Part 4 (1/2)

The swift succession of shocks had paralyzed the faculties of most of the people there, but half a dozen moved forward. Among them was a single gray-haired man with an air of accustomed authority. Arthur recognized him as the president of the bank on the ground floor.

”I don't know who you are or if you're right in saying what has happened,” said the gray-haired man. ”But I see something's got to be done, and--well, for the time being I'll take your word for what that is. Later on we'll thrash this matter out.”

Arthur nodded. He bent over and spoke in a low voice to the gray-haired man, who moved away.

”Grayson, Walters, Terhune, Simpson, and Forsythe come here,”

the gray-haired man called at a doorway.

A number of men began to press dazedly toward him. Arthur resumed his harangue.

”You people--those of you who aren't too dazed to think--are remembering there's a restaurant in the building and no need to starve. You're wrong. There are nearly two thousand of us here. That means six thousand meals a day. We've got to have nearly ten tons of food a day, and we've got to have it at once.”

”Hunt?” some one suggested.

”I saw Indians,” some one else shouted. ”Can we trade with them?”

”We can hunt and we can trade with the Indians,” Arthur admitted, ”but we need food by the ton--by the ton, people! The Indians don't store up supplies, and, besides, they're much too scattered to have a surplus for us. But we've got to have food. Now, how many of you know anything about hunting, fis.h.i.+ng, trapping, or any possible way of getting food?”

There were a few hands raised--pitifully few. Arthur saw Estelle's hand up.

”Very well,” he said. ”Those of you who raised your hands then come with me up on the second floor and we'll talk it over.

The rest of you try to conquer your fright, and don't go outside for a while. We've got some things to attend to before it will be quite safe for you to venture out. And keep away from the restaurant. There are armed guards over that food. Before we pa.s.s it out indiscriminately, we'll see to it there's more for to-morrow and the next day.”

He stepped down from the counter and moved toward the stairway. It was not worth while to use the elevator for the ride of only one floor. Estelle managed to join him, and they mounted the steps together.

”Do you think we'll pull through all right?” she asked quietly.

”We've got to!” Arthur told her, setting his chin firmly. ”We've simply got to.”

The gray-haired president of the bank was waiting for them at the top of the stairs.

”My name is Van Deventer,” he said, shaking hands with Arthur, who gave his own name.

”Where shall our emergency council sit?” he asked.

”The bank has a board room right over the safety vault. I dare say we can accommodate everybody there--everybody in the council, anyway.”

Arthur followed into the board-room, and the others trooped in after him.

”I'm just a.s.suming temporary leaders.h.i.+p,” Arthur explained, ”because it's imperative some things be done at once. Later on we can talk about electing officials to direct our activities. Right now we need food. How many of you can shoot?”

About a quarter of the hands were raised. Estelle's was among the number.

”And how many are fishermen?”

A few more went up.

”What do the rest of you do?”

There was a chorus of ”gardener,” ”I have a garden in my yard,”