Part 6 (1/2)

”Ho, you fellows! aren't you up yet?” came from the corridor in the voice of Gif Garrison ”Let ot some important news to tell you”

”Oh, it's only Gif!” murmured the twins in relief

”He said he had important news,” put in Jack ”I wonder what it can be”



One of the doors to the roo open and Gif Garrison strode in, followed by dick Powell Gif held anewspaper in his hand, one which had been delivered to the school only a short while before

”You said you had important news, Gif,” said Jack ”What is it?”

”There is an item here in the newspaper Gif wants to show you,” put in Spouter ”I am sure it will interest every one of us”

”It's not oes,” said Gif ”But it certainly is important--or at least itthat none of us has ever been particularly friendly with Nappy Martell and Slugger Brown”

”What! have you news of those two rascals?” demanded Randy

”Did they run away from that detention camp in the South?” broke in Fred

”They'd be fools to do that,” returned Andy ”The military authorities would round them up in no time It's no easy matter to keep out of the clutches of Uncle Sam if he wants you”

”No, they haven't run away They have siiven their freedom,”

answered Gif ”Here--you can read the news for yourselves”

The ite and located at the bottoes of the newspaper It was dated froave a list of six prisoners who had had another hearing and been given their freedowell Brown, Jr

”Well, they're loose, all right enough,” was Andy's comment, after they had perused the ite is certain, being detained that way by the Govern of that sort against me”

”I suppose they'll have it in for us,” said Randy ”They always loved us a lot--I don't think!”

”Do you iine they would dare show themselves around here?” questioned Fred quickly

”Why not?” queried Spouter

”I don't think they'll come here,” answered Jack ”It's too slow for theot of it the last ti city, where they can have a good tiet hold of”

Gif and Spouter passed on, to carry the news to other cadets who et ready for roll-call and breakfast While they were finishi+ng their dressing they continued to discuss the news

”I was hoping that we had seen and heard the last of Nappy and Slugger,”

said Fred; ”just as I was hoping that we had seen the last of Werner and Glutts”