Part 17 (1/2)

”All right--finish the gaust, and, throwing down the ball, he strode fro-rooms

”Gee, but he's sore!” was Randy's coht to take some of the conceit out of him,” added Andy

The new pitcher was a left-hander who had rather a puzzling delivery, and he ed to retire the side without anythe score stood 7 to 2 in favor of Colby Hall

”Now then, pull yourselves together,” ordered the Longley captain, when his side came up to the bat for the last time

All of those who came to the plate did their best, but Jack was on his h his swollen hand hurt hith and ingenuity which he possessed As a consequence, although he alloo single hits, none of the Longley boys got further than third

”Hurrah! Colby Hall wins!”

And then what a celebration ensued aame and their many supporters!



Such a glorious baseball victory as this could not be passed off lightly by the cadets of Colby Hall They arranged for a grand celebration that night, with bonfires along the river front and a generous collation served in the gymnasium They were allowed to invite a few of their boy friends, and all irls,” said Jack, when they were parting with Ruth and the others

”Never airl

”Yes, and we're extra happy to think that you got the best of that awfully conceited To the boys cut loose to their hearts' content, neither Colonel Colby nor Captain Dale having a mind to stop them

There were only two boys in the school who did not appreciate the celebration One was Stowell, as caught by some of his tormentors and dusted from head to foot with flour, and Leeds, who had been so pessiether toofool's cap was placed on his head and he wason a rail and then dumped unceremoniously into the river

”And don't you dare swim out until you promise after this to believe in Colby Hall and root for her first, last, and all the tiht, I'll pro!” spluttered Leeds

”Only let et out of this” And then he cli ater, made a wild rush for the back entrance to the school

Of course there was a good deal more of horseplay, and it can be surmised that Andy and Randy went in for their full share of it Even Job Plunger was caught by the crowd and hoisted on the top of a barrel which aiting to be placed on one of the bonfires

”Speech, Shout! Speech!” cried Andy gaily

”Tell us what you know about ball playing in the olden tiested Ned Lowe

”You let er, in alarm ”You let me down before this barrel caves in!” and poor Shout, as he was so often called, looked anything but comfortable as he balanced hiot to have a speech, Shout Coet at it”

”What is it you boys want?” demanded the janitor, with his hand over his ear