime which we, the whole nation, are accountable for, and for which we will be held accountable. If we as a nation will not do away with it by legislation or mutual compact justly, then the Lord will take it into his own hands and wipe it out with blood. He may be patient for a long while, and give us a good chance, but if we wait too long,--it may not be in my day--it may not be in yours,--he will wipe it out with blood!' and here was where he used to make the dishes rattle.”
”Maybe, then, this is the Lord's good time,” said grandmother.
”I believe in preserving the Union at any cost, slavery or no slavery,” said Bertrand.
”The bigger and grander the nation, the more rottenness, if it's rotten at heart. I believe it better--even at the cost of war--to wipe out a national crime,--or let those who want slavery take themselves out of it.”
Betty began to quiver through all her little system of high-strung nerves and sympathies. The talk was growing heated, and she hated to listen to excited arguments; yet she gazed and listened with fascinated attention.
Bertrand looked up at his father-in-law. ”Why, father! why, father!
I'm astonished! I fail to see how permitting one tremendous evil can possibly further any good purpose. To my mind the most tremendous evil that could be perpetrated on this globe--the thing that would do more to set all progress back for hundreds of years, maybe--would be to break up this Union. Here in this country now we are advancing at a pace that covers the centuries of the past in leaps of a hundred years in one. Now cut this land up into little, caviling factions, and where are we? Why, the very motto of the republic would be done away with--'In Union there is strength.' I tell you slavery is a sort of Delilah, and the nation--if it is divided--will be like Sampson with his locks shorn.”
”Well, war is here,” said Mary, ”and we must send off our young men to the shambles, and later on fill up our country with the refuse of Europe in their stead. It will be a terrible blood-letting for both North and South, and it will be the best blood on both sides. I'm as sorry for the mothers down there as I am for ourselves. Did you get the apples, Bertrand? We'd better start, to be there at eight.”
”I put them in the carryall, my dear, Sweet Boughs and Harvest apples.
The boys will have one more taste before they leave.”
”Father, we want to carry some. Put some in the carriage too,” said Martha.
”Yes, father. We want to eat some while we are on the way.”